The message up and down the border is clear: Biden will let you in.

since you cant refute Biden has created Open borders

I don't give a shit what you think our border situation is since you couldn't even get COVID right, and since you had to lie about getting a mail-in ballot to attack the election your guy lost in a landslide.
You don't know that, and someone who lied about getting an unsolicited mail-in ballot can't be relied upon to be truthful about anything else.
do some research you fucking Spammer.
do you even know the criteria for asylum? It's not economics
Data released Wednesday by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, a nonpartisan data research center at Syracuse University, showed federal judges decided 67,406 requests for asylum. Of that number, judges found 46,735 claims were illegitimate and that those asylum-seekers had not suffered or were not in fear of persecution for race,
no COVID testing.

You're the one who says COVID is a hoax, so WTF are you even talking about here?

Unskilled and unable to speak English

Sounds like you.

hurting our unskilled labor

All labor is skilled labor, even propagandists have skill.

even you must understand "supply and demand" - and recreating "catch and release"

Catch and Release worked, and by all means explain "supply and demand" to me in regards to employment because I'm sure -100% sure- you'll fuck it up and end up having to redraw the parameters as soon as I hold it to scrutiny.

You'll say one thing, and then spend the next dozen posts walking it back or redefining what you meant.

Migrant labor has very little to no effect on the supply of labor and demand of labor in our workforce. The jobs migrants work are not jobs Americans will work. And if an unskilled migrant -or anyone- steals your job, then that should tell you that you need better skills.
Yeah, whoever is running this is a POS.
How long until Americans say "Enough is enough!"? It's going to happen, and I feel zero sympathy for the motherfuckers that pushed this shit.
you actually want this chaos

You don't know what I want because you've never asked.

Biden is your man

Yep, and he beat your guy in a landslide because you couldn't control yourself.

Your lack of self-control is why Trump lost.

Biden didn't beat Trump; you lost it for Trump because you couldn't keep your lying mouth shut.
Article is from two days prior, and why exactly is “garbage?”
because Matamoros was CLOSED by the MEXICANS so they could RELEASE them into the USA. do i need to source it?

from your same link:

a growing number of migrants are fleeing crime and poverty in Central America and rushing to the U.S.-Mexico border seeking entry.

"The numbers are growing," says Pastor Hector Silva, who runs a Reynosa migrant shelter, where Mejia and her daughter are staying. Silva has been watching immigration cycles since he opened his doors 26 years ago.

"The border is getting more and more jammed up with people who were either fooled into coming here or misunderstood the new American government."

The Border Patrol is arresting more than 1,200 unauthorized migrants a day in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, according to Customs and Border Protection. That's a sharp jump over recent months.

So many migrants are now crossing into the U.S. that the administration has opened two family shelters and re-opened a facility for unaccompanied children in Texas.

In addition, NPR has learned, the administration is planning to convert two large migrant detention centers into processing centers so that asylum-seekers can be released into the country more quickly.
Without any real debate — without congressional hearings, new legislation, or anything more than a series of executive orders — President Biden has effectively put in place a complete open-border policy on the southwest border. All he had to do was signal, with the stroke of a pen, that if you can get into the US, you can probably stay.

Predictably, illegal immigration surged. But so did legal admissions of asylum-seekers who had been barred from entering the country under stricter Trump-era policies and pandemic border security measures.

The message up and down the border was clear: Biden will let you in.

The result, whether Biden will admit it or not, is a full-blown crisis. So many unaccompanied migrant children are entering the country right now that federal agencies responsible for housing them are nearing capacity, even as they scramble to find more facilities, including US military bases and temporary tent shelters.

Last week, the Department of Health and Human Services said it had more than 7,700 children in its custody — more than it has ever had at one time. The number of migrant children crossing the border is on pace to exceed the all-time record by a whopping 45 percent, according to federal officials, who are scrambling to find up to 20,000 beds to house unaccompanied minors.

Meanwhile, migrant camps in Mexican border towns are quickly emptying out thanks to Biden’s executive order ending the Trump-era “Remain in Mexico” program. One shelter in the Mexican city of Matamoros, across the border from Brownsville, Texas, housed more than 3,000 migrants.
It’s now deserted after several large groups of migrants were escorted over the border by officials with the United Nations.


Migrants crossing the Rio Bravo river to request asylum in El Paso, Texas on March 4, 2021.

Of course. How else do you expect the democrats to continue rigging elections?
because we cant process them fast enough

Why can't we do that?

Why can't we process them faster?

Or, we can process them faster, you just don't want to.

hence "open borders" because we then have to release them

Why wouldn't we release them? They have to show up to court in order to go through the process, in order to get the benefits and resources. Keeping them locked up is just inhumane and creates more problems than it solves.

None of those migrants lied about getting an unsolicited mail-in ballot, and none of those migrants lied for 12 months about COVID being a hoax.

So maybe YOU should be detained, since the lies you told inflicted real damage to the country.
Of course. How else do you expect the democrats to continue rigging elections?

So you have proof that Democrats had millions of undocumented folks rig an election?

How'd they do that, and why didn't they rig a bigger majority for themselves in the House?

Oh, you have no answers to those questions because you're a cynical, depressed loner who is just one good push away from suicide.