"Trump Could Run for House Speaker in 2022 and Impeach Biden"

What a mindbender that would be for the right, not only an African American President, but a female African American President, they still haven't gotten over Obama being elected twice, in large majorities no less, Harris as President would send some of them to the grave

But unlike all the people that #TRE45ON sent to the grave, it won't be from COVID.

BTW, you don't run for Speaker of the House. You run as a representative and then hope your party gets the majority and selects you for Speaker. What district would elect the Toadstool for their rep? And why would anyone who had once been POTUS (even if it was IMPOTUSx2) want to be a "mere" representative?
They offset the posts about hurrying up to make whitey a minority lol.

lol, Why would that bother you? lol Does being a minority suck or something? Does the majority treat you like shit when you're a minority, lol?

Seriously, I'm curious, lol.
I’d put Owens up against Harris any day.

I have no doubt you would. Someone who never reads anything without pictures no doubt finds Candace Owens to be a sage.

I mean, the rest of the civilized world knows she's a 29-year-old shitposter, but go off, bro.
I honestly have no clue. But that doesn’t change the point that (many/most) partisan Republicans don’t like any Democrats who are President. If Republicans gave Clinton/Gore/Kerry/Biden a pass then I would buy the racial argument but that’s not the case.

I could argue Democrats hate women based on their treatment of Sarah Palin. My guess is you would argue otherwise and use an argument similar to one I did.

Except ONLY with Obama did the Republicans make wholesale obstruction and email-filibusters a thing.

The GOP filibustered more in the 2 years between 2009 and 2011 than the ENTIRE REST OF AMERICAN HISTORY.

But sure, okay, race had nothing to do with it. :good4u:
"Steve Bannon: Trump Could Run for House Speaker in 2022 and Impeach Biden"

Got to love the winger's media, and I am sure there are plenty in the MAGA militia who are hoping for it to come true

Gotta love it when lying dishonest left wingers quote morons to make their points.

BTW.......When the 2016 Republican primary began,....I liked Ben Carson the best. Good man. I knew he couldnt win,...... but I liked him the best.
Oh, why couldn’t he win? Would you like to explain that comment? Is there still a portion of the Trumpublican party that still wouldn’t vote for a black candidate?
Except ONLY with Obama did the Republicans make wholesale obstruction and email-filibusters a thing.

The GOP filibustered more in the 2 years between 2009 and 2011 than the ENTIRE REST OF AMERICAN HISTORY.

But sure, okay, race had nothing to do with it. :good4u:

I'll never say race had zero to do with it but there were a number of things Republicans voted 100% against Clinton on and are doing the same for Biden. People are posting on this board that Democrats should slam dunk on the Republicans for not supporting the stimulus package. Did they vote against it because Biden's a white male?

The desire for power and partisanship trumps all in politics.
What a mindbender that would be for the right, not only an African American President, but a female African American President, they still haven't gotten over Obama being elected twice, in large majorities no less, Harris as President would send some of them to the grave

The first African American female president who wasn't elected by the people, but rather, a despicable calculated ploy involving a corrupt election of a senile, OLD, WHITE racist with the help of the PHONY media. Yeah, that's something that only the biggest morons, like you, could be proud of. Even Democrats couldn't stand the hag.

Kamala Harris’s Final Poll Number in Home State of California: 7%


Former vice president Joe Biden comes in first place at 26 percent, trailed by Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren, who falls nearly ten points behind him at 17 percent. Senator Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) has only half the support Biden does (13 percent), and South Bend, Ind., mayor Pete Buttigieg comes in fourth at 10 percent. Gabbard is in a more distant fifth place with 4 percent, followed by Harris and businessman Andrew Yang, each of whom has the support of 3 percent of voters.
Seriously? Do people really think is all about skin color with “the right?” Do you really think “the right” would be less happy with Candace Owens than ... say Sarah Huckabee in the same position?

To morons on the left like Arsecheese, everything is about race and skin color. ;)
I'll never say race had zero to do with it but there were a number of things Republicans voted 100% against Clinton on and are doing the same for Biden. People are posting on this board that Democrats should slam dunk on the Republicans for not supporting the stimulus package. Did they vote against it because Biden's a white male?

The desire for power and partisanship trumps all in politics.

Except it didn't happen 1 year ago exactly when Democrats joined with Republicans to support an even bigger CARES Act. Because Democrats give a shit about the American people, and Republicans don't. It's really that simple.
Oh, why couldn’t he win? Would you like to explain that comment? Is there still a portion of the Trumpublican party that still wouldn’t vote for a black candidate?

No...Dumb one. That is not why. Two reasons really. 1....He doesnt have a dynamic personality. 2....I knew pretty early on that the Trump Train was going to steamroll thru all the other Republican candidates and thru Hillary in the general. Which he did.

LMAO at all you imbeciles who make EVERYTHING about race. Its the old divide and conquer bit. Something your nasty party seems to have perfected much to the detriment of the country. It is now to the point where we see White Liberals crying on tv every day about the struggle of minorities when the truth is many of them could give two shits less about minorities other than getting their vote.