"Trump Could Run for House Speaker in 2022 and Impeach Biden"

It is all they have when you think about it. Even though they elected an old, white racist just for the government handout. How much do you think racism really means to them? Obviously not jack shit.

Electing the old white racist is ironic.

Candace Owens is arguably the most popular MAGA person outside of Trump. Trump supporters love her—but not because she’s black or a woman. But because she’s wicked smart and has fire in her belly.
Ever heard of the one-drop rule?

Your racist ancestors created that one to make sure no "mixed" people infected your drinking fountains, schools, hospitals, or voting booths. So yeah, most people identify her as black.

She sure doesnt considered who she is married to....:laugh:
Electing the old white racist is ironic.

Candace Owens is arguably the most popular MAGA person outside of Trump. Trump supporters love her—but not because she’s black or a woman. But because she’s wicked smart and has fire in her belly.

Seriously? Do people really think is all about skin color with “the right?” Do you really think “the right” would be less happy with Candace Owens than ... say Sarah Huckabee in the same position? The reason “the right” wouldn’t vote for ... I don’t know, maybe a Harold Ford Jr. isn’t because (in my best Leo Ghetz voice) “he’s black,” it’s because his politics are like Joe Biden’s. But do you think these same people wouldn’t vote for a JC Watts or a Ben Carson over a Biden or an O’Rourke. I know the push of the democrat party (yes, I did that on purpose) has for years been to make it all about race but seriously ...

Edit: As to the OP...that’s just crazy talk.

Well said. Remember the massive “right wing conspiracy” against Bill Clinton and impeaching him for a BJ? Remember how the right “swift boated” John Kerry? Both straight white men as far as I’m aware. It can’t just be partisanship, it has to be about race because it makes certain white progressives feel better about themselves when making that claim.
Well said. Remember the massive “right wing conspiracy” against Bill Clinton and impeaching him for a BJ? Remember how the right “swift boated” John Kerry? Both straight white men as far as I’m aware. It can’t just be partisanship, it has to be about race because it makes certain white progressives feel better about themselves when making that claim.

How many republicans still believe Obama is a Kenyan, a Muslim or both?
How many republicans still believe Obama is a Kenyan, a Muslim or both?

I honestly have no clue. But that doesn’t change the point that (many/most) partisan Republicans don’t like any Democrats who are President. If Republicans gave Clinton/Gore/Kerry/Biden a pass then I would buy the racial argument but that’s not the case.

I could argue Democrats hate women based on their treatment of Sarah Palin. My guess is you would argue otherwise and use an argument similar to one I did.
I honestly have no clue. But that doesn’t change the point that (many/most) partisan Republicans don’t like any Democrats who are President. If Republicans gave Clinton/Gore/Kerry/Biden a pass then I would buy the racial argument but that’s not the case.

I could argue Democrats hate women based on their treatment of Sarah Palin. My guess is you would argue otherwise and use an argument similar to one I did.

Remember that Clinton was the first Black President? ;)
"Steve Bannon: Trump Could Run for House Speaker in 2022 and Impeach Biden"

Got to love the winger's media, and I am sure there are plenty in the MAGA militia who are hoping for it to come true

That's funny. I would wager to guess that even the laziest US representative works harder and more than Trump has ever worked in his entire life, especially as the American president. How is he supposed to show up for an impeachment hearing at 10 A.M. when he's only on his fourth hour of Fox News and 40th Big Mac of the day?
What a mindbender that would be for the right, not only an African American President, but a female African American President, they still haven't gotten over Obama being elected twice, in large majorities no less, Harris as President would send some of them to the grave

Don't stop there. I would give my left nut to see President Harris select Buttigieg as her gay VP. The right would collectively die when the election is called.