"Trump Could Run for House Speaker in 2022 and Impeach Biden"

IF Republicans somehow won the House (highly unlikely) Trump could have the job if he wanted it. He doesn't. Two reasons:

1. Trump has no interest in being a Senior Vice President. He is CEO or he is nothing.
2. The Speaker of the House has an actual job, one that Trump is too incompetent and too lazy to perform.
Except we have proof that I'm right. No party - not democrat, not republican, not Whig -- EVER obstructed more than the Republicans did with Obama.


This is quantifiable with filibusters.

You think they wouldn't have done that had Hillary won in '08? Or won't go after Biden in the same way?
Yeah, you guys are the Michael Jordan of denying healthcare for children and the poor.

Yep....and killing old ladies, starving the poor, and separating little kids from their parents too!!!!!!! Oh, and in our spare time we also like to evict people from their homes and throw their families into the street! :laugh:

The only problem with your statement is there is zero proof of his supposed racism. Biden? Pages long. Want to try again?

You are not keeping up with the scripts power hands you...all white people are it is claimed racist....what they do is irrelevant.
You know Hawk. Some people believe anything.

Especially if you are Navy you will like this I think:

What Passes for Leadership in the US Navy These Days

By Stu Cvrk | Mar 11, 2021 11:30 AM ET
Does senior Navy leadership not know about BLM’s roots and their goals and objectives, i.e., to destroy the Republic via camouflaged tactics of critical race theory, intersectionality, and inclusion and diversity claptrap coupled with violence in the streets targeted at their capitalist opponents? Or that supporting BLM and their underlying Marxist ideology is a direct violation of their own sworn oaths to protect and defend the Constitution from all foreign and domestic enemies? BLM (and their pals in Antifa) are the very definition of domestic enemies/terrorists, as evidenced by the violence they perpetrated in American cities in 2020. It wasn’t “white nationalists” who destroyed over $2 billion worth of private property during violent street riots in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, and elsewhere. Yet, TF1N and the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) are fixated exclusively on “white supremacists, white nationalists, and extremists” and intersectionality in their stand-down and training directives. All the examples given in training scenarios in the TF1N final report have to do with neo-Nazis, Nazis, and white nationalists. Not one example is given about BLM, who are the REAL domestic terror threats in the US!

The folks at RedState, many of them retired military, understand that the Revolution has set up shop with the Generals. The Military will not be protecting the Constitution as they pledged to do.
Especially if you are Navy you will like this I think:

What Passes for Leadership in the US Navy These Days

By Stu Cvrk | Mar 11, 2021 11:30 AM ET


The folks at RedState, many of them retired military, understand that the Revolution has set up shop with the Generals. The Military will not be protecting the Constitution as they pledged to do.

The military is only going to act on orders Hawk. All failure on this is from politicians.
Especially if you are Navy you will like this I think:

What Passes for Leadership in the US Navy These Days

By Stu Cvrk | Mar 11, 2021 11:30 AM ET

The folks at RedState, many of them retired military, understand that the Revolution has set up shop with the Generals. The Military will not be protecting the Constitution as they pledged to do.

Speaking of the military:

"Military leaders thrash Tucker Carlson after comments about female troops"

“What we absolutely won’t do is take personnel advice from a talk show host,” said the Pentagon’s top spokesperson."

The only problem with your statement is there is zero proof of his supposed racism. Biden? Pages long. Want to try again?

You're blind in one eye and can't see out the other. For starters, explain why trump continues to insist that the Central Park Five are guilty when they were exonerated of any crime.
You're blind in one eye and can't see out the other. For starters, explain why trump continues to insist that the Central Park Five are guilty when they were exonerated of any crime.

Please Christie. Entertain with your supposed proof of Trump being racist. So I can just mop the floor with you and your coming failure.
Speaking of the military:

"Military leaders thrash Tucker Carlson after comments about female troops"

“What we absolutely won’t do is take personnel advice from a talk show host,” said the Pentagon’s top spokesperson."


I have been complaining about the decline in the quality of our military officers for over 20 years, since I noticed that the best were leaving under Clinton, both because civilian leadership sucked and did not try to keep the best, and because the best were figuring out where the military was going and did not want to be a part of that.