
The CovidScam was used by the Democrats to destroy the country & its people while enriching Democrat psychopaths.

Yet you were first in line to get vaccinated.

The Covid threat was grossly exaggerated by Democrat psychopaths using their CovidScam.

Apparently not since you got vaccinated yourself.

The Democrats, more dangerous than Nazis, will destroy people, economies and countries to gain power and wealth.

The only reason any economy was hurt was because you treated COVID as a joke from Jan-Mar 2020.

So don't get the vaccine if it's a big joke.

In fact, I encourage you to not get the vaccine. Don't get it. Don't even think about getting it. Avoid getting a COVID shot and while you're at it, avoid getting a flu shot too since the flu has a 99% survival rate too.
These faggots sure love their holy virus. LOL
Fact: 99.7% survival rate
Fact: Faggots get the vaccine because they're fraidy cats

How are these two things mutually exclusive?

OP is low IQ dumbfuck that can't even do logic. LOL
Fact: 99.7% survival rate

Great! Then don't get the vaccine, and don't get a flu shot either since the flu has a 99% survival rate.

Hey, just curious, what is the rate for people who survive COVID but have to be hospitalized and/or intubed?
Because Democrats are deranged idiot Nazis who can't think their way out of a soaking paper bag.

With all due respect to Nazis...

Scientists, epidemiologists,and Dems on one side. Repubs, anti-science climate deniers, and Trump on the other. Yeah, you have a real understanding of facts there.
No, it's not.

And if it's just "a bad flu", then you don't need the vaccine since the flu has a 99% survival rate, right?

Pretty much is.

Like a bad flu, and you're correct - I don't need it.

Oh - and isn't the ChiFlu survival rate incredibly high as well? 99% or so?
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Yet you were first in line to get vaccinated.

Apparently not since you got vaccinated yourself.

The only reason any economy was hurt was because you treated COVID as a joke from Jan-Mar 2020.

So don't get the vaccine if it's a big joke.

In fact, I encourage you to not get the vaccine. Don't get it. Don't even think about getting it. Avoid getting a COVID shot and while you're at it, avoid getting a flu shot too since the flu has a 99% survival rate too.

No - you're delusional. (And completely incompetent.)

See above.

I did? (Evidence please.)

I won't, though the ChiFlu is like a bad flu, so the vulnerable should be careful.

No need. I won't. Ditto. Sounds good!
Scientists, epidemiologists,and Dems on one side. Repubs, anti-science climate deniers, and Trump on the other. Yeah, you have a real understanding of facts there.

Democrats: The most dangerous fascists since the Nazis

And don't forget - Nazis LOVED science; they learned all sorts of things by torturing children & the like.

Right up the Democrat terrorist alley! :good4u:
Ah, so then you agree that COVID isn't a hoax, is pretty serious, and thus no one was exaggerating it last year.

After all, why get the vaccine for something with a 99% survival rate if you're not fearful of being in the 1% who don't survive it?

COVID isn't a hoax, never was, but it's not serous either.
COVID isn't a hoax, never was, but it's not serous either.

I know people who had the China virus that have had almost no symptoms at all (didn't miss a day of work). I also know people who barely survived (and suffered life altering plight), and a good friend that died of complications from it.

So yes, it is serious.
I know people who had the China virus that have had almost no symptoms at all (didn't miss a day of work). I also know people who barely survived (and suffered life altering plight), and a good friend that died of complications from it.

So yes, it is serious.

I had it. You know what it was for me? A minor cold except for the fatigue...that was bad, it lasted for weeks but it wasn't the Plague.
I had it. You know what it was for me? A minor cold except for the fatigue...that was bad, it lasted for weeks but it wasn't the Plague.

The GF's niece had it, she said it wasn't as bad as a mild cold. One of my friends had it and it killed him.

Strange how it affects some worse than others, but I'd bet the Chinese knew that...
If you're gonna quote me, quote my full post. Otherwise, fuck off.

People who have Covid-19, even without symptoms, should not go to work. Not going to work is done to prevent contagion, not as a reward to individuals with symptoms.
Do you realize how stupid you sound right now?

I am sure I sound stupid to you, and I reassure you, that you sound stupid to me. I talk about vaccines, and modern medical science, and that sounds stupid to you. You claim that vaccines do not exist, and sound stupid to me.
People who have Covid-19, even without symptoms, should not go to work. Not going to work is done to prevent contagion, not as a reward to individuals with symptoms.

Are you saying everyone with mild cold-like symptoms should stay away from work? Did you know that in some places healthcare workers no matter what symptoms they have must go to work as long as they can walk and drive? And if they test positive and can still work, they are sent to the quarantine section to care for patients who have the virus?

Seriously, I get your point. The problem is, businesses lose money if an essential worker(s) takes off because a few nice days (like we've just had) fired up their allegories.
A lot of businesses check temperatures of employees as they enter and provide masks. I guess it's up to the employer.