Democrats lied about elections, encouraged terrorism, stormed capitals

Low-IQ name calling (teabaggers) + the "I know you are, but what am I?" defense + "dear leader" dictator smears (Biden already broke records with executive orders, steals elections, silences dissent, and is still hiding behind his fenced in capital and know, like an ACTUAL dictator) + the child's game of smearing people as liars for correcting Democrat lies...

What a devastating comeback. :laugh:


How else should I describe you people?

You're not republicans and they have NEVER been conservative, so when Obama became president, the looney's really came out with the tea party, hence teabaggers (

Dear leader?

That's right, teabaggers ( defends, supports and praise Trump, even when he is no longer president, even tried an insurrection for him, after he lost.


Yes, Dotard praises them and even wanted to US to go down that path.

March 3 2018

U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters. › article › us-trump-china-idUSKCN1GG015

Teabaggers ( cheering for a dictatorship?

Then their dear leader wanted his opponents locked up?

October 7 2020

Donald Trump mounted an overnight Twitter blitz demanding to jail his political enemies and call out allies he says are failing to arrest his rivals swiftly enough.

Trump twice amplified supporters’ criticisms of Attorney General William Barr, including one featuring a meme calling on him to “arrest somebody!” He wondered aloud why his rivals, like President Barack Obama, Democratic nominee Joe Biden and former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton hadn’t been imprisoned for launching a “coup” against his administration.

“Where are all of the arrests?” Trump said, after several dozen tweets on the subject over the past 24 hours. “Can you imagine if the roles were reversed? Long term sentences would have started two years ago. Shameful!” › news › 2020/10/07

According to the partisan Democrat "fact-checkers" who've been caught in more lies than anyone at this point, sure. :laugh:

View attachment 19347

1) Stopping theft isn't stealing. :lies:

2) Insurrection is what DEMOCRATS did for four years straight, and no one else. :bs:

3) Democrats are the only one treating any politician (Resident Biden) like a dictator. :nono:

And? Trying to find more of the votes Democrats were throwing in dumpsters and shredding is a perfectly legitimate request, especially when Democrats are inventing DEMOCRAT ballots by the truckload.

View attachment 19348

Try again. :cool:

Maybe you need to.

Too bad teabaggers ( can't prove it, even in 60 election fraud court cases.

Because every court throws everything out without reviewing any of the evidence, based on the same technicality of "standing." Apparently, all the states that were disenfranchised have no standing. The Trump campaign that got robbed somehow had no standing. The American people who were overthrown have no standing. Same bullshit technicality in every case, despite overwhelming proof.

Who DOES have standing? Apparently nobody, somehow. :dunno:

And no, being thrown out of a courtroom over a BS technicality in no way invalidates the proof that no Democrat to this day can explain away. :bs:

Throwing cases out without reviewing "evidence'?

"Robbed" because of no standing?

Do you know how a court case works?

Do you know what an opening argument is?

That where the attorney states his/her case to a judge, outlining the facts, witnesses and how the case is worthy in their defense.

Without standing means you couldn't accomplish ONE.


A lawyer in special ed "law" school could do that.

Dotard, crazy eyes and the looney woman couldn't.
Notice how Democrats spent four years straight lying about a sitting U.S. president being a secret Russian agent to erroneously de-legitimize an election, provoking four years straight of coast-to-coast Democrat domestic terrorism, sedition, secession, anarchy, arson, and murder...which Democrats praised every step of the way (they also praised the storming of capitals, and stormed the Capitol themselves) and encouraged more of by bailing the terrorists out of jail?

Big Tech censored none of them, stripped no one of their rights or turned anyone into second class citizens for that. There was no persecution of anyone who questioned elections or expressed Democrat opinions in public, even though they ACTUALLY lied about the election, ACTUALLY supported treasonous insurrection (years of it), and ACTUALLY supported attacking capitals. Yet "conservatives" doing anything like what they have done for YEARS (in response to President Trump calling on them to peacefully resist election theft) provokes a total 180 in the response.

Are we finally ready to start acknowledging that the only real privilege here is Democrat privilege? :thinking:


Democrats turn blind eye to Antifa in rush to condemn right-wing riot at U.S. Capitol

what a lying pig you are. no democrats have stormed any state capitols, lying pig bitch. democrats helped bail out protesters caught up in the arrests after a small segment of ASSHOLES used the cover of these protests to burn shit, to commit vandalism and to loot or generally fuck everything up. not bail out terrorists, bitch liar, bail out legitimate protesters.

Its simple: Any group en-masse who fully declares 100% support for a criminal thug who was totally anti social and destructive, harming people (Floyd) while having not one word to say about the woman victim (gun to belly incident) or the hundreds of black people Floyd menaced and harmed - are nothing but evil. That they are totally behind the BLM - also a criminal violent bunch - are nothing but evil especially as they only do this because the hate Mr Trump. I hate Tony Blair but he has in no way influenced my stand for truth and the rule of law and to treat all people properly.
More an amalgam of Maoist Cultural Revolution/Soviet management by secret committee /Stasi Police State.

That too, but they're supes conservative (if a deeply deranged version of same), so don't be expecting public health care or any fewer wars to happen.

In fact, they're teeing up WW3 now! :|
I sprained my finger scrolling through the crazy.

Don't know this particular stable genius but notice he likes GIF's as if they somehow re-enforce his nonsense. I don't see much point in wasting time on them, as I said anyone that actually believes the Dems somehow stole the election from the Fat Orange POS is already dead from the neck up.
Don't know this particular stable genius but notice he likes GIF's as if they somehow re-enforce his nonsense. I don't see much point in wasting time on them, as I said anyone that actually believes the Dems somehow stole the election from the Fat Orange POS is already dead from the neck up.

Quite true.

He looks very good at the top of your ignore list though. lol
How else should I describe you people?

Any way that makes you look smarter or more mature than a 5th Grader? :dunno:

You're not republicans and they have NEVER been conservative

The majority of Republicans support President Trump. :nono:

Republican support for Trump to play role in party up 18 points from early January

And yes, this right-of-center country, President Trump's base, was so electrified in support of him, because he took a CONSERVATIVE stance on almost everything. :nodyes:

-Ordered the removal of Obama policies that forced the suburbs to pay for the cities (+1).

-Reversed Obama’s payoffs to failed “green” companies (+1).


-Ordered Congressional reapportionment to only take into account the population of actual U.S. citizens, excluding illegal immigrants (+1).

-Ordered HHS to intervene to protect rights and liberties for Christians in health care (+1).

-Launched Operation Legend to combat Democrat-created crime in major cities (+1).

-Reversed dangerous Obama transgender policy that put battered women in shelters at risk (+1).

-Barred illegal immigrants from being counted in Congressional redistricting (+1).

-Added a payroll tax cut (+1).

-Brought back manufacturing jobs (the ones Obama said could never return) and lowered unemployment to 3.9%, until Democrats scaremongered us into gridlock over the sniffles (+1).

Trump-appointed judges drastically reduced foreign Third World asylum approvals (+1).

-Took aggressive and extensive early action against COVID, despite being relentlessly sabotaged by Democrat incompetence and dishonesty, impeachment hoaxes, and anti-science doomsday scaremongering (+1).

-Announced executive action against online censorship of conservatives (+1).

-Declared Antifa a domestic terrorist group (+1).
-Executive Order combating human trafficking (+1).

-Increased sanctions on Iran (+1).

-Eliminated major terror-sponsor Solemani (+1).

-Announced the removal of U.S. from W.H.O. (+1).

-Repealed Obama’s racist preferential treatments for minorities in public schools (+1).

-Replaced NAFTA with an America-first trade deal, effectively making Mexico pay for the wall (+1).

-Secured more concessions and made more progress with North Korea than any president since the Armistice (+1).

-Reinstated travel bans from unstable terror states (+1).

-Successfully nominated Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court (+1).

-Increased the removal of criminal gang members by 36% (and an 83% increase in MS-13 gang members) (+1).
-Doubled the number of counties aiding illegal immigrant deportations (+1).

-Ended Obama’s catch-and-release illegal immigration policy (+1).

-Restored enforcement of national security-related trade agreements (+1).

-Removed extreme red tape from infrastructure permit approval process (+1).

-Signed 15 bills into law cutting regulations on job-creators (+1).

-Withdrew the U.S. from the biased U.N. Human Rights Council (+1).

-Reversed Obama’s extremist response to the BP oil spill (+1).

-Cut off funding for the United Nations (+1).

-Stopped terminally ill patients from having to wait on FDA approval to try experimental life-saving drugs (+1).

-Ended taxpayer-funded subsidies for federal unions (+1).
-Illegally banned bump stocks (-1).

-Signed into law a return to massive pork-barrel deficit spending (-1).

-Cut off funding to terror states like Pakistan (+1).

-Dramatically expanded offshore drilling (+1).

-Acknowledged Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel (+1).

-Resumed the prosecution of first-time border violating illegal immigrants, which had been suspended by Obama (+1).

-Reversed Obama’s policy of importing un-vetted Islamic “refugees” while denying refugee status to Christians being relentlessly persecuted throughout the Middle East (+1).

-Reversed Obama’s use of the Social Security system to deny American citizens gun rights on frivolous, intentionally broad and sweeping “mental health” grounds (+1).

-Reversed Obama’s illegal bathroom policy requiring schools to cater to gender delusions at the expense of public safety (+1).

-Refused to fill numerous federal posts that should not even exist under the Constitution (+1).
-Repealed job-killing, unconstitutional Dodd-Frank regulations (+1).

-Stocked HHS with anti-abortion conservatives (+1).

-Reversed Obama decree that publicly funded abortions through Title X funding (+1).

-Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act to protect veterans from government incompetence, corruption, neglect, and lack of access (+1).

-Cut off funding for sanctuary cities and increased ICE enforcement in those cities despite the actions of their lawless local governments (+1).

-Removed Obama’s ban on offshore drilling in the Arctic and Atlantic Ocean (+1).

-Stopped the funding of international organizations that promote abortion (+1).

-Loosened IRS restrictions on religious institutions (+1).

-Launched investigations into voter fraud (+1).

-Repaired our relations with Israel from the extreme hostility of the Obama years (+1).
-Appointed nominees who reject the left’s Constitution-trampling interpretation of Title IX to push radical feminist gender hysteria (+1).

-Implemented a White House hotline, fully staffed by veterans, for veterans being harmed or neglected by the VA (+1).

-Implemented a tracking system through DHS to identify those staying in the U.S. on expired visas (+1).

-Signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to uproot VA corruption and incompetence (+1).

-Reversed Obama’s illegal land-grabbing assault on private property rights, known as the “Waters of the United States” rule (+1).

-Reversed Obama’s attempt to legitimize Cuba’s communist, terror-sponsoring regime (+1).

-Opened up massive amounts of job-creating trade with China (+1).

-Approved the Dakota Access Pipeline project (+1).

-Reversed our numerous losses in Iraq from Obama’s premature withdrawal and needless surrender of the entire region to Islamic terrorists (+1).

-Ended Obama’s policies arming Islamic jihadists in Syria (+1).
-Reversed Obama’s obliteration of the coal industry via the “Stream Protection Rule” (+1).

-Authorized increased oil and natural gas development on federal lands (+1).

-Reversed Obama’s illegal Operation Choke Point assault on gun rights (+1).

-Reinstated successful work requirements for welfare policies that had been repealed by Obama (+1).

-Reversed Obama’s transgender military policy (+1).

-Increased deportations of illegal immigrants by more than 28% in his first year (+1).

-Ended the Central American Minors Parole Program that used children to import entire families Third World South American countries into the U.S. (+1).

-Introduced eight separate waves of numerous young, conservative federal judicial nominees (+1).

-Began re-funding the missile defenses dismantled by Obama (+1).

-Implemented measures to undo, delay or block 30 economy-killing Obama-era EPA policies, stripping down more regulations than ever in the agency’s entire history (+1).

-Removed the U.S. from U.N. organizations that oppose our interests and those of our allies (+1).

-Reversed Obama’s appeasement of Iran (+1).

-Reversed Obamacare’s restrictions on purchasing health plans across state lines (+1).

-Ended the left’s corrupt practice of stacking “independent” review boards of the EPA with EPA-funded environmental extremists (+1).

-Directed the Department of Agriculture to immediately stop discriminating against Christians for disagreeing with homosexual marriage (+1).

-Reversed Obama’s illegal, economy-killing EPA takeover of energy production (+1).

-Reversed Obamacare’s illegal contraception mandate (+1).

-Sided with establishment RINO Luther Strange over proven conservative Roy Moore (-1).

-Helped Democrats raise the debt ceiling to further illegally nationalize hurricane relief (-1).

-Dramatically reduced regulations on manufacturers (+1).
-Rescinded Obama’s illegal DACA program (+1).

-Repealed Obama’s absurd Executive Order forcing infrastructure projects to prioritize global warming (+1).

-Removed the U.S. from the Paris Climate Deal (+1).

-Repealed Obama’s racist preferential treatment for minorities in prosecuting criminals (+1).

-Repealed unscientific restrictions on fracking (+1).

-Reformed H-1B visa system to stop discriminating against Americans for profit (+1).

-Required Federal Government to prioritize hiring Americans (+1).

-Rolled back Obama-era gun controls (+1).

-Appointed religious liberty defender to important civil rights post (+1).

-Signed resolution overturning Obama’s forced state funding of Planned Parenthood (+1).

-Stated his intention to fight the Freedom Caucus (conservatives) in 2018 (-1).

-Ended taxpayer funding for UN programs that support “coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization” (+1).

-Nominated an anti-environmentalist, anti-regulation, pro-religious freedom, pro-life, anti-judicial activism, Scalia-loving opponent of over-criminalization to the SCOTUS (+1).

-Implemented English-first policies (+1).

-Implemented “extreme vetting” of Islamic “refugees” (+1).

-Began rebuilding the military (+1).

-Implemented requirement for all new regulations to be accompanied by the removal of two other regulations (+1).

-Implemented 5-year ban on anyone from his administration taking lobbying jobs in Washington (what ACTUAL transparency and draining the swamp looks like) (+1).

-Sided with Ryancare over simply repealing Obama’s illegal health care takeover. (-1)

-Rescinded Obama’s lawless war on coal (+1).
-Reversed the Obamacare penalty for being too poor to afford insurance (+1).

-Reversed Obama’s attempt to restart the Democrat-created housing disaster that destroyed the economy in 2008 (no more forcibly lower lending standards for unqualified buyers) (+1).

-Reversed taxpayer funding for partisan liberal media (NPR and PBS) (+1).
-Reinstated Reagan’s ban on funding overseas abortion promoters and providers (+1).

-Pulled us out of TPP (+1).

-Imposed a federal hiring freeze on everything but the military (one of the few things the Federal Government is actually AUTHORIZED to spend money on under the Constitution) (+1).

-Restored the building of the Keystone pipeline (+1).

-Fired corrupt incompetents from the VA after years of inaction under Obama (+1).

-Froze EPA grant programs (+1).

-Reversed Obama’s sweeping EPA water power grab (+1) 2/28/16.

Notice how easily proven wrong everything you say is? :awesome:

so when Obama became president, the looney's really came out with the tea party

1) *loonies

2) Free markets, limited government that lives within its means, and following the Constitution is only "loony" to Marxist loonies. :bs:

"Hence teabaggers?"

Having the word "tea" in it REQUIRES you to turn it into some homophobic slur that you would be hyperventilating in fetal position in your little vagina hat if someone did to you?

Nice logic there, Socrates. :laugh:

Dear leader?

That's right, teabaggers ( defends, supports and praise Trump

1) *defend, support (learn English, imbecile). :palm:

2) And yes, they support him, as any sane, thinking adult would.

Biden 1st month 2.jpg

Biden 1st month 1.jpg

Compare and contrast if you are able, low-IQ emotional hysteric. :awesome:


even when he is no longer president, even tried an insurrection for him, after he lost.

1) Theft still isn't winning, no matter how many times you repeat it. :nono:

2) Telling your supporters to peacefully resist election theft is NOTHING LIKE the last four years of non-stop Democrat support for insurrection. :bs:


Yes, Dotard praises them and even wanted to US to go down that path.

Yet Democrats are the only ones banning books, unilaterally enacting laws without Congress, breaking records with executive orders, threatening the news media, using soldiers and corporations to attack dissent, stealing elections, and surrounding themselves with walls and armies of sycophants.


March 3 2018

U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters. › article › us-trump-china-idUSKCN1GG015

Ridiculous propaganda from the same pathological liars who just had to admit their last fabricated Trump quote was an outright lie. :rofl2:

Remember the other obviously false, cartoonishly unrealistic Disney villain Trump "quote" you embarrassingly parroted on here without question, about him demanding that they find votes in Georgia (which is a hilarious thing to even bring up with the unprecedented avalanche of Democrat cheating that blasted this election from every possible direction)?

I guess your "news" sources left out the part about the media doing a 180 and admitting they “misquoted Trump’s comments on the call based on information provided by a source.”

But your "take my word for it" smear about Trump praising the communist dictator he's at war with...THAT one ISN'T a lie, right? :awesome:


Ever heard of critical thinking? :laugh:

Teabaggers ( cheering for a dictatorship?

Yet Democrats are the only ones banning books, unilaterally enacting laws without Congress, breaking records with executive orders, threatening the news media, using soldiers and corporations to attack dissent, stealing elections, and surrounding themselves with walls and armies of sycophants.


Then their dear leader wanted his opponents locked up?

October 7 2020

Donald Trump mounted an overnight Twitter blitz demanding to jail his political enemies and call out allies he says are failing to arrest his rivals swiftly enough.

Well yeah, treason is a pretty serious crime there, brainiac. :palm:

Did you forget the last four years of treasonous Democrat attempts to jail, impeach, persecute, and overthrow their opponents (committing actual, serious crimes in the process) before hurling this hilariously self-unaware smear, or are you just too intellectually impaired to notice the contradiction?

What else you got? :awesome:

Behold, what we mean when we say Democrats are easily manipulated by obviously fake news and incapable of independent thought.

Last edited:
Maybe you need to.

Too bad teabaggers ( can't prove it, even in 60 election fraud court cases.

This is an ad nauseum fallacy. :bs:

Repeating your already debunked lie doesn't make it less debunked. :nono:

Again, the MOUNTAINS of unassailable proof being refused on the technicality of standing, without even reviewing said evidence, in no way constitutes said evidence not existing. It has all been gathered, submitted, and that unthinking partisan hacks like yourself can talk past all the evidence to demand the evidence, like it hasn't already been provided, like a dumb-ass.

patrick star stupid.jpg

Try to keep up. :cool:
Wow! Longest Rant I have yet to see in one post anywhere, had to hit the limit in allowances. I doubt one could quote it without cutting something.

Entertaining, in a strange way......
Throwing cases out without reviewing "evidence'?

"Robbed" because of no standing?

Do you know how a court case works?

Apparently better than you do. :dunno:

Do you know what an opening argument is?

Do you?

That where the attorney states his/her case to a judge, outlining the facts, witnesses and how the case is worthy in their defense.

You mean the part that got immediately shut down over imaginary issues with standing? Yeah, I'm aware. Comprehend the irrelevance of this yet?

Without standing means you couldn't accomplish ONE.

Wow. How embarrassingly ignorant of basic facts. No. Let me break out the crayons for you. Not having standing means that you weren't the person violated and that it needs to therefore be someone else who brings the case. It implies nothing whatsoever about the validity of the evidence.

You just about done discrediting yourself today or would you like to keep going? :rofl2:
Looks like someone's back for more echo chamber. It was great for a long time but unfortunately he showed up. At least we'll have some fresh comedy value.

Now watch him telling me that I am on his ignore list with the usual memes.
what a lying pig you are. no democrats have stormed any state capitols, lying pig bitch. democrats helped bail out protesters caught up in the arrests after a small segment of ASSHOLES used the cover of these protests to burn shit, to commit vandalism and to loot or generally fuck everything up. not bail out terrorists, bitch liar, bail out legitimate protesters.


Here is an image of Ocasio storming the Capitol with her supporters. Don't take my word for it. Look it up. It's common knowledge to everyone who doesn't get their news from North Korea-style state propaganda mills like CNN and the NY Times.

aoc incite violence.jpg

Here is a direct quote of Pelosi praising the storming of capitals. Don't take my word for it. Look it up. It's common knowledge to everyone who doesn't get their news from North Korea-style state propaganda mills like CNN and the NY Times.

pelosi incite violence.jpg

Take your meds and stop humiliating yourself with your ignorant, brainwashed worldview. :laugh:

By the way, speaking of Demagogue Party scam-artists trying to use legitimate outrage over election theft to strip everyone but themselves of the most basic universal rights, let's review how THEY conducted THEMSELVES with regard to inciting people to violence...

View attachment 19345

They ain't crucifying anybody, they haven't even felt the wrath yet.

They keep going along derp dederp dederp, they're going to get fucked up.
Tar n feathers fucked up.
Hanging fucked up.