Democrats lied about elections, encouraged terrorism, stormed capitals

Keep Q’n it up

The FBI wants to here what you say in defense of Q

No one here knows anything about Q, dumb-ass. As usual, you inept novices are barking up all the wrong trees. :laugh:

Your the one spazin because your Q boy trumpy lost everything in the election

The fucker NEVER had even 50% of the American peoples approval

*stealing isn't winning. :nono:

And Biden lost shit tons of black and Latino support, and almost all the counties Obama gained, but got more votes than anyone in history? How does that work? If every other indicator shows him HEMORRHAGING votes uncontrollably, where did the 20 million more votes than voters even come from?


Newsflash: You support a traitor who does China's bidding. :laugh:
Keep Q’n it up asshole

You would look fabulous in orange with bar stripes in front of you

It's even more embarrassing that when you spent four years straight having conniption fits insisting every post on here from a secret Russian agent. Once a hyperventilating conspiracy theorist, always a hyperventilating conspiracy theorist, I guess.

I am convinced that Democrats are staging mass shootings from time to time to attempt justification of getting rid of guns.

I mean, they routinely get caught staging town halls, rigging elections, constructing phony polls...why would it be a stretch for individuals that dishonest to take it one step further?


Um...yes, name-calling is the very DEFINITION of the very most COMMON KNOWLEDGE fallacy of all time...the ad hominem...oh ignorant one. :palm:

Try reading sometime. :laugh:

Again, it isn't ' name-calling '- ' certifiable twat ' is a diagnosis.