
The reality is, that is pretty much the only reason to get vaccinations from any disease even ones that have a higher survivability rate, like chicken pox. Was I afraid my kids would die of the chicken pox? No. But some folks are afraid of that... so I got my kids vaccinated.

But that makes no sense with what you're saying, and I know you didn't get vaccinated for anyone else's benefit other than your own because you could just lie and say you're vaccinated when you're not, and it will have the same effect you're seeking.

I don't believe you when you say you got vaccinated for someone else's benefit because you could just skip the vaccination and lie.
Hold on a second...

So if lockdowns and masks were an overreaction because only 1 in 100 people die from COVID, then wouldn't getting a vaccine also be an overreaction since 1 in 100 die of COVID?

But nothing's stopping you from just saying you got the vaccine, even if you didn't.

So why not do that, that way you don't have to justify your fear at all with this tortured, patronizing logic.

Again, that would be unethical. My philosophy (religion) teaches that I should act with compassion towards others, including folks like you who cannot comprehend empathy or compassion and only act for selfish reasons.

Getting the vaccine is the only ethical action if you wish to protect others from a spread of a virus, even if you personally are not afraid of the virus.
But that makes no sense with what you're saying, and I know you didn't get vaccinated for anyone else's benefit other than your own because you could just lie and say you're vaccinated when you're not, and it will have the same effect you're seeking.

I don't believe you when you say you got vaccinated for someone else's benefit because you could just skip the vaccination and lie.

It only doesn't make sense to someone who is incapable of empathy.
I get vaccinated to build a herd immunity to curb the fear

Build herd immunity against a hoax or against something with a 99% survival rate?

Wouldn't that already BE herd immunity if it has a 99% survival rate?

This is why it's not making sense. Your explanation for why you got vaccinated doesn't stand to scrutiny.

In fact, it just asks way more questions than it answers.
You're making that suggestion when you say that it has a 99% survival rate and is no worse than the flu.

So if lockdowns and masks were too much for you, why would you take a vaccine?

And it's not for anyone else's benefit because you could just lie about being vaccinated as you're being patronizing.

So we know you're not vaccinated for other people's benefits, you're vaccinated for your own because you could just say you've been vaccinated if your goal is just to be fake empathetic.

why would you take one at all given you all said you would never take one developed under the trump administration.
I will always, and I do mean always, feel sorry for folks like you who are honestly afraid that Covid will kill you and that your only motivation to ever get a vaccine is self preservation.

That's why you got the vaccine.

Otherwise, you could have just pretended to get it.

You may already be pretending you got it.

We can't know because your reason for getting it doesn't make sense with everything you've been saying about COVID for the last 15 months.

Lying about getting the vaccine has the same effect as getting it, if your motivation is what you claim.

So why did you buy into the fear and get vaccinated for something grandma has "a 99% chance" of surviving?
I am not so mercenary. And just like I stated in the past. If my actions would affect no others I would not get the vaccination.

I am no so sure now that you got vaccinated.

I'm beginning to think you faked it because you think this patronizing attitude is a winner.
It is empathy

How? Explain the "empathy" of patronizing condescension to me because I don't see it, and I don't buy it.

though you cannot comprehend it because you do not have the capacity for it.

No, I just don't believe you are being sincere.

This is clearly a tactic you're using to avoid culpability for buying into the fear.

No one in the world would know any different if you had a vaccination, so why did you get one? Because it wasn't for other people's benefit...you could have just pretended to be vaccinated and nothing would change in your argument. You got one because you were fearful enough of the remote chance of dying from this thing that you've been saying is no big deal for the last 15 months.

Apparently, it is a big deal if you went and sought out vaccination.

So you bought into the fear...moreso than anyone else.
If it already has a 99% survival rate, then we already have herd immunity, and you didn't need to take the vaccine.

That is not factual. Herd immunity isn't based on the survival rate, it is based on the infection rate.

In order to reach actual herd immunity and protect those who are actually vulnerable to the disease (old folks and those with specific preexisting conditions) we need to get vaccinated. It is, quite literally, according to my philosophy (religion) the only ethical action to take. We protect folks who are vulnerable and we work to alleviate the fear of those who either are vulnerable or who are not but are still fearful.

I realize at this point that speaking to you about empathy and compassion is like trying to describe color to a blind person.
Again, that would be unethical.

Since when do you care about ethics? You go and change the titles of people's OP's because they make you upset. You're one of the most unethical people on JPP, and you run the fuckin' board.


My philosophy (religion) teaches that I should act with compassion towards others

So when are you going to start?

including folks like you who cannot comprehend empathy or compassion and only act for selfish reasons.

It's impossible for a sociopath like you to understand what empathy is.

I think you are confused on empathy because you have none.

Posturing that you're getting a vaccine for someone else's benefit instead of your own, while saying for more than a year that any action related to the virus is an overreaction, isn't empathy.

It's sociopathy.
Getting the vaccine is the only ethical action if you wish to protect others from a spread of a virus, even if you personally are not afraid of the virus.

Getting the vaccine is buying into fear.

You bought into the fear, so you got the vaccine.

Otherwise, there's no reason to get it because everyone has a 99% chance of surviving it, according to you.
In order to reach actual herd immunity and protect those who are actually vulnerable to the disease (old folks and those with specific preexisting conditions) we need to get vaccinated.

But, only 1% of people are vulnerable to it, and that's why we couldn't lock down or have mask mandates, according to you people.

So now what you're saying about the vaccine in March 2021 is the polar opposite of what you were saying about lockdowns and masks in March 2020.

So that's why I don't buy this insincerity that you're posturing about getting the vaccine.
We protect folks who are vulnerable and we work to alleviate the fear of those who either are vulnerable or who are not but are still fearful.

But you didn't want to protect people 15 months ago; you maintained we shouldn't protect people because the virus has a 99% survival rate.

The Damocles of March 2020 would call the Damocles of March 2021 a pussy for getting the vaccine.
So then why did you say you wouldn't take one developed under the trump admin?

And I wouldn't take one developed under the Trump Admin.

Trump's Administration had absolutely nothing to do with developing these vaccines.

In fact, the drug companies were already developing them while you and Trump were calling COVID a hoax for three months in 2020, and while you got infected with COVID because you're a filthy pig who doesn't wash his own hands.