“ Coca-Cola, Home Depot raise concern over Georgia bills that restrict voting”

That is indeed a novel interpretation of corporate power coming from a member of the Citizen’s United fan club that is/was the Republican Party. So according to your interpretation, it’s OK and constitutional for Corporation voices to be heard, but only on issues you want to be heard? What am I missing?

Here is your problem, we are beating your side on your own turf and you haven’t won a culture war since the 50’s.

Freebies??? Obviously you don’t understand the concept of politics either.

Please, don't associate me with groups or political parties I have no connection to.

According to my interpretation, a corporation should do what's in it's best interests to stay in business. Diving into politics in areas that don't concern the corporation is a bad idea in my view. Here, they are getting involved in voter issues, and that's nothing but a powder keg and a match for them.

Unfortunately, the Left has been winning the culture wars by pyrrhic victory after no-win situation. That is, they've taken culture into the sewers and toilet bowls of society. That's hardly an admirable thing.
Business. Your side is bad for business. Donald trump is bad for business, even for his own business. How is it even possible that you don’t know that?

The last four years, as a start prove otherwise. California, New York, Europe, Latin America, etc., all prove decisively that Leftist politics are bad for business. Don't trot out figures either without answering the question: How much better would they be doing if Leftist politics weren't interfering with business there?
requiring every voter to be a living breathing human being is a denial of the rights of a very important demmycrat demographic........the made-up voter.......

No more so than every voter can be whoever they want to be, and schizophrenic's should be able to vote multiple times, at least once for each alternate personality! Maybe everyone's online avatars should be able to vote too! After all, it wouldn't be fair to electrons and pixels to do otherwise!
Please, don't associate me with groups or political parties I have no connection to.

According to my interpretation, a corporation should do what's in it's best interests to stay in business. Diving into politics in areas that don't concern the corporation is a bad idea in my view. Here, they are getting involved in voter issues, and that's nothing but a powder keg and a match for them.

Unfortunately, the Left has been winning the culture wars by pyrrhic victory after no-win situation. That is, they've taken culture into the sewers and toilet bowls of society. That's hardly an admirable thing.

I associate you with your words, which are always right wing, always Republican.
No more so than every voter can be whoever they want to be, and schizophrenic's should be able to vote multiple times, at least once for each alternate personality! Maybe everyone's online avatars should be able to vote too! After all, it wouldn't be fair to electrons and pixels to do otherwise!

maybe instead of progressives the demmycrats should rebrand themselves as the Pixel Party......they can rearrange themselves to look like whatever they think you want them to look like.....
I associate you with your words, which are always right wing, always Republican.

I may have Right of Center views, but neither makes me a Republican, or member of some particular group. Surprisingly to you no doubt, is that the TEA Party and Trumper types are uncomfortable with me too.
The last four years, as a start prove otherwise. California, New York, Europe, Latin America, etc., all prove decisively that Leftist politics are bad for business. Don't trot out figures either without answering the question: How much better would they be doing if Leftist politics weren't interfering with business there?

I disagree. The last four years have proven the exact opposite.

Pretty sure you have no idea why YOUR SIDE is having such a problem with cancel culture.

Sure you have no clue why corporations support and contribute to BLM or why trump’s own businesses are such failures.
I may have Right of Center views, but neither makes me a Republican, or member of some particular group. Surprisingly to you no doubt, is that the TEA Party and Trumper types are uncomfortable with me too.

That’s interesting, but I fail to recognize much “center” in your views .. and obviously I’m not the only one here with that perspective. I rarely, if ever, see challenges to your views from eggplants, but I’ll pay closer attention.
That’s interesting, but I fail to recognize much “center” in your views .. and obviously I’m not the only one here with that perspective. I rarely, if ever, see challenges to your views from eggplants, but I’ll pay closer attention.

Well, that's because Leftists tend to have insular views and not know much about views different from their own. I don't care if the Right / Conservatives agree with me or not in any case. I present my views based on facts and reason as much as I can and that usually ends with vitriol, ad hominem, and vulgar insults from the Leftists / Progressives. You may not like my views, you may disagree with them. But it's hard to impossible to refute them out-of-hand.
Well, that's because Leftists tend to have insular views and not know much about views different from their own. I don't care if the Right / Conservatives agree with me or not in any case. I present my views based on facts and reason as much as I can and that usually ends with vitriol, ad hominem, and vulgar insults from the Leftists / Progressives. You may not like my views, you may disagree with them. But it's hard to impossible to refute them out-of-hand.

It’s MUCH easier to refute you views than you may think sir. Progressives attack you because they are as opposed to your views as I am. We all get attacked by the other side in here, who cares? But it’s a good way to determine what side you’re on by who is attacking you, and who you attack. In your case you always attack the Left. See, you’re not as clever as you think.
Have you educated yourself on what a “fascist” is yet? Last I checked you didn’t have a clue.
sure have. I dont rely on a false construct that the left is immune from fascism, just because it's been historcial RW
Brownshirts in the streets (ANTIFA) cancelling people for non-approved speech is fascist behavior
sure have. I dont rely on a false construct that the left is immune from fascism, just because it's been historcial RW
Brownshirts in the streets (ANTIFA) cancelling people for non-approved speech is fascist behavior

You still don’t have the slightest idea what a fascist is. Do they charge you to use Google?
It’s MUCH easier to refute you views than you may think sir. Progressives attack you because they are as opposed to your views as I am. We all get attacked by the other side in here, who cares? But it’s a good way to determine what side you’re on by who is attacking you, and who you attack. In your case you always attack the Left. See, you’re not as clever as you think.

Yes I do. And, here as elsewhere, I am overwhelmingly met with one of three responses:

The Leftist tries to change the subject
The Leftist throws ad hominem at me
The Leftist vulgarly insults me

It is rare that a Leftist actually tries to refute my position using facts, logic, or reason. I postulate that the reason for that is the Leftist position is usually built on emotion and desired outcome (aka wishful thinking). As a result, when confronted with a logical, factual position in opposition to their own, they have no means to rebut the argument so ad hominem and insults result.
Well, that's because Leftists tend to have insular views and not know much about views different from their own. I don't care if the Right / Conservatives agree with me or not in any case. I present my views based on facts and reason as much as I can and that usually ends with vitriol, ad hominem, and vulgar insults from the Leftists / Progressives. You may not like my views, you may disagree with them. But it's hard to impossible to refute them out-of-hand.

Is that what you believe? I am always amazed when rightys make such declarations and are so far from reality.