Classical Liberal
Al “Andre the Giant”, “Pineapple Face” Gross.Begich was able to make it through. If Republicans mess this up again, they might let another Democrat through.

Al “Andre the Giant”, “Pineapple Face” Gross.Begich was able to make it through. If Republicans mess this up again, they might let another Democrat through.
It is just the RINOs that have to vacate... bye bye RINOs... you are no longer welcome here. We are done with your abusive ways. Go join the Demonkkkrats.It is the party of trump, so Republicans have to vacate the premises.
Republican justices always seem to be bitter little men. I don't know why that is.
It is just the RINOs that have to vacate... bye bye RINOs... you are no longer welcome here. We are done with your abusive ways. Go join the Demonkkkrats.
Like that will get her reelected in Alaska???? Even dims don't run as dim any more in AK. They call themselves "independents". As if that helps. Ask Al Gross.Yes, by all means drive more Republicans into the Dem camp, that will teach em.....![]()
Yes, by all means drive more Republicans into the Dem camp, that will teach em.....![]()
I welcome any freedom loving Democrat to come to their senses and to join the MAGA movement.
It is just the RINOs that have to vacate... bye bye RINOs... you are no longer welcome here.
That Ain't Gonna Happen, if anything the GOP will either lose voters or split between the Republicans and the Trumplings, either way the GOP loses at least for a decade. You can thank trump.
His opening drawn out whiny opening statement proved to me, guilty of the accusations or not, that he was Unfit for the position, but hey, water under the bridge.
I welcome any freedom loving Democrat to come to their senses and to join the MAGA movement.
Conservatives have no need to pose as Demonkkkrats. They tend to be honest (like Jesus) rather than being liars and manipulators (like Satan).It is amazing to watch the Republicans purge all who do not worship trump. There is no term "DINO".
The hate belongs to the Demonkkkrat party, dude... They are the ones foaming at the mouth about Trump, even though he is no longer in the White House. They are the party that supports racism and racist movements/agendas (such as the KKK, issuing "reparations" to blacks, and affirmative action policies).That would be if they were retarded.MAGA is a terrible movement doomed to fail in its own cesspool of hate. We hope you guys can learn how badly you were conned.
The hate belongs to the Demonkkkrat party, dude... They are the ones foaming at the mouth about Trump, even though he is no longer in the White House. They are the party that supports racism and racist movements/agendas (such as the KKK, issuing "reparations" to blacks, and affirmative action policies).
Nobody foamed at the mouth. Trump is and was a serious threat to the continuing existence of America. Did you sleep through 1-6?
The Dems do not support the KKK. They long ago went to where they belong, the Repugs, I know no one supporting reparations. Do you have polling showing the Dem party is backing that? I kid, of course, you do not. It does not exist.
Reparations have already been done in some cities across the former USA... Of course, no amount of payment will ever be enough for such lefties.Nobody foamed at the mouth. Trump is and was a serious threat to the continuing existence of America. Did you sleep through 1-6?
The Dems do not support the KKK. They long ago went to where they belong, the Repugs, I know no one supporting reparations. Do you have polling showing the Dem party is backing that? I kid, of course, you do not. It does not exist.
You must live in a really really white bubble then Nordberg. It was brought up in discussion with varying levels of support in the 2020 Democratic Primary. CBC members in the House have brought up every new Congress a vote on studying/offering reparations. Newsom just signed legislation in California to study reparations. I'm sure a good progressive woke person such as yourself has read Ta-Nehisi Coates' article 'The Case For Reparations'.
Reparations may not have overwhelming support but its definitely out there.