It is not just China. Places like France are laughing and running away from woke liberals in this country. It really is a world wide phenomenon.
Indeed, Cap'n. Have you seen what they're saying in Australia?
It is not just China. Places like France are laughing and running away from woke liberals in this country. It really is a world wide phenomenon.
I forgot about Macron.It is not just China. Places like France are laughing and running away from woke liberals in this country. It really is a world wide phenomenon.
Indeed, Cap'n. Have you seen what they're saying in Australia?
I have. And many other places.
Only wokesters and DEMOCRATS seem to be ignorant of how pathetic they are, Skipper.
Correct. Head in the sand. Asses in the air.
Asses in the air.
That's an ugly mental image, Cap'n.
I suspect more than one JPP DEMOCRAT cat lady is accurately depicted here:
A typical democrat woman.....hehehehe....
A typical democrat woman.....hehehehe....
To be fair, Skipper, it might be a "transitioning" DEMOCRAT.
It is not just China. Places like France are laughing and running away from woke liberals in this country. It really is a world wide phenomenon.
We have out-lefted France and Europe. Has it occurred to our domestic lefties that maybe they’ve gone too far? No lol.
We have out-lefted France and Europe.
Has it occurred to our domestic lefties that maybe they’ve gone too far? No lol.
Exactly. That is how out of touch they are with reality. The "liberal" countries they want to be like would throw them out.
Not so fast, Skipper. I just heard that hordes of American Baizouo are jamming Air France's online reservation site.
Agree with China on this one.
hilarious. the Baizou (you) calling the kettle a CCP propaganda promoterCome on, you agree with the Chinese and the Russians on almost all things. You love to spread their propaganda.
hilarious. the Baizou (you) calling the kettle a CCP propaganda promoter