Isn't it great to wake up in an America where Trump is no longer president?

Every day I give thanks that Trump is no longer president. It's so refreshing to have a president that is competent and honest.
Don't you agree?


It would be even greater to wake up one day to find out tRump has finally been served with a arrest warrant and that goes for his entire criminal family and his fellow insurrectionist GOPer creatures.
Obviously you are much less intelligent than average.

Sure, there's a lot of personal satisfaction in capping a bad person in the back of the head but 1) that's illegal and 2) it's immoral.

Sure, there's a lot of personal satisfaction in shooting a bad person in the lower spine, crippling them for life so all they do is shit in bag and roll around their trailer but that too is illegal and immoral.

Same goes with hiring someone to break a bad person's kneecaps with a piece of rebar or a baseball bat. Is going to prison really worth a moment's worth of satisfaction? Not in my opinion.

The best revenge is legal revenge. If it costs money, so be it. Better to spend money than time in jail.

RB, you're a person who thinks with their fists, I think with my brain. That's why it's better for me to let you beat me up, to have you pay for all of my medical bills and for you to go to prison to reflect upon your failures in life. I'll heal in a few days, a few months if you break something. You'll be in prison far longer than that. Not to mention the premeditation on your part probably makes it a felony.

As for defending my country, it's completely legal for me to kill our nation's enemies, both foreign and domestic, without having to give up my freedom in the process.

LOL! Yeah, whatever. Who the fuck are you to judge my intelligence, anyway?





Nope. I'm strategically competent, although I was accused of thinking with another part of my anatomy in my younger days.
You think with your brain? Standing there and taking a beating is using your brain? Is that what they taught you in the military?
Nah, I'll plead self defense, I'll say you just missed with a roundhouse and I throttled you enough that you no longer posed a threat.
It's Texas, don't you have a "stand your ground" law? That's ironically funny, isn't it?

LOL! You? Defend this country? When you won't defend yourself?
Kill foreign and domestic "enemies"? You would quiver like a dog
shedding water with a human in your sights. You would miss at
50 yards.
No.There no way I'd want you behind be in a battle situation,
you aren't man enough. You're nothing but a fucking PUSSY :laugh:
LOL! Yeah, whatever. Who the fuck are you to judge my intelligence, anyway? WTF? WTF? WTF? WTF?

Reality has judged your intelligence... I feel sorry for you.

No.There no way I'd want you behind be in a battle situation,
you aren't man enough. You're nothing but a fucking PUSSY :laugh:

You had your chance to do battle with the USA, and chickened out.
Reality has judged your intelligence... I feel sorry for you.

You had your chance to do battle with the USA, and chickened out.

Ya think? I'd say, for one, my employers judged my intelligence. I retired early as a manager. That's reality.

I have no intent to do battle with the USA, just it's enemies within.
I'd say, for one, my employers judged my intelligence. I retired early

So no employer?

If I tried to retire early, my employers, partners, and clients would try to convince me to stay. I am betting when you retired early, your employer was thankful to be rid of you.
So no employer?

If I tried to retire early, my employers, partners, and clients would try to convince me to stay. I am betting when you retired early, your employer was thankful to be rid of you.
Yes, an employer,

Nope. He was sad because he didn't have a replacement with my experience. I recommended, and he took my recommendation of a younger Puerto Rican who showed an interest in making new prototypes.
Of the machinists there, he was the one who asked questions on how I did things, why I angled the tooling, speeds and feeds for different metals, threading, etc. He didn't have the experience I do, and
his pay rate was adjusted accordingly. After nearly 40 years, I got pretty damn good at my chosen profession, Walt. My paycheck reflected it.
LOL! Yeah, whatever. Who the fuck are you to judge my intelligence, anyway?...

Nah, I'll plead self defense, I'll say you just missed with a roundhouse and I throttled you enough that you no longer posed a threat.
It's Texas, don't you have a "stand your ground" law? That's ironically funny, isn't it?
Why not? You judge me all the time. It's a free country, dumbass.

Figures you'd lie. You've proved yourself to be the lying type. This is why witnesses and/or video is always important for confrontations.
Why not? You judge me all the time. It's a free country, dumbass.

Figures you'd lie. You've proved yourself to be the lying type. This is why witnesses and/or video is always important for confrontations.

I judged you an asshole when you first appeared and stooped so low as to insult my mother with your perverted attack. I don't take those attacks lightly.

Yep. You are a disgrace and a PUSSY :laugh:
I judged you an asshole when you first appeared and stooped so low as to insult my mother with your perverted attack. I don't take those attacks lightly.

Yep. You are a disgrace and a PUSSY :laugh:

Your liquid courage is less than inspiring, son.
Every day I give thanks that Trump is no longer president. It's so refreshing to have a president that is competent and honest.
Don't you agree?


It sure is great to realize the lawlessly hacked in Putin lap devil 45 has been thrown out of the White House, his criminal family and gutter team which is all the stimulus that matters to me personally.