Isn't it great to wake up in an America where Trump is no longer president?

Limbaugh took so much oxy, he lost the ability to hear. That is a huge amount. He had to be literally on the verge of death dozens of times to get there.

And now he's dead. God Bless America!

And now he's dead. God Bless America!

Maybe I am being too harsh, but when I look at drug addicts like Limbaugh and trump, I can't help but think there is a lot of self loathing in there.

And before the Alt Right posters ask, I definite think Hunter Biden has a problem with self loathing. He was the less favorite son. The less injured in the car accident son. The son who achieved less. And finally, the son who did not die. He has got to be thinking, "if only it was me, not my brother, who died." AND THAT IS DARK!!!

Hunter Biden is being kept at a distance from the White House. trump was president, you cannot get closer than that to the white house. he regularly invited his two older sons to white house meetings. That is three drug addicts in the white house.
Too low grade for the military

Yes, you are. But don't sell yourself short GuAno; you're also a worthless, race hustling, piece of human filth.

gua·no | \ ˈgwä-(ˌ)nō
: a fertilizer containing the accumulated excrement of seabirds or bats broadly : excrement especially of seabirds or bats

So you admit that before you switched to other drugs a few months ago, you were taking oxy? Was it the oxy addiction that forced your "retirement"?

Nope. Not that's it's any of your business, I've had a prescription for years. I rarely take them, I've built up a high tolerance to pain and only take them if I really hurt.
I just have little tolerance for ignorant people. Any more stupid questions?
So you admit that before you switched to other drugs a few months ago, you were taking oxy? Was it the oxy addiction that forced your "retirement"?
I've had a prescription for years. I rarely take them, I've built up a high tolerance to pain and only take them if I really hurt.
I just have little tolerance for ignorant people. Any more stupid questions?

That helps explain it. People in constant pain are angry at life. Bitter. Hateful. The addiction doesn't help.
Nope. Not that's it's any of your business, I've had a prescription for years. I rarely take them, I've built up a high tolerance to pain and only take them if I really hurt.
I just have little tolerance for ignorant people. Any more stupid questions?

Well, good luck in one day getting rehab from your addictions.
Well, good luck in one day getting rehab from your addictions.

I have no addictions Walt. Well, maybe my proficiency with firearms may be called an addiction, I guess. I've been using them safely since I was a kid and still do regularly.