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so if that 'judicial review' (a usurped power in itself) deems an obviously unconstitutional act as 'law', we're bound to obey it?
Marbury v Madison is stare decisis.
so if that 'judicial review' (a usurped power in itself) deems an obviously unconstitutional act as 'law', we're bound to obey it?
Good Luck with that.
OK...Strange...must have missed it...PMP.
so if a law gets passed that requires us to surrender all firearms............obey it? or a law that criminalizes all abortions, obey it?
Marbury v Madison is stare decisis.
it's hilarious how you are too fucking stupid to believe science, stupid fuck. how can you believe masking and social distancing does not mitigate the spread of any respiratory disease? what the fuck is wrong with dullards who cannot accept this fact?
this is from 2019, before covid-
Mandatory food handler vaccines for hepatitis A imposed by ...www.foodsafetynews.com › 2019/08 › mandatory-foo...
Aug 7, 2019 — Hepatitis A is a highly contagious disease that attacks the liver. ... The ordinance requires vaccines for all restaurant workers and anyone involved in food preparation. ... Union City BBQ co-owner Jeffrey Stevenson told local media that he was surprised the ordinance wasn't adopted “a long time ago.
I always thought liberals were most illiterate in the area of economics.
Now they're making a strong run at rudimentary civics as well.
That seems to be the idea behind passing 'Laws'.
who knew you were that much of a totalitarian................
My Policy is 'Obey the Law ... or don't get caught'.![]()
so..........slave. got it
wah-fucking-wah. i guess if she decided the government does not have the right to make sure her kitchen is clean, that she only uses FDAA regulated meat and food products, and her food preparers wear gloves and hair nets and whatnot, you dumbfucks would agree with her about that.
She openly defied the law which was intended to protect the people and mitigate a deadly disease. She decided she would make her own laws. She should pay bigly.
it's hilarious how you are too fucking stupid to believe science, stupid fuck. how can you believe masking and social distancing does not mitigate the spread of any respiratory disease? what the fuck is wrong with dullards who cannot accept this fact?
this is from 2019, before covid-
Mandatory food handler vaccines for hepatitis A imposed by ...www.foodsafetynews.com › 2019/08 › mandatory-foo...
Aug 7, 2019 — Hepatitis A is a highly contagious disease that attacks the liver. ... The ordinance requires vaccines for all restaurant workers and anyone involved in food preparation. ... Union City BBQ co-owner Jeffrey Stevenson told local media that he was surprised the ordinance wasn't adopted “a long time ago.
There is no way you have one friend, much less two.