Are people blind? Meghan Markle is NOT black. She's 100% white.

Which is why you now have a Prime Minister. :laugh:

Walpole was our first Prime Minister, rather a long time ago (and like so many of your politicians, extremely corrupt). What point are you trying to make? We can change Prime Ministers, just as we can change monarchs, should we want to. Execute 'em, too, if we're in the mood (that's monarchs, not politicians).
American is only one of my nationalities; and I have spent less than half of my life in the states. I am neither a racist nor stupid. I do, however, understand what it means when the British royal family asks what color a black baby is going to be. You are either naive or disingenuous.

Just non-racist, mate, like the Queen. Over here there are quite a lot of us about. I was brought up to worship Paul Robeson, like most people in this Valley.
Walpole was our first Prime Minister, rather a long time ago (and like so many of your politicians, extremely corrupt). What point are you trying to make? We can change Prime Ministers, just as we can change monarchs, should we want to. Execute 'em, too, if we're in the mood (that's monarchs, not politicians).

Most intelligent people can follow that my point is the same one already stated several times: monarchies are archaic vestiges of a past era.
Monarchies are archaic vestiges of a past era.

Mostly true, but monarchies supported by their subjects are nonetheless legitimate.
So, for that matter, are Communist regimes at the opposite end of the political spectrum.

America may have one of the least legitimate governments in the world, because no matter which party runs the government, half the country won't recognize its legitimacy.
You get terribly muddled between slavery and slave trading. Slavery was found to be illegal in Britain - there was no change of law. Slaves from foreign parts were a problem - slavery was a foreign custom and people didn't know what to do about it - until the law was made clear.

You are free to waffle, dance and disclaim any UK connection to slavery, but you're still wrong if not a liar.
You are free to waffle, dance and disclaim any UK connection to slavery, but you're still wrong if not a liar.

The fact is that slavery was effectively abolished by the Normans, but was so distant a memory that nobody knew for some time what to do with foreign slaves who were brought in. Finally the courts decided it was not legal here. That's fact. If you want to have silly fantasies about it, do that thing, but this discussion now seemjs to me pointless.
The fact is that slavery was effectively abolished by the Normans, but was so distant a memory that nobody knew for some time what to do with foreign slaves who were brought in. Finally the courts decided it was not legal here. That's fact. If you want to have silly fantasies about it, do that thing, but this discussion now seemjs to me pointless.

And you effectively confessed to being wrong. :laugh:

Why are you so adamant to deny the facts?

What year was slavery banned across the British Empire? Not "effectively", the actual fucking date, sir.