Miami Beach officers shoot pepper balls into spring break crowds

A) Can't go out at night bcuz too many *****.

B) Going out at night can get you arrested.

C) Draconian rules.

You know they're stealing everything. Not all of them, but hoodlums will use that shit for cover.

On the bright side: It might be warm enough to go to the beach in Miami today, maybe.

If you see anyone out there, they're probably NOT local.

Temp-wise, Miami is probably the best place to be right now.

Everyone rioting in Miami Should Stop...
(at least there was no "thank you" for the "euthanize with live Ammo comment"...but no condemnation, either...._
a bunch of liberal college students..................maybe that's a good thing

People don't actually know what they are, politically, until they become financially independent.
I remember being a kid very well. You can be just about anything that you want on mom and dad's dime, obviously.
When you're on your own, you really discover what you're about.
that looks like my Nani. I had to put her down due to cancer a couple years ago. I love bullies. :clink:
Oh, I'm sorry...It's so very tough to lose a pupper, especially in that kind of situation....such a heartbreaking decision....#cancersucks....
yYou know there are breed specific rescues (bullies, too)....hint, hint...
This little one has medical issues, but... knock knock.... doing well so far.....someone out there needs you;)
Oh, I'm sorry...It's so very tough to lose a pupper, especially in that kind of situation....such a heartbreaking decision....#cancersucks....
yYou know there are breed specific rescues (bullies, too)....hint, hint...
This little one has medical issues, but... knock knock.... doing well so far.....someone out there needs you;)

Losing a beloved dog is a brutal gut punch.
I'll stipulate to that.
Let's stipulate that pepper balls were excessive, although I'd have to know more about the situation to be sure.

Let's instead talk about morons carrying on a colossal super-spreader event when we're so close to getting Covid under control.

The humane thing, rather than pepper balls, would have been to euthanize these idiots with live ammo.

really so since in miami most of these folks were black, are you suggesting a mass genocide of black people for not following curfew?

how fucking racist.
Miami Beach officers shoot pepper balls into spring break crowds

(CNN)Miami Beach Police fired pepper balls into crowds of partiers and arrested at least a dozen people late Saturday as the city took extraordinary measures to crack down on spring breakers who officials have said are out of control.

The aggressive enforcement actions came just hours after Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber declared a state of emergency and set an 8 p.m. curfew, saying the crowds that have descended on the city recently are "more than we can handle."

Joe Biden has this country turned into a police state. pepper balls into a spring break crowd because of an 8pm curfew?

Seems excessive.

