there is no voter fraud.

I wonder how many times that has been asked and how many times they never seem to be able to produce it. Powell just admitted there was nothing to her claims in an attempt to save herself from losing her law license and Millions of dollars, Rudy is going to get his chance, as will the mental patient Mr Pillow, and it looks like FOX will also get their opportunity, personally I look forward to Rudy the most, I wonder if his head will leak again. Oh, and then there is Mr trump, the originator of the Big Lie, it should be fun to watch him try and weasel his way out when Dominion comes calling. Looks like a whole lot of people are going to be losing a whole lot of credibility, as if they had any to begin with, along with lots of money. I Love it, Karma is a Bitch.:laugh:
I wasn't because I'm not a terrorist, but you said the election was stolen, so why weren't you there on 1/6? Not enough courage to act on your convictions, you want someone else to do it for you.

Democrats: Nazi terrorists
Our elections have been checked over and over and they are extremely fair and clean. It is a fact, Repubs have created a myth because they know Trumpys will believe whatever they are told, over the absolute facts. All you prove when you bleat about stolen elections and massive fraud is how little proof you require, essentially zero. The elections are not the problem. You idiots are.