there is no voter fraud.

explain how Trump's total vote counts went down during the night.

Trump's total vote count NEVER went down.
Even though he was a little ahead at first, EVERYBODY in the media knew that he'd lost already

This is so fucking obvious to anybody whose IQ is higher than his/her shoe size,
but to a devolved trumpanzee mutant, it was too much to comprehend.

Because of their extremely severe mental deficiencies, they concluded that the election was stolen overnight.

Sophisticated city people don't vote for orangutans.
In order to win, Republican troglodytes have to be WAY ahead before the urban vote is announced.
This wasn't the case.
Anybody who didn't stay up but had something resembling a functioning brain
went to bed knowing that Biden won.

How many times has this been explained on this forum?
How the fuck stupid ARE these trumpanzees?
what I said is 100% true and is backed up by video evidence. What you say is partisan bullshit.

to your sig line lies: Trump has zero impeachments he was acquitted on both false charges. Obozo was the worst president in US history, bar none. His fake awards cannot change that, HE is the sole cause of the division and hate that exists in the country today, and fools like you perpetuate it because you are too stupid to see the truth.

nope, you are a liar and a meth addict
That was checked thoroughly too. It also is extremely rare. The Repub sectys of state said the election was very clean. Trump got more recounts than I can ever remember anyone getting. This is a right-wing fantasy.
The Repub suppression did not work well enough this time. That is the real election fraud. The reds immediately offered up a couple hundred more ways to impede minority and Dem vote.

No it wasn't

No it's not.

So what? I don't see the Dem/GOP split the way you do. That means nothing to me.

Really? Prove it. I think 2000 was way worse.

Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night.

I saw the real election fraud, in Oakland County. I wouldn't want to be you right now.
It's pretty basic math.

Voter fraud of the kind that many allege would have to have been coordinated across at least 6 states. Dozens of counties, and hundreds of precincts.

That would involve more than a few people. We live in the internet age. People like to talk.
It's pretty basic math.

Voter fraud of the kind that many allege would have to have been coordinated across at least 6 states. Dozens of counties, and hundreds of precincts.

That would involve more than a few people. We live in the internet age. People like to talk.

People like to be on the winning team.

Trump's total vote count NEVER went down.
Even though he was a little ahead at first, EVERYBODY in the media knew that he'd lost already

This is so fucking obvious to anybody whose IQ is higher than his/her shoe size,
but to a devolved trumpanzee mutant, it was too much to comprehend.

Because of their extremely severe mental deficiencies, they concluded that the election was stolen overnight.

Sophisticated city people don't vote for orangutans.
In order to win, Republican troglodytes have to be WAY ahead before the urban vote is announced.
This wasn't the case.
Anybody who didn't stay up but had something resembling a functioning brain
went to bed knowing that Biden won.

How many times has this been explained on this forum?
How the fuck stupid ARE these trumpanzees?

YES, they did in several states. His actual vote numbers went down, not the margin between the two of them, his actual vote counts. The dominion machines changed the numbers in the middle of the night. This has been proven but the crooked media refuses to mention it, because to do so would be to admit that they were in on it and lied to the american people.

This is not over, the truth will prevail. Biden did not win. It was a dem/media/deep state/chinese coup. How fools like you can condone that continues to amaze me.
It's pretty basic math.

Voter fraud of the kind that many allege would have to have been coordinated across at least 6 states. Dozens of counties, and hundreds of precincts.

That would involve more than a few people. We live in the internet age. People like to talk.

That is exactly what happened. They tried it in 2016 but Trump's numbers were so much greater than Hillary's that the machines were not programmed to fix that many votes. The proof is coming, stand by.
It's pretty basic math.

Voter fraud of the kind that many allege would have to have been coordinated across at least 6 states. Dozens of counties, and hundreds of precincts.

That would involve more than a few people. We live in the internet age. People like to talk.

Nope no math involved here at all.

It was coordinated across at least 7 States. Just a few precincts in those States was all that was needed, and of course a few dozen corrupt government officials. An easy thing for the Democrat party to coordinate.

They got caught at it too. The evidence is still out there. You can't just wish it away.