Biden's Presser

I'm glad you thought he did just fine...but he didn't....Not really.... He's so not "in charge"....Or he would have stayed until he answered everyone's questions....he didn't have anywhere else to be....

Is this one of your many "professional opinions," fake 'teacher'? :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

Imagine -- a self-appointed special ed teacher mocking an elderly man with a speech impediment. But since it's you, we're used to that.

Biden did a great job, looked presidential and resolute, and in control. We loved his quip about your #IMPOTUSx2 -- "God, I miss him." LMAO
You don't what he was doing there, so stop jumping to lying conclusions.

Oh, you mean he was prepared to talk to the press and wasn't just riffing off the top of his head, lying at every turn and making shit up like The Former Guy did?

Yeah, terrible.

He probably took a few hours to prepare, but he's been busy getting the country vaccinated against a disease that you said was a hoax for 15 months.

Almost forgot what it was like to have a President answer questions in a straightforward, forthright way without meandering off into a bunch of insults, threats, and blustering.
You mean he was prepared and wasn't just riffing off the top of his head, uncontrollably lying or making shit up?

The horror!!!!
Pretty funny...huh? When trump would read from his notes, he sounded like a 3rd grade student. He never took his eyes off of the prepared notes, because he had never seen them before. Couple that with the fact that he's illiterate.

He refuses to prepare for any public speaking. He prefers to meander through his list of grievances rather than stay on topic.

Biden had bullet points, and would refer to them briefly before looking the reporter in the eye and addressing the question.
I don't have a Biden Fan Club card in my wallet, but I remember his lunatic predecessor very well.

The orangutan Trump did something that an actual human being could never possibly do--make Dubya look good in comparison.

If you voted for Trump once, never mind twice, even criticizing Biden's pocket square should, at the order of any reasonable court, get you drawn and quartered .
It's pretty clear who actually watched the "press conference" and who did not....
And who will be honest in an evaluation of his "performance"...
I don't have a Biden Fan Club card in my wallet, but I remember his lunatic predecessor very well.

The orangutan Trump did something that an actual human being could never possibly do--make Dubya look good in comparison.

If you voted for Trump once, never mind twice, even criticizing Biden's pocket square should, at the order of any reasonable court, get you drawn and quartered .

Sadly our Reichwing friends are still confusing bellowing, bragging, bullying, and bullshit with "strong leader."

It's Obama Redux. They don't attack his policies or positions; they attack the person because they got nothing else, and are nothing else but bullies themselves. The same is true with VP Harris.

Don't you wonder what all those here complaining and attacking him did with their Biden Stimulus checks? lol
It's pretty clear who actually watched the "press conference" and who did not....
And who will be honest in an evaluation of his "performance"...

Indeed it is. YOU did not watch it. WE did.

ETA: So which of his policies do you not agree with, and why? What did he say yesterday that you think is bad for our country? Or are the only things you can attack him on is his age and stuttering issue?
had the questions, had the order on which reporters to call on, had cheat sheets. This was a campaign event not a press conference. he got confused several times and lost his train of thought. took no follow up questions and abruptly ended the press conference.
had the questions

No he didn't. Biden was eager to talk coronavirus and absolutely ZERO reporters asked about coronavirus.

had the order on which reporters to call on

So you're alleging the White House coordinated with the Press Corps before the press conference on which reporters Biden would call on and when?

That's a mighty big claim to make, I suppose you have proof?

had cheat sheets.

You mean notes? So he wasn't just a sniffling, riffing, making shit up off the top of his head, improvising, lying while rambling kinda President like the last one was, who you identified with?

You don't prepare for things either, do you? I mean, you don't even wash your hands.

Maybe all the reporters, including FoxNews, are lying, but they are saying the questions were not pre-selected.

Why does everyone need to be lying for your ideology to be possible?
Where is the evidence that Biden had the questions?
It was stated on our local news that Biden was disappointed more questions weren’t asked about the COVID response and the economy, indicating he didn’t have the questions beforehand.