Biden's Presser

At one point Biden actually pulls a list of the reporters present out and asks if (name) from AP is there.


Biden stumbled and bumbled through the questions asked of him and some of his answers were astonishingly stupid. It really was a disaster.

He didn't stumble at all.

Trump stumbled all the fucking time, which is why he told you to inject bleach into your veins. Remember?
Good to see a Real President again, he came prepared, he answered the questions, even the out right stupid ones like will you run again in four years, will trump run against you, will Harris be on the ticket? Though he did good with the Immigration questions and he knows there is a lot of work to be done there. Good answer on Afganistan he unlike trump understands how logistics and security work, glad we are working on getting out of there, Obama should have worked harder to get us out in his second term and trump did nothing until the elections and made wild promises in an attempt to gain votes.
He was honest and did not sit there patting himself on the back as trump so often did, really like having a Good Person running this Nation again, had almost forgot what it felt like. Good Job President Biden :good4u:

He also didn't make shit up off the top of his head, nor did he spread any lies or disinformation.
You don't what he was doing there, so stop jumping to lying conclusions.

Oh, you mean he was prepared to talk to the press and wasn't just riffing off the top of his head, lying at every turn and making shit up like The Former Guy did?

Yeah, terrible.

He probably took a few hours to prepare, but he's been busy getting the country vaccinated
against a disease that you said was a hoax for 15 months.

Yeah...:rolleyes: Like as if Joe is personally handling that or something. Bwaaaa ha ha . C,mon man....GTF otta here.

It gets worse...

What's funny about that clip is that the press conference ended, yet those reporters (who I assume were Fox News or Newsmax) screamed their questions at Biden anyway, but didn't ask those questions DURING the press conference, when they had the chance.
What's funny about that clip is that the press conference ended, yet those reporters (who I assume were Fox News or Newsmax) screamed their questions at Biden anyway, but didn't ask those questions DURING the press conference, when they had the chance.

They did it to Trump too and he'd answer. Biden either walks away or is deer in the headlights...
What's funny about that clip is that the press conference ended, yet those reporters (who I assume were Fox News or Newsmax) screamed their questions at Biden anyway, but didn't ask those questions DURING the press conference, when they had the chance.
Why didn't he call on everyone?
He also didn't make shit up off the top of his head, nor did he spread any lies or disinformation.

I always like when reporters asked trump questions and he rambled off a bunch of nonsense about something else entirely because he did not actually understand the question asked. That and when he got frustrated he attacked the reporter instead, while of-course never answering the question asked. Gonna miss his ramblings there were so entertaining, but there is a whole library of trump stupidity on the web to go back and watch again and laugh and laugh at. I can assure you the comedy writers miss him, he wrote their material for them, now it is back to work folks...