The repubs call it winning. Stop as much voting in likely Dem districts and you can win. Fuck democracy.
The repubs call it winning. Stop as much voting in likely Dem districts and you can win. Fuck democracy.
Yea, sure. Like Atheists have the upper hand in discussions on God...
Why wouldn't they? The vast majority of American atheists grew up in households where the parents at least professed to be Xtian.
Need a federal law requiring States to provide enough voting resources to keep voting lines under an hour. If they can't do it then the feds step in and take over elections in that state.
Yea, sure. Like Atheists have the upper hand in discussions on God...
Only here those claiming it could lead to fraud can point to:
Multiple cases of voter fraud that were caught
Proposed methodologies that would allow for fraud in the proposed system
Actual cases where those methods, or ones very similar were used by fraudsters and detected.
All-in-all those saying that what the Democrats want in HR 1 could lead to massive voter fraud have the upper hand entirely over those dismissing voter fraud as a fakery or something that can't happen.
I don't have to prove fraud. I can demonstrate easily, as anyone can, how with mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting it would be possible to commit mass fraud and never get caught.
Voter rolls are generally accessible to the public, and certainly accessible to political parties.
With that list of names I can, variously, go door-to-door, request mail-in ballots for voters who rarely or never vote, or go to places where many ballots would be delivered at one time such as nursing homes.
I either collect said ballots unmarked, or collect them after the person votes.
Given I have weeks to review them, I do so. Sealed ones are easily steamed open
That took all of what, a minute...
Since signatures are reviewed by scanner and an exact match is unnecessary, I can use any of several signature programs to put one on each ballot. Doesn't matter if some are rejected, most won't be.
Once I've destroyed any ballots that are filled out contrary to my position(s) I simply mail in the rest.
What upper hand nut sack gargler
The court told you to fuck off because your “evidence” was non exsistant
Who you got on your side fucking idiot?
Thank you for injecting that completely gratuitous and juvenile insult into the conversation. Now, the adults are talking. Go away.
If voting is absolutely so important, wouldn't waiting in line for say as long as you might to attend a major concert or the Super Bowl be reasonable?
I suggest you try this. I see several things that will get you easily caught and charged with multiple felonies that will put you in jail for 5-20 years. First of all is the time frame you think you have to do this. Most states now have ways for voters to track their ballot to see if it was received. If you hang on to ballots for many weeks some of the voters you collected ballots from will be complaining about why their ballot isn't yet in the system. The second thing is your suggestion that you can simply destroy ballots contrary to your position. Once again if you do this you will be found out when voters start questioning why their ballot never made it in.
You don't seem to even understand how mail in ballots work. There are 2 envelopes. You would have to open both envelopes without destroying them or making it obvious that you tampered with them. You are using a technique that was used in the 50's to try to open envelopes glued with glue from this century. Modern glues may not be as susceptible to heat as the old glues. Then there may be security features built into the envelope that you are unaware of.
You might think you can simply replace the ballots with another ballot. The problem there is you don't know what security features are on each printed ballot. You could scan the ballots and print them out yourself which will get you caught very easily since every printer prints a readable code on every page printed by that printer. You would need the same kind of paper as the ballot since it is often easy to tell differences between paper weights and brightness.
Congratulations on not proving that someone could easily tamper with mail in ballots. Instead you proved that someone attempting to do so would spend a lengthy time in jail by making multiple mistakes that would easily get them caught.
Thank you for injecting that completely gratuitous and juvenile insult into the conversation. Now, the adults are talking. Go away.
I suggest you try this. I see several things that will get you easily caught and charged with multiple felonies that will put you in jail for 5-20 years. First of all is the time frame you think you have to do this. Most states now have ways for voters to track their ballot to see if it was received. If you hang on to ballots for many weeks some of the voters you collected ballots from will be complaining about why their ballot isn't yet in the system. The second thing is your suggestion that you can simply destroy ballots contrary to your position. Once again if you do this you will be found out when voters start questioning why their ballot never made it in.
You don't seem to even understand how mail in ballots work. There are 2 envelopes. You would have to open both envelopes without destroying them or making it obvious that you tampered with them. You are using a technique that was used in the 50's to try to open envelopes glued with glue from this century. Modern glues may not be as susceptible to heat as the old glues. Then there may be security features built into the envelope that you are unaware of.
Yea, sure. Like Atheists have the upper hand in discussions on God...
If voting is absolutely so important, wouldn't waiting in line for say as long as you might to attend a major concert or the Super Bowl be reasonable?
How many people actually bother to track their ballot?
Where did that "fact" come from? I had to look up the pejorative "xtian." It turns out to be a Progressive Leftist term for fundamentalist Christians who make up about a quarter of Americans. But there's no indication that atheists or Atheists are made up in majority from such families.
Of course, being Buddhist myself, I am in a tiny minority when it comes to religion in the US.
If voting is absolutely so important, wouldn't waiting in line for say as long as you might to attend a major concert or the Super Bowl be reasonable?
I don't post here much anymore. There isn't a lot of good discussion to be had on this board.
Happened by today for the 1st time in awhile and saw this comment. It's absolutely staggering. A total head-shaker.
Not much to add. Just had to say something.