Don’t be fooled by the bullshit. This isn’t about just showing ID when you vote. I have to show ID every time I vote.
This is about Republican politicians being able to run election boards in black counties, specifically in Fulton, Dekalb, Gwenett, Macon, and polls around Savannah. The lemmings aren’t telling you, or even talking about that.
This is about the upcoming Georgia race for Governor, where it’s likely Stacey Abrams vs Brian Kemp, unless he gets beaten by Trump who plans to primary him.
It’s also about a full term for Senator Warnock, who will run against a Trump candidate, but we’ve already beaten Trump himself here in Georgia, so republicans are running scared and rushed this Jim Crow legislation through, but cheat as much as they can, it still won’t work, and it will cost the state billions of dollars.
Imagine Georgia, the epicenter of the Civil War, with a BLACK Governor, and BLACK and JEWISH US Senators, with BLACK Atlanta being the center of the universe in Georgia.