MLB threatens to move all-star game out of Atlanta over voter reform law

Decency requires moving the game out of Georgia.
It isn't fair to Georgia Democracts who may suffer financially, true,
but it's the look we have to have right now. Taking a stand for what's right is never wrong.
Decency requires moving the game out of Georgia.
It isn't fair to Georgia Democracts who may suffer financially, true,
but it's the look we have to have right now. Taking a stand for what's right is never wrong.

Imagine the backlash that is brewing and bubbling over at the seems right now. Backlash from the MLB is just the first of a coming storm of backlash. Republicans are crying about “cancel culture” now, but they have no idea of the magnitude of the cancellations coming their way.

Rights in America are not determined by what is fair, just, honest, equitable, nor by what Jesus would do. Rights in America are ONLY determined by what you can DEMAND. If you cannot demand that right, you will not have it. That is particularly true of the right to vote. White women didn’t have it until they demanded it. EVERY right that African-Americans have in this country we have because WE DEMANDED THAT RIGHT. WE HAD TO KICK THE FUCKING DOOR DOWN TO OPEN IT.

AND we didn’t kick the door down through the barrel of a gun. We’ve accomplished that strategically, wisely, and spiritually against great and tremendous odds. American history itself is a testament to the will and resilience of African people.

The tsunami is coming.
AND we didn’t kick the door down through the barrel of a gun. We’ve accomplished that strategically, wisely, and spiritually against great and tremendous odds. American history itself is a testament to the will and resilience of African people.

The tsunami is coming.

HAHAHA. Is that a joke post.??? Blacks have accomplished nothing in america. All of you get your money via welfare or crime or some phony affirmative action job.

Blacks don't have the intelligence to make it on their own in america.

1. Black-americans come in last in all standardized tests. Asian-americans do fine on all the tests so it's not due to cultural bias in the tests.

2. Africa is by far the poorest and most backward continent on the planet. All of black africa is now controlled by blacks and has been for decades so it's not due to racism.

3. No black has ever won a Science Nobel Prize unless you count one in 1979 for the semi-science of economics. They have won many nobels in non-brain fields like Peace and also in Literature so it is not due to racism.

4. Out of 1552 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black.
I can’t remember the last time I saw even an inning of a MLB all star game. Maybe never. Last time I watched a MLB game start to finish was maybe the Reds - Red Sox WS in 1975.
Not racist, but a true burden on poor people and old people. Blacks are poorer as a group. Many lack money to get the ID and lack transporation.
reduced or free ID costs are available -but anyone doing most anything in society needs an ID.

FFS you dont even have to do ballot stuffing at the drop box anymore. Show us who you are and just mail it in.

To say blacks have some disadvantage here is to insult black culture. They are capable of ID and vote by mail *duh*
I can’t remember the last time I saw even an inning of a MLB all star game. Maybe never. Last time I watched a MLB game start to finish was maybe the Reds - Red Sox WS in 1975.

It's been a long time for me too. It always has been a slow boring game and the owners won't fix it. They like a 2 hour game that lasts 3 hours. They sell more coke and hot dogs that way. But long term it's bad for the game.
So you think the comment in this everyday article was written for legal purity rather than as a general statement. Most adult residents of course are qualified to vote.

So you say.

I'm pretty sure only eligible citizens are qualified to vote, but it seems obvious that you and the leftist-infested media would prefer to eliminate that requirement and are propagandizing.
They can? Don't let your bigotry blind you.

What Documents Do You Need When Getting Food Stamps?

Proof of Identity
You need proof of your identity, such as a state issued identification card, a driver's license or a passport.

Which documents do I need to meet Section 8 requirements

Proof of citizenship, such as a U.S. driver’s license, birth certificate or state ID.

Need ID to buy beer ciggs get into nigh clubs etc...yes sure blacks dont have ID:laugh: IDIOT
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Have to have an ID for:

1. Alcohol

2. Cigarettes

3. Opening a bank account

4. Apply for food stamps

5. Apply for welfare

6. Apply for Medicaid/Social Security

7. Apply for unemployment or a job

8. Rent/buy a house, apply for a mortgage

9. Drive/buy/rent a car

10. Get on an airplane

11. Get married

12. Purchase a gun

13. Adopt a pet

14. Rent a hotel room

15. Apply for a hunting license

16. Apply for a fishing license

17. Buy a cell phone

18. Visit a casino

19. Pick up a prescription

20. Hold a rally or protest

21. Blood donations

22. Buy an "M" rated video game

23. Purchase nail polish at CVS

24. Purchase certain cold medicines

But not to vote?
Have to have an ID for:

1. Alcohol

2. Cigarettes

3. Opening a bank account

4. Apply for food stamps

5. Apply for welfare

6. Apply for Medicaid/Social Security

7. Apply for unemployment or a job

8. Rent/buy a house, apply for a mortgage

9. Drive/buy/rent a car

10. Get on an airplane

11. Get married

12. Purchase a gun

13. Adopt a pet

14. Rent a hotel room

15. Apply for a hunting license

16. Apply for a fishing license

17. Buy a cell phone

18. Visit a casino

19. Pick up a prescription

20. Hold a rally or protest

21. Blood donations

22. Buy an "M" rated video game

23. Purchase nail polish at CVS

24. Purchase certain cold medicines

But not to vote?

Just last week i had to show photo ID to use a computer at the library??? Library card wasn't enough.
Don’t be fooled by the bullshit. This isn’t about just showing ID when you vote. I have to show ID every time I vote.

This is about Republican politicians being able to run election boards in black counties, specifically in Fulton, Dekalb, Gwenett, Macon, and polls around Savannah. The lemmings aren’t telling you, or even talking about that.

This is about the upcoming Georgia race for Governor, where it’s likely Stacey Abrams vs Brian Kemp, unless he gets beaten by Trump who plans to primary him.

It’s also about a full term for Senator Warnock, who will run against a Trump candidate, but we’ve already beaten Trump himself here in Georgia, so republicans are running scared and rushed this Jim Crow legislation through, but cheat as much as they can, it still won’t work, and it will cost the state billions of dollars.

Imagine Georgia, the epicenter of the Civil War, with a BLACK Governor, and BLACK and JEWISH US Senators, with BLACK Atlanta being the center of the universe in Georgia.
Don’t be fooled by the bullshit. This isn’t about just showing ID when you vote. I have to show ID every time I vote.

This is about Republican politicians being able to run election boards in black counties, specifically in Fulton, Dekalb, Gwenett, Macon, and polls around Savannah. The lemmings aren’t telling you, or even talking about that.

This is about the upcoming Georgia race for Governor, where it’s likely Stacey Abrams vs Brian Kemp, unless he gets beaten by Trump who plans to primary him.

It’s also about a full term for Senator Warnock, who will run against a Trump candidate, but we’ve already beaten Trump himself here in Georgia, so republicans are running scared and rushed this Jim Crow legislation through, but cheat as much as they can, it still won’t work, and it will cost the state billions of dollars.

Imagine Georgia, the epicenter of the Civil War, with a BLACK Governor, and BLACK and JEWISH US Senators, with BLACK Atlanta being the center of the universe in Georgia.

HAHAHA. You make it sound like darkies are just as smart and capable as whites and asians. So why is africa a sewer?
Just last week i had to show photo ID to use a computer at the library??? Library card wasn't enough.

last week i had to show photo ID to use a computer at the library
