Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'

You and me. Fortunately, we don't care what toe jam has to say. That little shit is about to learn a hard lesson.

Nah, he'll hide in his basement like he has for the last year. He'll march lock-step with the America hating leftists

No, they don't.

The fuck they don’t. They are federally regulated, so they go by those rules. TSA is the king.

No mask? No fly.
No guns (realistic toy guns included) aerosols, sprays, bats, smoking, etc.
You piss off the captain? Off you go.
Recognizing that you're an idiot may be the first step toward not spewing moronic garbage here at JPP. :)

Your stupid is unfixable, shitstain. I regularly point out your lies and bullshit when I post the facts.

Want to find one of those posts, Jethro? Good. Let’s go.
I do not want my elderly relatives to be around a bunch of diseased Republicans.

You Deplorables said COVID was a hoax, that it was no worse than the common cold, you refused to wear masks, refused to socially distance, and you refuse to get vaccinated.

It is about time to treat you like the social pariahs and public health risks that you are.

According to CDC criteria it isn't a vaccine, it's gene therapy, and you are a guinea pig, it prevents nothing but harsh symptoms! The constitutions is my passport.
^Doesn't understand the law or respect the Constitution.

Are you pointing at yourself? Tell me what in the Constitution give you the right to fly on a private commercial airline. Or ride on a privately owned commercial bus, or a train. Point me to that clause. LOL at you. What a dunce.
Getting issued orders with a gun to your head is force. Also as Bret points out Power which has lied and withheld information all the way along the trail about SARS-COV2, power which has demonstrated such irresponsibility, and who rushed out these vaccines with skimpy testing, has no moral right to demand that anyone take them.

So they are coming with a gun? LOL at you. You seem to think you have a bunch of rights that you never had. YOU HAVE NO INHERENT RIGHT TO BE SERVED BY A BUSINESS. Period, full stop. That business denying you service is not akin to holding a gun to your head. That's just stupid. If you don't want the vaccine, don't get it. Prepare to be limited in what private businesses are willing to take you on as a customer. Tough shit.
Losers like you have been posting for 20 years on the internet about second amendment solutions with your Rambo wannabe militia dough boys.

20 years of empty threats and false bravado is now more of a comedy act than anything else

We'll see how funny it is if Biden tries to ban/buyback any of our guns.
Of course, I won't sell any of mine for a penny less than market value,
and I'm keeping at least 10 or 12 of them, regardless what they say.
(You know, the ones that meet or exceed "military ballistics" or magazine limits) LOL!
Liberals orgasm when discussing Castro's Cuban health care system.

Castro's health program obviously did not protect the secrecy of patients' health records, which is why anyone who tested positive for HIV was immediately dispatched to a special prison for the remainder of their lives.

In the United States our medical records are protected under HIPAA.

Biden now wants to make our medical records, or at least part of them, public record, and like Castro, use them to infringe upon our personal liberties.
Liberals orgasm when discussing Castro's Cuban health care system.

Castro's health program obviously did not protect the secrecy of patients' health records, which is why anyone who tested positive for HIV was immediately dispatched to a special prison for the remainder of their lives.

In the United States our medical records are protected under HIPAA.

Biden now wants to make our medical records, or at least part of them, public record, and like Castro, use them to infringe upon our personal liberties.

No he doesn't. Why do you lie so easily about something that can be disproven? Are you a compulsive liar? That's a pretty serious character flaw.
We'll see how funny it is if Biden tries to ban/buyback any of our guns.
Of course, I won't sell any of mine for a penny less than market value,
and I'm keeping at least 10 or 12 of them, regardless what they say.
(You know, the ones that meet or exceed "military ballistics" or magazine limits) LOL!

Weak men need a lot of bang-bangs to compensate.

We both know God damn well you lied your fat ass off about being a trained marksman and expert weapons consultant, so do not even try to sell me that flaccid act