Jurors shown video at ex-officer’s trial in Floyd’s death

There's also the suspicion that the police had whilst taking Floyd into custody that he had Excited Delirium Syndome which renders him a serious danger to the police. (I think that was HIGHLY likely given the high-dose coctail of psychactive drugs he had injested and his observable behaviour and facial affect in the police body cam videos I have watched). Chavin was aware of this possibility ( as he and he three co-defendant officers can be heard discussing ExDS in one of the videos from a police body cam recording of the entire Floyd arrest incident) and given he was a relatively small man relative to Floyd who was in comparisan a much taller and extremely muscular/strong person, this could explain the length of time he kept Floyd immobilized in the knee/neck restraint he applied. Note as well, the the knee/neck restraint was a technique approved for use by the Minneapolis PD in their Officer Training Manual. Whether or not it should be is academic in this case. Chauvin used the restraint legally, and in precisely the kind of circumstances that the training manual stated that it could/should be used.

Floyd complains of shortness of breath many times throughout the entire process of his arrest, and, while Chauvin is applying the Knee /Neck restraint. He complains of this loudly and clearly. It is a symptom of Fentanyl overdose. It was not a shortness of breath due to his trachea/windpipe being clamped shut by Chauvin's knee, if it was, Floyd would not be able to speak clearly (or even at all) ?


Very little to not at all.

I’m skeptical that asphyxiation can be caused by a knee on the side of the neck without displacing cervical vertebrae. If there was a significant risk of that happening then the neck restraint wouldn’t be approved.

So most probably, Floyd died from cardiopulmonary arrest secondary to respiratory distress due to Fentanyl abuse. Like the one coroner concluded. That’s also consistent with cop cam evidence which clearly indicates Floyd was having difficulty breathing well before he was placed in the restraint position by Chauvin.

On paper, there’s no way a murder charge would hold up under this evidence but this is no ordinary case. Since Floyd was black and the cop was white a racial motive *gets read into it*, and yeah.
And some of that evidence claims Floyd had a potentially lethal dose of Fentanyl on board. He complained of shortness of breath while sitting in the squad car. Chauvin’s offense was in not recognizing signs of respiratory distress. The jury has yet to hear that evidence.

There’s definitely a risk of over-charge here and if the jury fails to render ‘the proper verdict’ we all know what comes next. I guess we’ll see how Biden handles that.

Yeah, the defense will try to put Floyd on trial, just as you RW idiots have tried to do since the beginning. When, in fact, he’s the victim rather than the perpetrator. We’ll see if the jury buys that bullshit like you morons have.
Yeah, the defense will try to put Floyd on trial, just as you RW idiots have tried to do since the beginning. When, in fact, he’s the victim rather than the perpetrator. We’ll see if the jury buys that bullshit like you morons have.

Floyd was a victim of his own choices to a large degree. If he didn’t chose to abuse Fentanyl this topic would most likely not exist.
He did. He showed a longer video from a different angle that the public had not seen before today -- uncensored. It was horrific. They apparently have a lot of video. It's not difficult to imagine what would have happened if no one had cameras on their phones.

That's true. There is body cam footage, of course, but that goes into the custody of the police dept. where anything could happen to it, depending on the amount of honesty vs corruption there.

Some states have tried to make it illegal to record LEOs on duty. We have a 1st Amendment right to do so.

Once criminal trials get underway, I tend to sympathize with the defense.
Beyond reasonable doubt is a really tough standard.
I thought that Nordberg's...er, OJs jury had a real tough decision to make,
plus Johnny C and his team were about as cool as cool gets,
so they were tough not to root for.

But this asshole cop committed murder on video.
Only the most despicable trumpanzee mutant would question his obvious guilt.
Of course, we have no shortage of them here.
Once criminal trials get underway, I tend to sympathize with the defense.
Beyond reasonable doubt is a really tough standard.
I thought that Nordberg's...er, OJs jury had a real tough decision to make,
plus Johnny C and his team were about as cool as cool gets,
so they were tough not to root for.

But this asshole cop committed murder on video.
Only the most despicable trumpanzee mutant would question his obvious guilt.
Of course, we have no shortage of them here.

What makes you think any liberals don't question his guilt?
What makes you think any liberals don't question his guilt?

If they do, they don't have many friends.
There's a video.
A murder was clearly committed.
Excusing the murderer would in almost any case be an indication of racism.
Liberals, almost by definition, oppose racism.
If they do, they don't have many friends.
There's a video.
A murder was clearly committed.
Excusing the murderer would in almost any case be an indication of racism.
Liberals, almost by definition, oppose racism.

I'm no longer arguing the case. I'm arguing whether any liberals support the cop.
AGAIN! What makes you think some don't?

Bullshit about the racism comment. Watch the news and you'll see clearly some do.
I'm no longer arguing the case. I'm arguing whether any liberals support the cop.
AGAIN! What makes you think some don't?

Bullshit about the racism comment. Watch the news and you'll see clearly some do.

I see it differently, Arby.
I stand by the comment about racism.
My news outlets haven't offered the coverage which you reference.
If others do, then I haven't seen them.
I see it differently, Arby.
I stand by the comment about racism.
My news outlets haven't offered the coverage which you reference.
If others do, then I haven't seen them.

I see you've found my old HS nickname. Yep, I use it on another forum that I don't often participate in.
Interesting that one of my friends years ago always stretched it out to sound like RB, so I been going by that for years and years.
Are you saying liberals can't be racist? That's bullshit, pure and simple,

This wasn't hard to find


Is this what liberals are teaching their kids?

I see you've found my old HS nickname. Yep, I use it on another forum that I don't often participate in.
Interesting that one of my friends years ago always stretched it out to sound like RB, so I been going by that for years and years.
Are you saying liberals can't be racist? That's bullshit, pure and simple,

This wasn't hard to find


Is this what liberals are teaching their kids?


Newsflash: every non-caucasian isn't a liberal.
Every leftist isn't a liberal.
I myself am a hard left progressive more than a liberal.