MLB threatens to move all-star game out of Atlanta over voter reform law


Its a true story. I had to show photo ID to use a computer at the library. Never had to do that before but the computer wouldn't let me log on so the librarian needed me to verify my library card.

Until a year ago, the walmart where i buy BBs for my air pistol required photo ID to buy them!!! They no longer have that policy.
Answer the question. If blacks are as capable as whites and asians, why is africa a sewer???

Not that it is relevant to the topic, but you do realize that the nations in Africa were not created by the people that live there, that in most cases there are people grouped together who historical, socially, religiously, and politically don’t agree on anything. And in most cases, chronologically, the nations are in their infancy, emerging from centuries of European imperialism
Its a true story. I had to show photo ID to use a computer at the library. Never had to do that before but the computer wouldn't let me log on so the librarian needed me to verify my library card.

Until a year ago, the walmart where i buy BBs for my air pistol required photo ID to buy them!!! They no longer have that policy.

No problem, it isn’t about showing identification, but showing an officially issued voter ID, huge difference
Funny, first it was NFL football, now MLB baseball, and we know the same parties aren’t going to be big fans of the NBA, so what are they going do when all they got left is 24/7 NASCAR, which even that is tilting away from its good ole boys Junior Johnson days
Not that it is relevant to the topic, but you do realize that the nations in Africa were not created by the people that live there, that in most cases there are people grouped together who historical, socially, religiously, and politically don’t agree on anything. And in most cases, chronologically, the nations are in their infancy, emerging from centuries of European imperialism

BS - the african nations got their independence 50 or so years ago. They've had plenty of time to advance but instead have gone backwards. Zimbabwe (rhodesia) used to be a first world country and now it's a sewer. The Congo was never first world but it's now a sewer too. 60 years ago it had lots of schools and hospitals and highways. All gone. South Africa got independence nearly 30 years ago and it is falling apart too.

Very very few african blacks can even read. There is no way they can be the engineers and businessmen a modern country needs.
Funny, first it was NFL football, now MLB baseball, and we know the same parties aren’t going to be big fans of the NBA, so what are they going do when all they got left is 24/7 NASCAR, which even that is tilting away from its good ole boys Junior Johnson days

If white americans stop caring about sports, that is no big loss. The games are fixed anyway.
Democrats say requiring photo ID to vote by mail is RACIST!! HAHAHA

Voter reform law. What a bunch of crock when it should be lawless voter suppression, which I hope will get the full brunt of Justice completely obliterating this blatant attack on U.S. Constitutional law and federal voting rights laws in a effort to undermine Democracy in favor of a clump of un American and treasonous GQPer swine.
It really is not about you or your interests.
Of course it is. It’s all about me and my interests. You have no idea how powerful I am. LOL. No really. Baseball is long past the “Nat’l Pastime”. Everywhere I go I see empty baseball diamonds. Soccer fields are always full.
Football is king. Baseball is about on the same level as the NHL.
I’d like to just go to a game to eat hot dogs, drink beer, eat popcorn and maybe pay attention to the game the last two innings if it’s close. Other than that I can’t imagine being interested the whole game.
Of course it is. It’s all about me and my interests. You have no idea how powerful I am. LOL. No really. Baseball is long past the “Nat’l Pastime”. Everywhere I go I see empty baseball diamonds. Soccer fields are always full.
Football is king. Baseball is about on the same level as the NHL.
I’d like to just go to a game to eat hot dogs, drink beer, eat popcorn and maybe pay attention to the game the last two innings if it’s close. Other than that I can’t imagine being interested the whole game.

Baseball is dying in this culture, and the poor performance of MLBB has a lot to do with why.
Stay away from our rights.

We gun owners say the same thing.

Well, the NBA can go fuck themselves. I hate basketball.
The NFL? Yeah, I'll occasionally watch, but not as much as I used to.
MLB? Although I loved playing softball in my younger days, MLB has become boring.
NHL? I watch it quite often. Go Penguins!! (the GF is a Flyers fan :rolleyes:)
Voter reform law. What a bunch of crock when it should be lawless voter suppression, which I hope will get the full brunt of Justice completely obliterating this blatant attack on U.S. Constitutional law and federal voting rights laws in a effort to undermine Democracy in favor of a clump of un American and treasonous GQPer swine.

HAHAHA. Hear that everybody?. This loony lib says banning illegal aliens from voting is VOTER SUPPRESSION!!!
Of course it is. It’s all about me and my interests. You have no idea how powerful I am. LOL. No really. Baseball is long past the “Nat’l Pastime”. Everywhere I go I see empty baseball diamonds. Soccer fields are always full.
Football is king. Baseball is about on the same level as the NHL.
I’d like to just go to a game to eat hot dogs, drink beer, eat popcorn and maybe pay attention to the game the last two innings if it’s close. Other than that I can’t imagine being interested the whole game.

I never played or spectated soccer but it does look 10 times more exciting than baseball. Baseball needs to speed up the game and make it exciting and that can be easily done. But the owners won't do it.
I never played or spectated soccer but it does look 10 times more exciting than baseball. Baseball needs to speed up the game and make it exciting and that can be easily done. But the owners won't do it.

I needs to be more violent. Have you noticed batters are not only wearing helmets but face protection while at bat? Ty Cobb would consider today's players pussies.
Batters should be required to wear only the old cloth caps w/out face protection. Pitchers should be rewarded for hitting a batter in the head area from the top of the neck up with an automatic out instead of a walk.
They should. The All Star Game generates tens of millions of dollars of revenue. Those decisions are meaningful. If your state decides to institute Jim Crow laws, expect businesses to shun you.
Association football, which we alone call soccer, is not quite as exiting as watching paint dry.

Baseball is fine just the way that it is.
Don't fuck it up for those of us who actually like it.
If it's losing popularity in North America, so be it.
Caribbean and East Asian nations love it.

Unlike almost all the other team sports, baseball is not about going back and forth,
attacking and defending goals while a clock is ticking.

That would apply to every form of football including gridiron, rugby and soccer.
That would apply to basketball and hockey and lacrosse.
That would apply to polo on either horses or water.
Not baseball. Baseball is special.

The players are not clustered in formation.
They're spread out, each having his own turf to make his play in the open as an individual.
Nobody fails to set a pick or makes an errant pass or misses a block.
He makes the play or doesn't, and we can all seer it clearly.
While almost all the other sports are more clearly seen on televison--we go to the stadium for the ambience and then see the play on the jumbotron--,
you have to be at the ballpark to see everything happening on the baseball field.

Then the player goes to bat, alone, with nine people to thwart him.
Some may find it boring.
I find it great.

Leave baseball the fuck alone and watch a game that you enjoy instead.
Not that it is relevant to the topic, but you do realize that the nations in Africa were not created by the people that live there, that in most cases there are people grouped together who historical, socially, religiously, and politically don’t agree on anything. And in most cases, chronologically, the nations are in their infancy, emerging from centuries of European imperialism

the only answer to his racist question is

They should. The All Star Game generates tens of millions of dollars of revenue. Those decisions are meaningful. If your state decides to institute Jim Crow laws, expect businesses to shun you.

Jim Crow laws??? HAHAHA. That's what the left calls any attempt to stop electoral theft.