Is an egg a chicken?

Is an egg a chicken?
If you order a chicken dinner would you be surprised to receive scrambled eggs?
If you go to an Easter egg hunt, do you expect to be chasing chickens?
Yes an egg is a chicken. Its also an animal not a serving of food.
Do you stay up nights thinking up foolish shit like this ?
A chicken embryo is not a species of chicken?


I didn't say that. It is a part of a species of chickens.

As you have stated, an egg is in a process of development in different stages.

Will you present again what is it that you are trying to convey? I might be missing some nuances. ;)
Hello Darth,

It’s a chicken in the embryonic stage but it’s not a chicken lol?

What is it?

You said it.

It is 'a chicken in the embryonic stage,' which may or may not grow into a chicken.

Saying that eggs are chickens is like saying a fetus is an adult.

It simply is not so.

If they were the same thing we would not have different words for them.
Hello Darth,

You said it.

It is 'a chicken in the embryonic stage,' which may or may not grow into a chicken.

Saying that eggs are chickens is like saying a fetus is an adult.

It simply is not so.

If they were the same thing we would not have different words for them.

You've said it better than I could. Thank you.
I didn't say that. It is a part of a species of chickens.

As you have stated, an egg is in a process of development in different stages.

Will you present again what is it that you are trying to convey? I might be missing some nuances. ;)

I’m not sure how much more of the science mangling I can take lol.

I’ll credit you with some imaginative constructs though. Wouldn’t it be simpler to just accept the science? Abortion isn’t going anywhere.
9-12 weeks; human resemblance there, huh?


Right, an embryonic a chicken, not a baby chicken. Thank you!

If it’s not fertilized, it’s a chicken egg. Even if it’s not fertilized it’s a chicken egg. Your hand is a human hand, your hand is not a human being.

why do you hate babies and kill them before they are born? it because you are not human?.....
Hello Darth,

The ‘what is a chicken’ bit is outside of science. Like religion is outside of science.

Have I made a single statement that was incorrect from the standpoint of science?

Yes or no.

Well, here's the thing:

If you hold up a chicken and drop it, it will probably start flapping it's wings and fly a ways before landing.

If you hold up and egg and drop it, your argument goes splat.

I’m not sure how much more of the science mangling I can take lol.

I’ll credit you with some imaginative constructs though. Wouldn’t it be simpler to just accept the science? Abortion isn’t going anywhere.

Can you at least attempt to explain what is it that you are trying to convey/argue?
Hello Darth,

I’m not sure how much more of the science mangling I can take lol.

I’ll credit you with some imaginative constructs though. Wouldn’t it be simpler to just accept the science? Abortion isn’t going anywhere.

Speaking of abortion, I noticed you had no comment on my point about how ridiculous it is for Republicans to be trying to end abortion.

You make a good point that abortion isn't going anywhere. Even if Roe is overturned, all that will do will be to leave it up to each State to decide if they wish to outlaw abortion.

If that happens, it will be like a defacto abortion ban only for poor people who cannot travel across State lines to get an abortion in a State where it is legal.

Abortion will still be readily accessible to the rich.

And forcing poor people to have more poor people is like forcing them to create more Democratic voters.

Republicans don't seem to have thought this out very well.