HAHAHA. Case against Chauvin so weak prosecutor brings in George Floyd daughter

They were not there to see how he was acting before the neck hold and video shows h was most likely already in the midst of a drug induced heart attack!
The coroner disagrees. If a man is having a heart attack, why would you kneel on his neck?
Are the police supposed to be doctors, and know he is having a heart attack? I am sure it probably presents differently when drug induced!
Well, you are the one who said you could tell by the video he was having a heart attack, you don’t think police are able to make that determination?
But it's not anymore, so why is it not anymore?

Kneeling on the neck of a drug-crazed giant was SOP at the time chauvin did it. That's all that matters, you ignorant tranny. The policy was changed because the fake news press and Burn Loot & Murder insisted it be changed.
My take. Chauvin will be convicted of something. Minimum, dereliction of duty. Maximum, premeditated hate crime murder (lol on that one).

I hope you're right but i bet you're wrong. The jury knows if they don't convict floyd of murder, the press will go after them. They will be doxxed and investigated by the press and their lives laid bare. OTOH if they say guilty of murder, the press will offer them big money for interviews and books. And the lecture circuit will beckon.
The coroner disagrees. If a man is having a heart attack, why would you kneel on his neck?

Chauvin did not know floyd was having a heart attack. Floyd was saying "i can't breathe" long before he was put on the ground and chauvin believed floyd was dying of asphyxiation. People that die of asphyxiation go wild in their last few seconds of life. It's a horrible way to die. That's why waterboarding is so effective as torture.
Chauvin did not know floyd was having a heart attack. Floyd was saying "i can't breathe" long before he was put on the ground and chauvin believed floyd was dying of asphyxiation. People that die of asphyxiation go wild in their last few seconds of life. It's a horrible way to die. That's why waterboarding is so effective as torture.

And he just keeps going- and going- and going- and going- and going- and going- and going- and going..

So domer is your sock account?

No, I don't have a sock. I find that entire phenomenon to be bizarre. It's like catfishing. There is something truly pitiful to me about someone spending time (and generally a lot of time) pretending to be someone one isn't or intentionally trying to harm, scare, or bother someone. And when those other people are not even exes, romantic interests, the kids in school you hate, or your kids but are anonymous strangers? That's just some next level personality disorder/boredom/loneliness.
Ahh, well, thats probably closer than your ilks suggestion its just republicans.

Who said that? That would be a stupid thing to say.

The only way we can stay socially distanced in the city is to stay locked down. We do everything else (masks, hand washing, constant disinfecting of surfaces, etc.) better than most places, but this place was designed to be crowded.
The department approved using that tactic for nine minutes?

As it turns out, no. Chauvin was immediately fired for doing it; and his sergeant testified in court that he shouldn't have done it.

What's your next excuse for why Floyd deserves to be dead, TrumpKlan? At least two of you have already admitted, in writing, in this forum that Floyd deserves to be dead because he's black. Are you the rest of you finally ready to say it?
No it is not, policy already decided it was an approved technique! Take that up with the department, it should be a separate case.

The police do not decide what constitutes murder. The legislature and the courts do. Not only that, but the police don't even agree with you. Or did you miss Chauvin's sergeant's testimony?
It came out in the trial yesterday that Chauvin or someone else checked Floyd’s pulse during the restraint.

That’s an odd thing to do during a homicide.

That never happened. Again, are you even talking about the Floyd case or just making it up as you go?
It was an approved method at the time of the incident, if you can't understand why there may have been a change in policy, I can't help you!

Actually, that was the question that you're supposed to answer. If the department changed its policy after Floyd died, why?