HAHAHA. Case against Chauvin so weak prosecutor brings in George Floyd daughter

No. Floyd was restrained until he was dead, not until an ambulance arrived. Are you even talking about the Floyd case or just making it up as you go?

It came out in the trial yesterday that Chauvin or someone else checked Floyd’s pulse during the restraint.

That’s an odd thing to do during a homicide.

Move those goalposts!

You said it was an approved technique, and the MPD says it isn't.

So which one of you should I believe?

I showed you a link where it states it was approved technique, After The riots over a dead thug, you don't suppose they changed it?
I imagine that is why the family got a lot of money.

Derek Chauvin is the most expensive cop in the history of this country.

The shame is that the MN taxpayers have to pay that settlement when it should come out of the PBA's pension fund.
I literally called over to the Minneapolis PD ten minutes ago and the person on the phone told me that kneeling on someone's neck is not an approved technique for the MPD.

The OP is an attention-seeking Banana RepubliQan liar ? Gosh !

Haw, haw................................haw.
It might not be necessary to get lost in the weeds with the toxicology report since there’s video of evidence of Floyd complaining of shortness of breath *prior to restraint* and that’s consistent with an impending cardiac episode and/or fentanyl induced respiratory distress. In Floyd’s case it could have been some combination of both. Or even fricking Covid.

Bottom line, Floyd needed a ride in an ambulance and not a squad car. Wasn’t that one of the reasons Chauvin had him restrained—to keep him still to an ambulance got there?

So if Floyd was stating prior to being restrained and choked out until dead that he had shortness of breath, "officer Chauvin" had a "duty of care" not to further compromise his health by trying to, you know, kill him.
My take. Chauvin will be convicted of something. Minimum, dereliction of duty. Maximum, premeditated hate crime murder (lol on that one).
"the tactic" is to restrain the person by controlling the head, there is nothing in the manual that says to move your knee around fishing for the artery to blood choke him out for 9 minutes.

Even the most prolific Jiu Jitsu fighter in the heat of a match knows that if someone goes out, you let go immediately.

He must be really poor at it if it took nine minutes to choke him out!