Every trumper is a N4T.
Great. Let them prove murder in court then.
Great. You disagree with their opinion.
My PC opinion?
One more time. Homicide is a MANNER OF DEATH. It is not a criminal charge. It’s not really that difficult to grasp the difference. I don’t know why you are struggling with that.
I am not responsible for determining Chauvin’s guilt. The jury is.
OK, disregard the second autopsy. It changes nothing.
Spare me the “if/would” bullshit. In all of history, “if/would” has never occurred. Stop making up your own reality. It’s the argument of a loser.
Congratulations on proving yourself to be every bit as mindless, clueless and dishonest/disingenuous as the people you deride for having the exact same attributes.
Everybody understands that the homicide does not equal murder.
You keep on repeating that as if it is some great revelation because you know really have nothing else to argue about.
Chauvin is on trial for MURDER and the state's claim is that the MURDER was the result of a homicide that he was supposedly responsible for.
Are you following me, midget mind?
My opinion is that AFAIC (and I DGAF what the ME or you say) there was no homicide and hence, no murder.
IOW.... death occurred as a result of 1) his underlying medical condition, 2.) the narcotics he ingested as the police approached his vehicle and 3.) the adrenaline and stress of the situation he'd gotten himself into and it had nothing to do with Chauvin's knee.
The cause of death was determined to be “cardiopulmonary arrest”, not asphyxiation. So, once again, you’re wrong.
No, you're full of bullshit.
The second "independent" (bought and paid for by the Floyd family shill) states... "asphyxiation from sustained pressure was the cause" of his death.