NASA: direct proof of man caused GW

Great. Let them prove murder in court then.

Great. You disagree with their opinion.

My PC opinion? :rofl2:

One more time. Homicide is a MANNER OF DEATH. It is not a criminal charge. It’s not really that difficult to grasp the difference. I don’t know why you are struggling with that.

I am not responsible for determining Chauvin’s guilt. The jury is.

OK, disregard the second autopsy. It changes nothing.

Spare me the “if/would” bullshit. In all of history, “if/would” has never occurred. Stop making up your own reality. It’s the argument of a loser.

Congratulations on proving yourself to be every bit as mindless, clueless and dishonest/disingenuous as the people you deride for having the exact same attributes.

Everybody understands that the homicide does not equal murder.

You keep on repeating that as if it is some great revelation because you know really have nothing else to argue about.

Chauvin is on trial for MURDER and the state's claim is that the MURDER was the result of a homicide that he was supposedly responsible for.

Are you following me, midget mind?

My opinion is that AFAIC (and I DGAF what the ME or you say) there was no homicide and hence, no murder.

IOW.... death occurred as a result of 1) his underlying medical condition, 2.) the narcotics he ingested as the police approached his vehicle and 3.) the adrenaline and stress of the situation he'd gotten himself into and it had nothing to do with Chauvin's knee.

The cause of death was determined to be “cardiopulmonary arrest”, not asphyxiation. So, once again, you’re wrong.

No, you're full of bullshit.

The second "independent" (bought and paid for by the Floyd family shill) states... "asphyxiation from sustained pressure was the cause" of his death.

Hello evince,

Some are valid.

The ones who talk in riddles and never directly address any of your actual comments are more likely to be bots.

The others?

I doubt that

They accept no facts

They are not real people

They are Republican operatives at best
But the state's claim is that Chauvin murdered Floyd

You get that, right little fella?

The ME's claim of homicide is an OPINION.

I happen to disagree with it.

Why can't you accept that???

Why do you crave acceptance of your biased, PC opinion????

So you either support the idea that Chauvin is guilty of some degree of murder or you don't.

You can fudge all you want by saying homicide is not a criminal charge, which we all know, but it's obvious you, like the state, think he murdered Floyd.

As for the second autopsy, it is bought and paid for bullshit.

If Chauvin had twisted Floyd's arm behind his back and he died from a combination of the drugs in his system and the stress of being arrested and having his arm twisted, it would technically be a homicide because Chauvin was in physical contact with him when he died.

But would he be on trial for murder?


The state's claim is that Chauvin's knee on Floyd's neck caused Floyd's death by asphyxiation even though the ME says there was no evidence of that kind of injury.

If you don't like it, you can blow me.

Why are you doing this?

The man was fine and all the tapes prove that

He only had a medical issue that day until someone restricted his breathing for nearly ten minutes

The man was such a specimen of humanity that chauvin himself said he feared him so he kneeled on the mans neck for over 9 minutes while he had other cops hold him to the ground face down as he leered at the people begging for Floyd’s life

Flat out murder

You have lost it
Congratulations on proving yourself to be every bit as mindless, clueless and dishonest/disingenuous as the people you deride for having the exact same attributes.

Everybody understands that the homicide does not equal murder.

You keep on repeating that as if it is some great revelation because you know really have nothing else to argue about.

Chauvin is on trial for MURDER and the state's claim is that the MURDER was the result of a homicide that he was supposedly responsible for.

Are you following me, midget mind?

My opinion is that AFAIC (and I DGAF what the ME or you say) there was no homicide and hence, no murder.

IOW.... death occurred as a result of 1) his underlying medical condition, 2.) the narcotics he ingested as the police approached his vehicle and 3.) the adrenaline and stress of the situation he'd gotten himself into and it had nothing to do with Chauvin's knee.

No, you're full of bullshit.

The second "independent" (bought and paid for by the Floyd family shill) states... "asphyxiation from sustained pressure was the cause" of his death.


“The second "independent" (bought and paid for by the Floyd family shill) states... "asphyxiation from sustained pressure was the cause" of his death.”

That’s the one you said is bogus because they paid for it. And now you’re quoting it? PRICELESS! :rofl2:

I keep repeating homicide because you morons can’t seem to grasp the difference.

Finally, you did get something right. Chauvin is on trial for murder. Pat yourself on the back.

After you’ve completed your training and first medical investigation, perhaps somebody will give your opinion some weight regarding the manner of death. Until then, you’re opinion doesn’t count for shit.
Chauvin is a racist

He was enjoying killing Floyd to taunt the black children arround him


One only 9 years old

He probably yanked off to the thought of it later

Little girls watching him kill a man who was twice his size







The tests were first conducted in 1859 by John Tyndall and has been repeated by HS students probably millions of time since then. Just because you are an idiot doesn't mean the simple scientific experiment doesn't exist.
No, they didn't. I have to ask if you actually read the article you linked have a history of not doing that which has led you to epic and hilarious fails. PROTIP: don't trust the headline, read the article.

The word "evidence" was used a lot in that article. It was used in reference to climate models which by the author's admission hadn't yet proved anything. What kind of evidence doesn't prove anything? In addition, the "smoking gun" was carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor? Are you fucking serious? Do you even science at all?

Did you read the source material? It was linked to in the article but I doubt you even bothered to read the article so there's no way you read the source material. In order to continue this conversation I need to know what you think an atmospheric radiative kernel is.

I guess you have some reading to do, I've already done it so when you're up to speed let me know.

Which version of the source material did you purchase?
“The second "independent" (bought and paid for by the Floyd family shill) states... "asphyxiation from sustained pressure was the cause" of his death.”

That’s the one you said is bogus because they paid for it. And now you’re quoting it? PRICELESS! :rofl2:

I keep repeating homicide because you morons can’t seem to grasp the difference.

Finally, you did get something right. Chauvin is on trial for murder. Pat yourself on the back.

After you’ve completed your training and first medical investigation, perhaps somebody will give your opinion some weight regarding the manner of death. Until then, you’re opinion doesn’t count for shit.

There is a reason they call it the art of medicine

Determining cause of death for one is very much up to the individual Dr

Watching the tape leaves no doubt

Floyd would have survived all of his by preexisting conditions that day if a gang of men hand not laid him face down and constricted his CHEST, ABDOMEN and NECK FOR NEARLY TEN MINUTES
In a first-of-its-kind study, NASA has calculated the individual driving forces of recent climate change through direct satellite observations. And consistent with what climate models have shown for decades, greenhouse gases and suspended pollution particles in the atmosphere, called aerosols, from the burning of fossil fuels are responsible for the lion's share of modern warming.

No, they didn't. I have to ask if you actually read the article you linked have a history of not doing that which has led you to epic and hilarious fails. PROTIP: don't trust the headline, read the article.

The word "evidence" was used a lot in that article. It was used in reference to climate models which by the author's admission hadn't yet proved anything. What kind of evidence doesn't prove anything? In addition, the "smoking gun" was carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor? Are you fucking serious? Do you even science at all?

Did you read the source material? It was linked to in the article but I doubt you even bothered to read the article so there's no way you read the source material. In order to continue this conversation I need to know what you think an atmospheric radiative kernel is.

I guess you have some reading to do, I've already done it so when you're up to speed let me know.

Dear fucking idiot

It has been observed and documented in real time by the worlds top experts

I’m sure you also give your self eye surgery and rectal examines

Understanding other are better qualified than you to do the work of observing and documenting events and then accessing the results is what sane thinking people do

You are not sane

You are on the “fuck science” team remember

I wouldn’t trust your assessment of the color of a pile of dog shit

Fuck you very much
You are the ones cheering his death you fucking sociopath

Why should I care about a psycho like him that drew a gun on a pregnant woman looking for money and drugs? He sounds like that black bastard drug dealer that you spat on! Did you care about Justine Damond or Tony Timpa? I doubt that you've even heard of them, they weren't the right colour!!
“The second "independent" (bought and paid for by the Floyd family shill) states... "asphyxiation from sustained pressure was the cause" of his death.”

That’s the one you said is bogus because they paid for it. And now you’re quoting it? PRICELESS! :rofl2:

I keep repeating homicide because you morons can’t seem to grasp the difference.

Finally, you did get something right. Chauvin is on trial for murder. Pat yourself on the back.

After you’ve completed your training and first medical investigation, perhaps somebody will give your opinion some weight regarding the manner of death.

You should stick to fellating your boyfriend and stop trying to have rational discussions about current events topics.

I quoted the bought and paid for autopsy report for the purpose of discrediting it, along with the portion of the county report that claims a homicide occurred.

Try to wrap what little there is of your alleged "brain" around this... if the county ME report says there was no evidence of the type of injuries that are being claimed by the state to have caused his death, how can it be a homicide, much less murder?

If it's a homicide even though there is no evidence of fatal injuries, then just putting a hand on him or even verbally confronting him could be called homicide if he died later for some other reason.

That is what you are too thick headed to grasp.

Chauvin is being tried for murder because he had physical contact with Floyd, even though it was in a manner in which the ME says there was no evidence that it caused any injury to him.

Apparently the ME's logic is that because Chauvin arrested him and the stress of the encounter caused a heart attack, that equals homicide.

I'm merely saying that makes zero sense.

My God, you are obtuse!!!! :palm:

Until then, you’re opinion doesn’t count for shit.

But yours equals shit.

There is zero difference between your opinion and shit.

They are one and the same.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

TBH, the Democrats, specifically Al Gore, politicized the issue first and, as usual, the Republicans freaked out and overreacted.

Was Alexander Graham Bell a Democrat?

100 years ago, Alexander Graham Bell warned us about the ‘greenhouse effect’
Back in 1917, the inventor of the telephone foresaw a future where coal and oil were replaced by renewable fuels.

"In a 1917 paper, Alexander Graham Bell wrote that the unrestricted burning of fossil fuels “would have a sort of greenhouse effect.” The man who invented the telephone four decades earlier added, “the net result is the greenhouse becomes a sort of hot-house.”

Bell was also concerned about the inevitable depletion of fossil fuels — “What shall we do when we have no more coal and oil?” So in a 1917 article for National Geographic Magazine, he urged the development of renewable ethanol fuel from agricultural waste, corn stalks, and saw-mill dust.” As one biographer wrote, Bell would “also explore ideas in energy conservation” and “solar heating.”"
Hello domer76,

If a drug ingestion causes a heart attack that kills someone, pal, that’s an overdose in anyone’s language.

I never said he was strangled or asphyxiated. Neither did the M.E. I merely told you the results from the M.E. And that is Floyd was killed by another person. That’s what homicide means. Not a suicide. Not an accidental death. Not a natural death.

I don’t know how many times that fact has to be repeated for it to sink in.

So, the question being who is that other person involved in that homicide? There is only one answer.

Now, homicide is only a manner of death, not a criminal charge. It’s up to the jury to decide any criminal responsibility.

As for the “could have” garbage, spare me that. “Could haves” never happen. Not in the history of mankind.

The fact is also that 12ng/ml of fentanyl, while it can be lethal, especially for “opioid naive” persons, for habitual opioid users, it’s not that high. People on therapeutic fentanyl patches to manage chronic pain can have much higher levels than that.

The planet is now saying: "I Can't Breathe!"
You should stick to fellating your boyfriend and stop trying to have rational discussions about current events topics.

I quoted the bought and paid for autopsy report for the purpose of discrediting it, along with the portion of the county report that claims a homicide occurred.

Try to wrap what little there is of your alleged "brain" around this... if the county ME report says there was no evidence of the type of injuries that are being claimed by the state to have caused his death, how can it be a homicide, much less murder?

If it's a homicide even though there is no evidence of fatal injuries, then just putting a hand on him or even verbally confronting him could be called homicide if he died later for some other reason.

That is what you are too thick headed to grasp.

Chauvin is being tried for murder because he had physical contact with Floyd, even though it was in a manner in which the ME says there was no evidence that it caused any injury to him.

Apparently the ME's logic is that because Chauvin arrested him and the stress of the encounter caused a heart attack, that equals homicide.

I'm merely saying that makes zero sense.

My God, you are obtuse!!!! :palm:

But yours equals shit.

There is zero difference between your opinion and shit.

They are one and the same.

Prove the Dr is unrepuptable

YOU are jumping to conclusions about a professional

Prove your claim
TBH, the Democrats, specifically Al Gore, politicized the issue first and, as usual, the Republicans freaked out and overreacted.

Stop being an idiot

The science was clear back then to

The need to act was paramount

Even more so now

So here is your dumb ass trashing Gore Because he was completely correct back then

You obviously drank the koolaide back them huh