Is an egg a chicken?

When someone says "chicken", what do you think of?

Everything from the chick growing in the shell to the aged bird we eat because she stopped laying. Pretending it was magically some other form of life until you could "recognize" it as the prepackaged nonsense you eat in the store is just pretense.
Proving once again you are a faux Christian who wants to murder people just like your hero Trump.


another child murdered by her parent....we call that late term abortion.....
Everything from the chick growing in the shell to the aged bird we eat because she stopped laying. Pretending it was magically some other form of life until you could "recognize" it as the prepackaged nonsense you eat in the store is just pretense.

I wasn't "pretending" it was "magically some other form of life". Eggs develop into full grown chickens. Let's say that it's already a chicken at conception, what does that mean? And if a human embryo is actually a human being, what does it also mean?
I wasn't "pretending" it was "magically some other form of life". Eggs develop into full grown chickens. Let's say that it's already a chicken at conception, what does that mean? And if a human embryo is actually a human being, what does it also mean?

No, eggs do not develop into chickens, chicken embryos do.

An egg is just one half of the important bits that make a chicken.

I can't believe you folks need biology lessons still. This would be like saying the woman develops into the infant because the human embryo grows inside her...

Once it is fertilized a chicken begins its path through the stages of life. From zygotic lifeform to aged bird... At every stage of life it is the same thing, a chicken.
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I accept your tacit confession you would not lift a finger to save a petri dish of blastocysts from a burning fertility clinic -- demonstrating you do not actually believe a human life begins at conception. It shows unequivocally even you have doubts about when a human life begins.

I acknowledge your tacit admission that there is no consensus on when a human life begins, and it is left to metaphysical speculation rather than rigorous scientific definition.

and I accept your admission that you set fire to the clinic just to smell the smoke of burning children.....
No, eggs do not develop into chickens, chicken embryos do.

An egg is just one half of the important bits that make a chicken.

I can't believe you folks need biology lessons still. This would be like saying the woman develops into the infant because the embryo grows inside her...

Once it is fertilized a chicken begins its path through the stages of life. From zygotic lifeform to aged bird... At every stage of life it is the same thing, a chicken.

LOL. You took my words too literally. ;)
We have a pretty good idea of what homo sapien-sapiens are - but even then our genetic relationship to other hominids, such as homo sapien-neanderthalis and homo sapien-denisovan are less than crystal clear.

As for a broader definition of life, there is no universal scientific consensus, law, or tenet. It comes down to a matter of subjective metaphysics.

bullshit.....any paramedic can tell you if someone is alive or dead.....
I’m saying you’re flailing lol.

Again: all science can say is that organisms begin to exist at conception. Homo sapiens are organisms; therefore, these begin to exist at conception.

If you want to inject YOUR metaphysics into it and asset that YOU didn’t come along until the after OB doc turned you upside down slapped your shiny white ass, I’ll sit here and watch you try and support that assertion. And with the appropriate level of amusement.

In the meantime the organism that was you/not quite you/whatever, began to exist at conception. Most rational beings have no problem whatsoever grasping the implications to what science has to say about the subject.

Kermit Gosnell was one that struggled with it.
It's pretty clear you're the one that's flailing with what passes for your medical "expertise".

Thanks for dodging all the questions. Those are answers by themselves. :laugh:
Two more questions.

Is chicken DNA a chicken?

And since human beings share most of the DNA, are we mostly chicken? :thinking:

About 60 percent of chicken genes correspond to a similar human gene. However, researchers uncovered more small sequence differences between corresponding pairs of chicken and human genes, which are 75 percent identical on average, than between rodent and human gene pairs, which are 88 percent identical on average.

Or perhaps we're more like rats? Well actually some of us are chickens and/or rats.
