Is an egg a chicken?

Other life and other life and other life...... and yet another life.

Sir Francis Crick was one of the first to recognize the problem and posited Directed Panspermia as an hypothesis to account for life on earth. Walking on water is mundane compared to getting DNA ‘to just happen’.
Two more questions.

Is chicken DNA a chicken?

And since human beings share most of the DNA, are we mostly chicken? :thinking:

About 60 percent of chicken genes correspond to a similar human gene. However, researchers uncovered more small sequence differences between corresponding pairs of chicken and human genes, which are 75 percent identical on average, than between rodent and human gene pairs, which are 88 percent identical on average.

Or perhaps we're more like rats? Well actually some of us are chickens and/or rats.

maybe it means the same being design them and humans also.
Sir Francis Crick was one of the first to recognize the problem and posited Directed Panspermia as an hypothesis to account for life on earth. Walking on water is mundane compared to getting DNA ‘to just happen’.

Know how you can walk on water easily?
First read up on the junkyard tornado fallacy.

As for me personally, I like what the Ancient Greece philosophers said.

The criticism of the junk yard analogy is flawed because the origin of life is fundamentally an origin of biological information problem and not a problem of a tornado randomly assembling parts. IOW, information had to arise from no information if you chose to believe life just happened.

The chicken embryo is a chicken because everything ‘that is the chicken’ is stored as information in the form of, literally, code. Except this code is *more sophisticated* than computer code by orders of magnitude.

There’s no throwing billions of years at the problem: It couldn’t have happened that way.
The criticism of the junk yard analogy is flawed because the origin of life is fundamentally an origin of biological information problem and not a problem of a tornado randomly assembling parts. IOW, information had to arise from no information if you chose to believe life just happened.

The chicken embryo is a chicken because everything ‘that is the chicken’ is stored as information in the form of, literally, code. Except this code is *more sophisticated* than computer code by orders of magnitude.

There’s no throwing billions of years at the problem: It couldn’t have happened that way.

Why cannot it have happened that way?

Where did the smooth pebbles and stones come from?