Is an egg a chicken?

How's that, Sparky? Because I don't support the barren (by choice or circumstances), or the dick-carriers telling women what they can or cannot do with their own bodies? Tough shit.

you libs want total freedom to screw and not be responsible for the results, but you want to hold everyone else liable for their words and thoughts----------that, little bitch, is hypocrisy.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Since we're better than stromatolites, let's hope a better life form emerges from a post-AGW world. :D

It remains to be seen if humans fare any better than stromatolites did in destroying themselves by changing the atmosphere. So far, we are not on a very good trajectory.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

It remains to be seen if humans fare any better than stromatolites did in destroying themselves by changing the atmosphere. So far, we are not on a very good trajectory.
Nothing is permanent. Everything is moving toward total entropy. Although time is often important to human beings, on the scale of the Universe, mankind's entire existence, even if it ends up being 500,000 years, is a mere fraction of over 200 Billion years.

As noted previously, some of JPP's less educated and less intelligent (usually the same person) have a problem comprehending big numbers. Using the numbers above mankind would only last 1/400th of the Universe.

Heck, mankind has already missed the overwhelming majority of our Universe's first 13.5 Billion years. Our entire species will be long gone one way or another. To be clear, I think others will be able to backtrack their lineage to us just as we do our evolutionary ancestry. It just won't be the half-man/half-chimp assholes we see dominating most samples.
Scientists know how the world will end. The Sun will run out of fuel and enter its red-giant phase. Its final burst of glory will expand and engulf the closest planets, leaving Earth a charred, lifeless rock. Our planet has around five billion years left.

With this grim image, theoretical astrophysicist Katie Mack begins her book on the end of the Universe — a much more uncertain prospect...

...Called the Heat Death or Big Freeze, this apocalypse will be “slow and agonizing”, Mack writes. In thermodynamic terms, she explains, the Universe will approach a state of minimum temperature and maximum entropy. As everything gets farther and farther apart, the material of dead stars will disperse so that new stars can’t form, and the galaxies they’re part of will gradually stop growing. It’s like a suffocation of all astrophysical activity, as the fuel for growth and reproduction becomes so diffuse as to be unusable. It is an end “marked by increasing isolation, inexorable decay, and an eons-long fade into darkness”.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

It remains to be seen if humans fare any better than stromatolites did in destroying themselves by changing the atmosphere. So far, we are not on a very good trajectory.

certainly lib'ruls are not likely to survive.....they can't take the heat......
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Nothing is permanent. Everything is moving toward total entropy. Although time is often important to human beings, on the scale of the Universe, mankind's entire existence, even if it ends up being 500,000 years, is a mere fraction of over 200 Billion years.

As noted previously, some of JPP's less educated and less intelligent (usually the same person) have a problem comprehending big numbers. Using the numbers above mankind would only last 1/400th of the Universe.

Heck, mankind has already missed the overwhelming majority of our Universe's first 13.5 Billion years. Our entire species will be long gone one way or another. To be clear, I think others will be able to backtrack their lineage to us just as we do our evolutionary ancestry. It just won't be the half-man/half-chimp assholes we see dominating most samples.
Scientists know how the world will end. The Sun will run out of fuel and enter its red-giant phase. Its final burst of glory will expand and engulf the closest planets, leaving Earth a charred, lifeless rock. Our planet has around five billion years left.

With this grim image, theoretical astrophysicist Katie Mack begins her book on the end of the Universe — a much more uncertain prospect...

...Called the Heat Death or Big Freeze, this apocalypse will be “slow and agonizing”, Mack writes. In thermodynamic terms, she explains, the Universe will approach a state of minimum temperature and maximum entropy. As everything gets farther and farther apart, the material of dead stars will disperse so that new stars can’t form, and the galaxies they’re part of will gradually stop growing. It’s like a suffocation of all astrophysical activity, as the fuel for growth and reproduction becomes so diffuse as to be unusable. It is an end “marked by increasing isolation, inexorable decay, and an eons-long fade into darkness”.

"It is an end “marked by increasing isolation, inexorable decay, and an eons-long fade into darkness."

Sort of like the American Republican party.
you libs want total freedom to screw and not be responsible for the results, but you want to hold everyone else liable for their words and thoughts----------that, little bitch, is hypocrisy.

Close, but too hard of a spin. It makes you look like a RWNJ. Yes, Libs want to empower the Federal government to do what is best for everyone and have the power to do it.

In short, they epitomize the phrase repeated in Congress by President Gerald R. Ford: “A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.”

So, yes about total freedom to screw anyone who disagrees but no on the "note be responsible for the results". They just fall back on "Well, it was the best for everyone". I disagree with that philosophy which is why I've never been a Democrat and will never be a Democrat.

I was a Republican for 38 years until they became to whacky for me about 10 years ago. There is no party for those who believe individual rights and states rights can be compatible with the necessity of a Federal government. At least no party I know about. Libertarians come close but still a little RW wacky on the idea of "the United States".
Hello Dutch Uncle,

"It is an end “marked by increasing isolation, inexorable decay, and an eons-long fade into darkness."

Sort of like the American Republican party.

LOL. No. Unfortunately, it looks like the Republican Party will go down with a very loud whimper. They'll come back and try something even bigger.

As the Insurrectionists and their supporters keep posting; "should have gone better armed". They want another Oklahoma City and Capitol Insurrection rolled into one with 20,000 armed radical White Supremacists. It won't be enough. Once they see all is lost, it'll just turn into a big suicide-by-cop fiasco but I suspect most will live long enough to be perp walked to their executions.

Their fantasy is that all the National Guards along with the Regular forces, or most of them, will side with the Insurrectionists. The bad news for the Democrats is that their attacks on the military and desire to disarm Americans doesn't sit well with almost 2 million American military personnel who have sworn an oath to the Constitution. Same goes for most of us vets. Especially those who retired out of the United States military.

This should become a major concern of the Democrats because if the Democrats keep pushing their one-size-fits-all bullshit, I won't be supporting them if the RW Turner Diary fantasy comes true.

BTW, as many civil wars do, if we have one, I suspect it will look more like the current Syrian Civil War which began with multiple factions fighting for the country. China and Russia will no doubt provide support to their favorite American factions. Should be an interesting time. I'll try to keep a diary.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

LOL. No. Unfortunately, it looks like the Republican Party will go down with a very loud whimper. They'll come back and try something even bigger.

As the Insurrectionists and their supporters keep posting; "should have gone better armed". They want another Oklahoma City and Capitol Insurrection rolled into one with 20,000 armed radical White Supremacists. It won't be enough. Once they see all is lost, it'll just turn into a big suicide-by-cop fiasco but I suspect most will live long enough to be perp walked to their executions.

Their fantasy is that all the National Guards along with the Regular forces, or most of them, will side with the Insurrectionists. The bad news for the Democrats is that their attacks on the military and desire to disarm Americans doesn't sit well with almost 2 million American military personnel who have sworn an oath to the Constitution. Same goes for most of us vets. Especially those who retired out of the United States military.

This should become a major concern of the Democrats because if the Democrats keep pushing their one-size-fits-all bullshit, I won't be supporting them if the RW Turner Diary fantasy comes true.

BTW, as many civil wars do, if we have one, I suspect it will look more like the current Syrian Civil War which began with multiple factions fighting for the country. China and Russia will no doubt provide support to their favorite American factions. Should be an interesting time. I'll try to keep a diary.

There will be no civil war in America.

Any such notion is overwhelmingly rejected by the populace.

We are not done with the last one.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

There will be no civil war in America.

Any such notion is overwhelmingly rejected by the populace.

We are not done with the last one.

Is that a guarantee? Sure, not tomorrow. Not even next year. If you see where the road is heading and you don't like it, do you alter course or just hope nothing bad happens?

WWII was just WWI Part Deux Same players, many of the same issues, better tech.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Is that a guarantee? Sure, not tomorrow. Not even next year. If you see where the road is heading and you don't like it, do you alter course or just hope nothing bad happens?

WWII was just WWI Part Deux Same players, many of the same issues, better tech.

The whole thought of it is over-inflated sensationalism.

Social media gives the extremists outsized attention. 99.9999% of America wants nothing to do with fighting a race war or a political war over dividing up the nation.

And it's a really dumb idea anyway.

It's not like the rest of the world would simply stand by and let America go at it with ourselves.

The dirty rotten players all around the globe would be trying to get in on it. Heck, they are a big part of anything that leads us there, are actively trying to push us toward it. And it only goes so far before it meets a large immovable object: truly patriotic America.

Hello Dutch Uncle,

The whole thought of it is over-inflated sensationalism.

Social media gives the extremists outsized attention. 99.9999% of America wants nothing to do with fighting a race war or a political war over dividing up the nation.

And it's a really dumb idea anyway.

It's not like the rest of the world would simply stand by and let America go at it with ourselves.

The dirty rotten players all around the globe would be trying to get in on it. Heck, they are a big part of anything that leads us there, are actively trying to push us toward it. And it only goes so far before it meets a large immovable object: truly patriotic America.


No doubt many felt that way in 1860 and, oddly, in 1960.

Social Media will most certainly play a prominent, and rightfully so, part in events. IMO, there's not a direct causal link with Social Media/Internet. It was a synergy of events coming together. The vast changes the world went through after the Cold War ended led directly to several wars which altered the GeoPolitical landscape.

Instability always leads to change. The situation is unstable now. Will the instability grow or will it shrink? Why? Why not? It depends upon what happens post-Insurrection over the next year or so before We, the People will be able to see what paths are being chosen. Are the paths coming together or going apart? Just paralleling?
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How is it even possible to get matter to arrange itself into an RNA molecule lol?

RNA/DNA is notoriously unstable and can only exist [without breaking into fragments] inside the cell. It’s why they are forced to postulate the existence of a reducing atmosphere early in the earths history.

At some point it becomes an exercise in appealing to miracles as an explanation.

Hand waving isn't an explanation.

Then matter arranged itself to produce increased complexity over time. The problem is all known systems tend toward disorder over time: the car breaks down over time; the computer code becomes corrupt over time; mountains erode and turn to dust; satellite orbits decay and they crash to the earth.

Hence the reproduction and open systems.

In spite of our experience we are to believe that somehow lifeless matter arranged itself into living things. Is there some way I can accept that without exercising my faith?

It is not a question of faith. It's a question of knowledge. As of right now we have no clue. Only several hypothesis in abiogenesis.

Do you have an example of this process occurring anywhere else in nature?

You mean like underground ecosystems?
I see where you snuck biological cells in with ice crystals and galaxies lol.

I’m not invoking the Second Law [it deals with energy and not information]. My point is that when the problem is framed in terms of information science is utterly mute on the subject.

Let me put it in terms of computer science: why is it software becomes corrupt over time? Unless other *informational* inputs come from outside the system in terms of a fix.

Left on its own, the software will accumulate glitches—none of which, ‘happen to make it function better’ and become useless over time.

You apparently forgot about the AI and computer software that have the ability to self replicate.
You apparently forgot about the AI and computer software that have the ability to self replicate.

You apparently overlooked the fact that AI didn’t poof into existence.

Also, successive replications lead to errors in the code which is consistent with my prior point.
Errors are eliminated by natural selection. Q.E.D.

But the question is how it came into existence—not how natural selection acts on *already existent* code systems. You’re starting with nothing but precursors to biochemicals and you have to end up with a system of code. And that, is granting the assumption that there ever was a ‘primordial soup’. That could be sheer mythology for all we know.

Is there any evidence natural selection can work on lifeless matter?