Is an egg a chicken?

Well how do we know if it's "rare"? In order for us to know if it's "rare", at least within 1,000 light years radius would have to be explored to determine how it might be rare in the Milky Way.

More and more habitable planets have been discovered constantly.

If we're the only life we can find, then it's rare. How "rare" remains to be seen. Over 50 years of searching. No results. Common sense says it's not too common around these parts.

But that goes back to the question of abiogenesis.

If life can spontaneously form from non-life then the sheer size of the universe makes other life a mathematical certainty. If it can’t, then life will only exist on planets where it ‘was intended’ to exist.

Creationism/intelligent design? A cosmic puppet master?
I think if we find evidence that Mars had/has life, and find it on other bodies in our solar system, we can be fairly confident that life exists outside of this little corner of the galaxy.

The keyword is confident. If life exists or had existed on other planets in this solar system, it could be due to solar system evolution.

That is why habitable planets are of interest.
Who needs to discover them lol.

They have to exist because of the insane numbers of solar systems in the universe. Still leaves the question of abiogenesis though.

Yeah abiogenesis can be a tricky and difficult one.

We know that molecules assemble themselves or with others due to laws of physics. That's a given.

Ever seen the carbon lattice? It's quite fascinating.
Yeah abiogenesis can be a tricky and difficult one.

We know that molecules assemble themselves or with others due to laws of physics. That's a given.

Ever seen the carbon lattice? It's quite fascinating.

Actually, the important chemicals will only bond together under certain conditions. Miller-Urey did some work in the 50’s in trying to get bio molecules to form but with only very modest success. A planet would need a reducing atmosphere [oxygen depleted lots of CO and etc] for probably millions of years before it shifted over to an oxygen rich atmosphere. It’s very hard for me to lose my skepticism over it.
Actually, the important chemicals will only bond together under certain conditions. Miller-Urey did some work in the 50’s in trying to get bio molecules to form but with only very modest success. A planet would need a reducing atmosphere [oxygen depleted lots of CO and etc] for probably millions of years before it shifted over to an oxygen rich atmosphere. It’s very hard for me to lose my skepticism over it.

Skepticism is always a healthy thing. Never lose it.
No, not "intelligent design" but there is a whole universe of stuff out there that our science hasn't discovered yet.

And a whole lot of stuff we already know such as the Universe and Earth are older than 6000 years as the anti-science people push.
Quote Originally Posted by AProudLefty View Post

More and more habitable planets have been discovered constantly.

and all populated by the creations of the intelligent designer who planned them?.......
Quote Originally Posted by Dutch Uncle View Post
Translation: Once again, I got nuthin'.

The fact remains there is no evidence of souls, angels, demons or fairies. Zero. Zip. Nada.
no evidence of intelligent lib'ruls either.......