Is an egg a chicken?

LOL. But I intended my question to be deeper than that. It's something to think about.

Carbon is a main difference:

Organic molecules:
Contain a carbon skeleton (carbons bonded to other carbons)
Have only covalent bonds
Typically are quite large
Contain only carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, and phosphorus.

Inorganic molecules:
Do not usually have carbon
Can contain many different elements
Often contain charged ions (ionic bonds), like salts, metals, and minerals
Yes I know Uncle Dutch and That Owl Woman. :) We're talking about the very fundamental of molecules.

What does it mean if something is fundamental?
adjective. serving as, or being an essential part of, a foundation or basis; basic; underlying: fundamental principles; the fundamental structure. of, relating to, or affecting the foundation or basis: a fundamental revision.

Something that is underneath both organic and inorganic molecules.

Yes, the main thing is carbon. But it goes deeper than that.
Yes I know Uncle Dutch and That Owl Woman. :) We're talking about the very fundamental of molecules.

What does it mean if something is fundamental?
adjective. serving as, or being an essential part of, a foundation or basis; basic; underlying: fundamental principles; the fundamental structure. of, relating to, or affecting the foundation or basis: a fundamental revision.

Something that is underneath both organic and inorganic molecules.

Yes, the main thing is carbon. But it goes deeper than that.

Got me.
LOL. I tend to think deeper. Basically the question is the non-life molecules to organic molecules. Naturally the difference is carbon atoms.

But what is deeper than that? What are atoms made of?

Particles. We could all be holograms.
Particles. We could all be holograms.


If you go deeper, the difference is none since the molecules are made of atoms. Which turn out to be made of sub particles and so on until we get to energy.

So the non-life to life is pretty silly at this point. LOL. No different from silicon based lifeforms.

Just me drunk talking.

If you go deeper, the difference is none since the molecules are made of atoms. Which turn out to be made of sub particles and so on until we get to energy.

So the non-life to life is pretty silly at this point. LOL. No different from silicon based lifeforms.

Just me drunk talking.

Why does some matter move on it's own and some doesn't?
LOL. I tend to think deeper. Basically the question is the non-life molecules to organic molecules. Naturally the difference is carbon atoms.

But what is deeper than that? What are atoms made of?

Atoms are not fundamental. Atoms are manifested by quarks, leptons, bosons - they are fundamental particles. Those fundamental particles are not made up of anything far as we know.

At a deeper level, matter is presumed to just be perturbations in the Higgs field and other energy fields. So maybe everything is just a manifestation of energy fields.

Carbon is not uniquely organic. Atmospheric CO2, graphite, and diamond are purely inorganic forms of carbon. Carbon manifests as organic molecules when it forms chains and polymers with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen.

That is the best of my recollections from university level science classes. I may be missing a detail or two.
Atoms are not fundamental. Atoms are manifested by quarks, leptons, bosons - they are fundamental particles. Those fundamental particles are not made up of anything far as we know.

At a deeper level, matter is presumed to just be perturbations in the Higgs field and other energy fields. So maybe everything is just a manifestation of energy fields.

Carbon is not uniquely organic. Atmospheric CO2, graphite, and diamond are purely inorganic forms of carbon. Carbon manifests as organic molecules when it forms chains and polymers with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen.

That is the best of my recollections from university level science classes. I may be missing a detail or two.

And what is deeper than quarks, leptons and bosons?
What do you mean?

animate and inanimate matter.

Example of animate matter:


Example of inanimate matter:


See the difference? Animate matter is more interesting.