That's news to me. Why so?
Viruses do not have DNA, which disqualifies them from the "self-replicating" part of some so-called scientific definitions of life. There is not universal agreement on that. Not every scientist agrees that viruses are not a form of life.
Which circles back to something I said before: in the face of howls of protest from Deplorables, I stated that there is nothing empirical or truly scientific about our myriad definitions of life. They are subjective categorizations which almost reach the level of metaphysical conjecture.
Viruses do not have DNA, which disqualifies them from the "self-replicating" part of some so-called scientific definitions of life. There is not universal agreement on that. Not every scientist agrees that viruses are not a form of life.
Which circles back to something I said before: in the face of howls of protest from Deplorables, I stated that there is nothing empirical or truly scientific about our myriad definitions of life. They are subjective categorizations which almost reach the level of metaphysical conjecture.
Hello Dutch Uncle,
Everything doesn't always end with guns. That was 800 people out of 332 million. That is .0000024 %
The other 70 million didn't act upon their views, so they must be considered nonviolent, unwilling to take part in an insurrection. If they didn't act then, under what circumstances could they be expected to? Pretty much none, the way I see it. If that didn't do it for them.
Plus, the trials are going to be coming up. And sentencing. That should act as a serious damper on anyone else considering the same kind of thing.
So to recap, we just got the 800 most motivated government haters out of circulation.
Thus, it is a good assumption to say the odds of something like that happening again are very low.
Remember what I said about 99.9999% not interested in tearing apart the nation? I was off by a factor of 10. Try 99.99999%.
And it was doomed from the beginning. They had no real plan which would bring about what they wanted, which was Trump for a second term.
With them out of the way I don't see anybody else stepping forward with a larger more effective plan with a large enough force to do anything but get themselves into real trouble.
Dumb people join the military.
Good post and agreed on all points.
The universal agreement needs to be formed we run into another "lifeform" or creating one in the form of self-replicating nanobots.
This link discusses some of the issues including defining "life".
The development of self-replicating nanobots qualifies as a technological singularity because it represents the development of the first artificial life forms, having rudimentary intelligence to carry out programmed functions, along with the ability to reproduce. You can think of them as the technological equivalent of bacteria and viruses. Researchers working in the fields of nanotechnology have varied opinions when this will occur. I think the divergence in projecting this singularity comes from looking at it as an isolated occurrence. Many researchers in nanotechnology lack equivalent expertise in artificial intelligence.
You have explained it way better than I could have done. It's an age-old problem that goes way back to Descartes and to the Ancient Greece.
One philosopher of science I was reading made the point that our concepts of "species", "genuses", "orders", and "definitions of life" really are not empirical or have any basis in the scientific method whatsoever. They are just artificially constructed categories we use to frame information for the convenience of our minds.
Nice work.Correct. The laws of the Universe are immutable. It's our perception of them that changes.
This is a point the Qless Trumpsters never understand. They think that because the perceptions change that the laws have changed too.
Nice work.
The genetic mechanisms of biological evolution do not care about the classification systems we devise for the convenience of our minds. After a century of reasearch, we still cannot decide if homo sapiens and Neanderthals are separate subspecies, phenotype variations within the same species, or something else.
We have a fairly strong idea of the concept of species, but it begins to break down at the margins. Which highlights for us how our classification systems do not necessarily reflect objective reality - they are constructs of our minds.
Agreed. Which is why researchers need to agree on a common language for "lifeforms" be they extraterrestrial or man-made.
Glad posters like you are on this board. People with brains and intellectual curuosity. Especially considering how many dunces, racists, and barely educated rednecks are attracted to JPP . it's a zoo out there I tell ya!
What a feat for JPP it would be to see a largely philosophical thread go to 100 posts.
I think there have been a few like that. It is a credit to the dozen or so posters here who appreciate elevated discourse
When does it go ‘poof’ and make a chicken lol?
It is a chicken as soon as it is fertilized. Embryonic chickens are still chickens, just at an earlier stage of life than "chicks" or "Adult Chicken" or even "KFC bucket" or "McNugget". Even if it is killed and cooked it is still a chicken, it is then a dead chicken but most definitely still a chicken.
Again, simple biology, stuff we learned in kindergarten and still just as true.
Hello Cypress,
You and they are the reason I am here.