Satire for Sanity
then why the constant ICBM testing> only reason is for a nuclear tip
There is no strong evidence that Iran is actively developing an intercontinental ballistic missile. However, Iran has the technical and industrial wherewithal, and likely already possesses key hardware required develop and field an ICBM if a decision is made to do so. The new system can’t be deployed out of the blue. If Iran decides to pursue an ICBM capability, the necessary flight testing will provide two-to-five years of advanced notice.
Michael Elleman, Director of Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Policy at the International Institute for Strategic Studies and a former U.N. weapons inspector, is the principal author of “Iran's Ballistic Missile Capabilities: A Net Assessment.”
*See, Michael Elleman and Mark Fitzpatrick, “Evaluating design intent in Iran's ballistic-missile programme,” Chapter 3, pp. 89-130, in: Mark Fitzpatrick, Michael Elleman and Paulina Izewicz in Uncertain Future: The JCPOA and Iran’s nuclear and missile programmes, Adelphi Series; London : Routledge for The International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2019.
What authority are you referring to that states that Iran is testing ICBMs ? Apart from the Jewish fascist, Netanyahu.