Biden to Restore Iran Deal

then why the constant ICBM testing> only reason is for a nuclear tip

There is no strong evidence that Iran is actively developing an intercontinental ballistic missile. However, Iran has the technical and industrial wherewithal, and likely already possesses key hardware required develop and field an ICBM if a decision is made to do so. The new system can’t be deployed out of the blue. If Iran decides to pursue an ICBM capability, the necessary flight testing will provide two-to-five years of advanced notice.

Michael Elleman, Director of Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Policy at the International Institute for Strategic Studies and a former U.N. weapons inspector, is the principal author of “Iran's Ballistic Missile Capabilities: A Net Assessment.”

*See, Michael Elleman and Mark Fitzpatrick, “Evaluating design intent in Iran's ballistic-missile programme,” Chapter 3, pp. 89-130, in: Mark Fitzpatrick, Michael Elleman and Paulina Izewicz in Uncertain Future: The JCPOA and Iran’s nuclear and missile programmes, Adelphi Series; London : Routledge for The International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2019.

What authority are you referring to that states that Iran is testing ICBMs ? Apart from the Jewish fascist, Netanyahu.
I expect O'Biden is stupid enough to actually sweeten the deal......maybe he'll offer to sell them ballistic missiles.....

We expect you to come here and lie, cry, and complain everyday because BIDEN WHOOPED TRUMP'S ASS IN THE ELECTION!



You know better. it has been posted many times. Obama sent Iran their own money that we confiscated. They were going to buy armaments from us, then the revolution happened. We kept the money.

So? We should have never sent them a dime. They hate us, fuck them.
In respect of President Biden's Executive actions, in particular, at reversing the affects of a lawlessly hacked in Russian, GOPer tRump alliance of the sewer, in particular, to destroy Democracy from within and anything else of a civilized nature on Earth, President Biden has his New 21st Century deal that complements FDR's New Deal, in particular, at dealing with the affects of that the Great Depression and WWII had on Democracy and global humanity of the 1930's and 1940's, and for the following inspiring reasons. As such, I am glad President Biden is here in the 21st Century to make America greater again for the benefit of current and future generations to come:

Biden vows to restore U.S. alliances and lead with diplomacy in his first foreign policy address

President Joe Biden echoed his promise to repair alliances through diplomacy and restore Washington’s leadership position on the global stage during a speech Thursday.
“America is back, diplomacy is back,” Biden said at the State Department, adding that his administration would work toward “reclaiming our credibility and moral authority.”
In a lengthy speech, Biden outlined his vision for addressing an array of global pressures, including the civil war in Yemen, trade relations with China and engaging malign Russian behaviors."
It looks like the Failed Foreign Policy Brain Trust is will to do anything to get anything that they can call a deal, and that Iran is testing out this theory.
Maybe Biden [or whichever clown is running this circus] will nix the new Iran Deal like they cried uncle on the wall after they thought better of it lol.
What authority are you referring to that states that Iran is testing ICBMs ? Apart from the Jewish fascist, Netanyahu.
They don't need an ICBM. They'd be using nukes against their neighbors if they were going to use them at all.
They don't need an ICBM. They'd be using nukes against their neighbors if they were going to use them at all.

That, in fact, is the Izraeli plan. They call it ' the Samson Option '. Fascist assholes.
Iran has no weapons program.