OUCH! Here Comes The Next Pandemic Wave For Spring 2021 In The USA

Hello Darth,

Actually, the pressure should be off the hospitals before we get to herd immunity. In fact, that’s the first sign we’re making progress. Hospitalizations have always been the thing to watch.

We were told it was about protecting the hospitals. Unless they were misleading us.

There has been a 4.5% increase in the number of COVID hospitalizations within the last week.

PBS Newshour
More dying. More death. More loss. More heartbreak.

More parents and grandparents lost.

More Americans with preexisting conditions being lost.

In case you have never checked it out, I have been keeping track of the Coronavirus Pandemic progress in the USA in a daily thread called

Corona Virus Peak Watch Thread

I had no idea when I began that thread almost a year ago how long it would take until we reached the peak.

I also had no idea that when we reached that peak, there might be more than one peak.

Well, we reached a peak at the end of January 2021.


But that wasn't the end of the virus.

It merely meant that we finally stopped adding more new cases than were resolved.

The number of Active Cases peaked and began to fall for the first time. And that felt good.


But our progress just halted.

Yesterday, for the first time since the end of January, we began to see the numbers start to rise again.

Yesterday showed more Active Cases than the previous day.

Gov DeSantis of Florida deserves much of the credit for killing our progress.

He foolishly dropped all restrictions in Florida.

And now Florida is recording more New Cases per day than California, even though California has nearly twice as many people.

Spring Break has not been just college kids. Many adults have gone there to get away from the stress of fighting the virus. That has created an epicenter.

Spring Break has become Florida Spring Super-Spreader.

We have not learned our lesson. More pain, more dying, more heartache, more loss are all on the way.

We have got to do better. We have got to be more responsible. We must stay the course until the job is done.

you can thank thee people

Global death toll passes 3m as pandemic ‘grows at an alarming rate’

"A grim Covid-19 milestone was passed on Saturday when it was revealed that the global death toll from the disease had passed three million.

The news was described as “chilling” by Wellcome Trust director Jeremy Farrar, who warned that the true number of deaths was probably much higher. “Worryingly, this pandemic is still growing at an alarming rate,” he said. “Hundreds of thousands are dying every month.”

According to the Covid-19 dashboard, run by Johns Hopkins University, there have been more than 140 million cases of the disease since the pandemic began last year with the official death toll reaching 3,001,068 yesterday morning. The worst affected country was the US with more than 31 million cases and more than 560,000 deaths.

India and Brazil have also fared badly with the former recording more than 14 million cases and 175,000 deaths, while the latter has suffered just under 14 million cases and almost 370,000 deaths. Britain, which has also been hit heavily by the disease, has had more than four million cases and has a death toll that currently stands at more than 127,000."
4 out of the 5 States with the highest number of cases per million are right wing States.

Rank State Cases/1M pop
1 North Dakota 139,382
2 Rhode Island 137,486
3 South Dakota 137,360
4 Iowa 123,835
5 Utah 122,853