While respiratory issues are a well-documented symptom of coronavirus, researchers have found that over 80% of hospitalized COVID-19 patients experience some type of neurological manifestation as well.
Trump's neurological shortcomings are getting worse by the day, say medical experts.
A year from now, he'll be a babbling idiot and will need constant 24 hour care. He'll be bed-ridden and need to wear a diaper.
Anybody who thinks 'Stealth' means invisible to the naked eye surely isn't very bright.
It is just sad that all the Republicans have anymore is "i crapped my pants, so now you have to pay attention to me" trump. They feel so marginalized by their failure, that they just want someone to pay attention to them.
I've never seen the RepubliQans so divided and in such disarray. It's not gonna go well for them in 2022.
After a loss, it is important to rethink your strategy... republicans are refusing to even slightly think things through. That is a losing strategy.
It's obvious that RepubliQans main priority over everything else is to get re-elected by any means possible and that includes sucking Trump's dick.
What happened to my Republican Party? It no longer exists.