lets compare riots

Why do you think there is a solid, provable link between post count and those who take either live fantasy lives online or take it too far seriously?

Why do you take post count so seriously? I'm retired, COVID is rampant, it's winter so there's little work to do outside. Except for the gym and a few light household duties, it's me, the TV and you. LOL

I am wondering why Jerome the "lawyer" has so much time to post here. Must be one broke fuck "lawyer".
I am wondering why Jerome the "lawyer" has so much time to post here. Must be one broke fuck "lawyer".

Poopeye, how does a sea captain who owns a fleet of ships have the time to post total nonsense everyday on this forum??????????




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:palm: Why do you think I posted links, you chuckling Trump chump? Get your head out of Limbaugh's decaying ass, clik the links and READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY...get back to us if you STILL don't understand what lies you posted were debunked.
If Blacks run the police, courts, A lot of businesses, and are surrounded by Blacks how can Whites oppress them!?

You're not much of a thinker.

Dear fucking idiot

They had black towns all over Oklahoma before it became a state

Then it became a state and the new white racist southern arrivals stole their land and killed them in a terror attack

Fuck you very much
now there was a riot this year that was mainly conservatives and there was a murder involved some damage to the capital and some police officers hurt it was wrong no doubt about it.

But there were dozens and dozens of riots by liberals with massive looting of businesses and some will never reopen , thousands of cops injured 47 people murdered, statues destroyed old people attacked a woman in a wheel chair attacked , people dragged out of their cars and beaten , rapes people told to get out of their homes , well over a billion dollars in damages , flags burned public and private property destroyed.
over 14000 arrested .

simple fact is the democrats have proven they are a menace to society and a true danger to innocent people . now they will all come to the rescue of the democrat rioters and say its not true , I would like to see just one be honest and admit how much damage the blm riots actually did to then nation and say they were wrong like I did to the capital riots , but we know that's unlikely to happen .

You still don't get it, do you BB Brain?

It's us against you.
No more explanations needed.
No analysis required.
No reasons need be given.

We fucking hate each other, are totally comfortable with hating each other, and have no desire to stop hating each other.

I won't attempt to speak for you and how you feel,
but my side doesn't even consider you to be human. You're a devolved mutant.
Your intellect and morals don't come close to rising to human standards,
and human standards are pretty fucking low.

Do not apply irrelevant considerations to what is a PURE CULTURE WAR
As long as we live in the same country, we'll be at each other. End of story.
I understand that. My point was that those rioters and looters do not care about politics. Why blame them on BLM? I've given a couple of examples that had nothing to do with politics. Unless they want to say that hurricanes and earthquakes were political? LOL.

That is weak lol.

BLM cynically used the Floyd murder/death as a springboard to enrich themselves and push a *political* agenda: namely, the defund the cops movement. Which the democrats embrace as long as no one is looking and asking too many questions—then they back off it.

But democrats own it which makes BLM as much a ‘democrat thing’ as Oath Keepers are republicans.
That is weak lol.

BLM cynically used the Floyd murder/death as a springboard to enrich themselves and push a *political* agenda: namely, the defund the cops movement. Which the democrats embrace as long as no one is looking and asking too many questions—then they back off it.

But democrats own it which makes BLM as much a ‘democrat thing’ as Oath Keepers are republicans.

The BLM has nothing to do with riots and loots.

And what exactly does "defunding the cops" mean to you?
Compare what? Common law looting to the president ordering an attack on the Capitol to stop his eviction from power?

I guess I just did.

And nobody is defending common criminals who broke things and stole toasters. Throw them all in jail.
But throw Trump in the stockade too!
Originally Posted by Darth Omar
Rioting and looting just correlates with BLM activities lol.

and you "correlate" with redneck ignorant trash.. lol