Biden virus death counter

What a load of fake crock lest you forget that the covid pandemic started under the tRump tyrannical reign of terror to which it was tRump, in particular, that enabled the covid murder of over 600,000 Americans. This includes the affects of tRump's covid pandemic is still being dealt with, which is more of a complication as a result of his GQPer fellow tyrants covid murdering their own republican supporters, and at targeting children too. Additionally the FDA approved vaccine did not occur while tRump was in the then contaminated White House on a rampage but after his hide got the voter's boot! Yet you trolls would prefer to run with misconstrued and contradictory misinformation and propaganda sources and fake polls that should be considered a criminal act and be dealt with in that regard too. To project atrocities of tRump on President Biden is un American, ridiculous and uncivilized:

Death Toll Associated With Trump Administration Goes Beyond Covid-19, Says Lancet Report

The Lancet Commission on Public Policy and Health in the Trump Era has just come out with an assessment of Donald Trump’s impact on the health of Americans while he was U.S. President. And, spoiler alert, it wasn’t positive.

That’s assuming that you find many more deaths to be a negative health impact. According to the report, Trump’s policies or lack thereof contributed to the deaths of around 461,000 Americans in 2018. In 2019, about 22,000 deaths resulted from Trump’s dismantling of environmental protection measures alone, based on the Commission’s analyses. And of course, there was 2020, when the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic hit. Many have written about the Trump administration’s failure to mount a scientifically appropriate response to the pandemic. The Commission determined that 40% of Covid-19-related deaths in the U.S. could have been prevented had the U.S. only had the same Covid-19 death rates as those of other Group of Seven (G7) nations, namely Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom."

247,613 dead Americans on your watch. Attention oatmeal for brains, what exactly is your plan or are you just as content with your china virus performance as you are with your withdrawal from Afghanistan?
254,579 deaths on your hands sleepy joe. Please tell us your plan before you have killed every American.
I love your death count ticker Lionfish... Keep 'em rolling in...

The liberal communist demons need a taste of their own poison.
He had to battle against you rights who want to do nothing about Covid. Biden hoped for reds to cooperate in fighting a pandemic. He did not know they could use it as a political weapon. Trump does not care if people die if he gets what he wants. He has thousands with the same lack of values.
Biden had it under control. However, the rightys allowed it to percolate into a stronger virus. That is what changed. It can get an even worse variant. It did not have to be this way.

Democrats created the virus, there is a much larger plan in play. They also used it for a political win in the last election.
that always happens when dealing with the party of Clinton

The "Party of Clinton" would have nominated Clinton instead of Obama.

Democrats did not create Covid-19 to get rid of trump. People around the world are not dying from Covid-19 to make trump look bad. In fact, the problems continue, even without the failure of trump.
The plan joey, what the f** is your plan? You have killed 278,299 Americans and this is AFTER you were handed a vaccine.