Biden virus death counter

Biden effectively got the vaccines out there, and in a hurry as soon as he took office.

It's the skepticism that he can't overcome. Thanks, Trump.
Trump helped get the vaccines to market in ~ 9 months, less than half of the time that even Fauci thought possible. Then he got the vaccines well underway before Biden took office. Thanks Trump!

(Reuters) - The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it had administered 16,525,281 doses of COVID-19 vaccines in the country as of Wednesday morning and distributed 35,990,150 doses.

The tally of vaccine doses are for both Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech, vaccines as of 6:00 a.m. ET on Wednesday, the agency said.

According to the tally posted on Jan. 19, the agency had administered 15,707,588 doses of the vaccines, and distributed 31,161,075 doses.

The agency said 14,270,441 people had received 1 or more doses while 2,161,419 people have got the second dose as of Wednesday.

A total of 1,908,256 vaccine doses have been administered in long-term care facilities, the agency said.
Trump helped get the vaccines to market in ~ 9 months, less than half of the time that even Fauci thought possible. Then he got the vaccines well underway before Biden took office. Thanks Trump!

He undermined his own effort w/ a lack of promotion and by encouraging the doubters.

He COULD have gotten credit. But not anymore.
He undermined his own effort w/ a lack of promotion and by encouraging the doubters.

He COULD have gotten credit. But not anymore.
And yet he had a HUGE response to vaccination prior to January 20TH . Biden screwed the pooch and allowed Delta to roar back. Had not it Been for Trump's OWS there still wouldn't be a vaccine. Face it you wouldn't give credit to Trump if your life depended on it and it did.

According to the tally posted on Jan. 19, the agency had administered 15,707,588 doses of the vaccines, and distributed 31,161,075 doses.
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He can’t force people to take the vaccine, it’s stupidity that is killing people.

Yep. There was a dude interviewed yesterday - he knew it was common sense to get the vaccine, but he was mad because he though Democrats stole the election from Trump.

I'm sure his not getting vaxxed is really showing the Dems. That's really the kind of logic we're dealing w/ today, in 2021.
And yet he had a HUGE response to vaccination prior to January 20TH . Biden screwed the pooch and allowed Delta to roar back. Had not it Been for Trump's OWS there still wouldn't be a vaccine.

According to the tally posted on Jan. 19, the agency had administered 15,707,588 doses of the vaccines, and distributed 31,161,075 doses.

We were averaging a million vaccinated a week prior to Biden being inaugurated. Within 2 weeks of his inauguration (and 5 EO's), we were up to a million a day. Then 2 million a day.

Wanna try again?
We were averaging a million vaccinated a week prior to Biden being inaugurated. Within 2 weeks of his inauguration (and 5 EO's), we were up to a million a day. Then 2 million a day.

Wanna try again?

Biden has mandated the vaccine in many businesses. The right will not act for the people's welfare. They have to be forced. They care about some twisted and crazy sites that tell them the virus is a crazy plot. it is just a damm vaccine. We have taken them our whole lives. Is polio vaccione a plot? How about smallpox? This is so damn stupid.
Old senile Biden. Killing American citizens here and abroad through his lack of leadership. democrats applaud.
Biden has mandated the vaccine in many businesses. The right will not act for the people's welfare. They have to be forced. They care about some twisted and crazy sites that tell them the virus is a crazy plot. it is just a damm vaccine. We have taken them our whole lives. Is polio vaccione a plot? How about smallpox? This is so damn stupid.

It's silly. It is ONLY political at this point - there is no common sense.

Many on the right would prefer that COVID rage around the globe for decades rather than concede an inch to common sense, if they think it would help Democrats. And that is pure fact.
It's silly. It is ONLY political at this point - there is no common sense.

Many on the right would prefer that COVID rage around the globe for decades rather than concede an inch to common sense, if they think it would help Democrats. And that is pure fact.

Really dumb ass you think thats true.
Tell us who they are give the names of those who have sad that.
Yep, COVID is deadly serious, which you are now very belatedly recognizing.

So then why did you and Trumpf spend most of the last 12 months downplaying and denying the risk posed by COVID? Why did you and Trumpf imply it was no worse than the seasonal cold?

You do realize "Trumpf" is responsible for the vaccines being available on the market today, no?
Biden has mandated the vaccine in many businesses. The right will not act for the people's welfare. They have to be forced. They care about some twisted and crazy sites that tell them the virus is a crazy plot. it is just a damm vaccine. We have taken them our whole lives. Is polio vaccione a plot? How about smallpox? This is so damn stupid.

If this thing's so good, why would anyone have to be forced?

I tell what's stupid: Jumping on the bandwagon of forcing people to get a vaccine that's less than 1 year old and who knows what the side effects are down the road?

BTW, you ain't forcing anyone, NerdSperg.

I already had Covid. Not getting a vaccine for something I already had. I don't get flu shots, either.

Haven't really had flu since I was 15.
We were averaging a million vaccinated a week prior to Biden being inaugurated. Within 2 weeks of his inauguration (and 5 EO's), we were up to a million a day. Then 2 million a day.

Wanna try again?
And supply got ramped up and the states started getting their act together. Trump had to get a vaccine invented and get the distribution network started. Biden just used what Trump gave him. Then he tried to take credit. That is like his long history of plagiarism. Taking credit for other people's work. Typical for Biden.
Biden said he had a plan. Why hasn't he already executed it? You can attack me but it doesn't change the biden either lied them or is incompetent now.

He had to battle against you rights who want to do nothing about Covid. Biden hoped for reds to cooperate in fighting a pandemic. He did not know they could use it as a political weapon. Trump does not care if people die if he gets what he wants. He has thousands with the same lack of values.
Biden had it under control. However, the rightys allowed it to percolate into a stronger virus. That is what changed. It can get an even worse variant. It did not have to be this way.

What a load of fake crock lest you forget that the covid pandemic started under the tRump tyrannical reign of terror to which it was tRump, in particular, that enabled the covid murder of over 600,000 Americans. This includes the affects of tRump's covid pandemic is still being dealt with, which is more of a complication as a result of his GQPer fellow tyrants covid murdering their own republican supporters, and at targeting children too. Additionally the FDA approved vaccine did not occur while tRump was in the then contaminated White House on a rampage but after his hide got the voter's boot! Yet you trolls would prefer to run with misconstrued and contradictory misinformation and propaganda sources and fake polls that should be considered a criminal act and be dealt with in that regard too. To project atrocities of tRump on President Biden is un American, ridiculous and uncivilized:

Death Toll Associated With Trump Administration Goes Beyond Covid-19, Says Lancet Report

The Lancet Commission on Public Policy and Health in the Trump Era has just come out with an assessment of Donald Trump’s impact on the health of Americans while he was U.S. President. And, spoiler alert, it wasn’t positive.

That’s assuming that you find many more deaths to be a negative health impact. According to the report, Trump’s policies or lack thereof contributed to the deaths of around 461,000 Americans in 2018. In 2019, about 22,000 deaths resulted from Trump’s dismantling of environmental protection measures alone, based on the Commission’s analyses. And of course, there was 2020, when the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic hit. Many have written about the Trump administration’s failure to mount a scientifically appropriate response to the pandemic. The Commission determined that 40% of Covid-19-related deaths in the U.S. could have been prevented had the U.S. only had the same Covid-19 death rates as those of other Group of Seven (G7) nations, namely Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom."
What a load of fake crock lest you forget that the covid pandemic started under the tRump tyrannical reign of terror to which it was tRump, in particular, that enabled the covid murder of over 600,000 Americans. This includes the affects of tRump's covid pandemic is still being dealt with, which is more of a complication as a result of his GQPer fellow tyrants covid murdering their own republican supporters, and at targeting children too. Additionally the FDA approved vaccine did not occur while tRump was in the then contaminated White House on a rampage but after his hide got the voter's boot! Yet you trolls would prefer to run with misconstrued and contradictory misinformation and propaganda sources and fake polls that should be considered a criminal act and be dealt with in that regard too. To project atrocities of tRump on President Biden is un American, ridiculous and uncivilized:

Death Toll Associated With Trump Administration Goes Beyond Covid-19, Says Lancet Report

The Lancet Commission on Public Policy and Health in the Trump Era has just come out with an assessment of Donald Trump’s impact on the health of Americans while he was U.S. President. And, spoiler alert, it wasn’t positive.

That’s assuming that you find many more deaths to be a negative health impact. According to the report, Trump’s policies or lack thereof contributed to the deaths of around 461,000 Americans in 2018. In 2019, about 22,000 deaths resulted from Trump’s dismantling of environmental protection measures alone, based on the Commission’s analyses. And of course, there was 2020, when the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic hit. Many have written about the Trump administration’s failure to mount a scientifically appropriate response to the pandemic. The Commission determined that 40% of Covid-19-related deaths in the U.S. could have been prevented had the U.S. only had the same Covid-19 death rates as those of other Group of Seven (G7) nations, namely Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom."
Trump Trump Trump! Biden had an opportunity to control COVID but he screwed it up.
Trump Trump Trump! Biden had an opportunity to control COVID but he screwed it up.

CONVICT TWICE IMPEACHED 45! Deal with the reality of it all, your former fake president and Putin prostitute tRump intentionally caused the covid murder of over 600,000 Americans. This is while President Biden was able to get over 363 million vaccinated and presided over the FDA approved covid vaccine. Stop knocking on the door of the devil and get with the reality of it all.
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