Start your own thread about them instead of trying to equate terrorists who tried to overthrow our democracy, with agitators taking advantage of legitimate, peaceful protests. It ain't working for you.
Fuck you. I was asked and answered a question.
Start your own thread about them instead of trying to equate terrorists who tried to overthrow our democracy, with agitators taking advantage of legitimate, peaceful protests. It ain't working for you.
Jesus, Florida should be embarrassed to have you living in their state. You asked and I answered. Are you supporting all the rioting and looting done by antifa and blm. A fucking yes or no would be the correct response. If you can't give one STFU.
Jesus, Florida should be embarrassed to have you living in their state. You asked and I answered. Are you supporting all the rioting and looting done by antifa and blm. A fucking yes or no would be the correct response. If you can't give one STFU.
Fuck you. I was asked and answered a question.
No, you want to change the narrative to a totally different topic because you are a #SupportOfTheJanuary6Insurrection.
Suck it up, buttercup.
Thread, not threat. Learn to read, "teacher."
I'm sorry. I thought you were talking about the two groups that caused billions of dollars in damage following the death of St. George of Fentanyl.
No, you want to change the narrative to a totally different topic because you are a #SupportOfTheJanuary6Insurrection.
Suck it up, buttercup.
Somehow they think comparison of Trump's crowd with other rioters makes them look good.
A mob storming a building clearly poses a threat. When members of the mob are wielding clubs, dressed in battle gear and armed with bear spray, etc., the threat is acute. But "posing a threat" isn't the issue. The issue is breaking the law, in this case the breaking of many laws, least of which is unlawful entry that every member of the mob is guilty of and the infraction Trump and his mental weaklings want to focus on and excuse while ignoring the assaults on officers and the smashing of property and the despicable outrage in attacking The Capitol.
I posted this in another thread but feel like making it a thread of its own.
Only idiots believe that the two are even remotely comparable. They are useful fools, who say what their masters command.