They're just upset they can't date me!

Yeah, and I posted the thread of Anatta lying about the ballot.

I can't help it that you're too fucking lazy to do anything other than trolling.

You posted a link to a thread with 306 posts!!!
I am not fucking searching through all of them...ignoramus.

Once made the accusation.
If you cannot prove it.
That is libel.

Have a nice day, Pol.
You HATE children?


What kind of fucking psychopath, HATES children?

"I think I'd rather have a cat"
-Freddie Mercury

Does not 'love' them? Okay.
Is not a 'kids kind of person'? Fair enough.

But hates.
Actually hates ALL children, everywhere?
For NO reason than they are not adults?

Oh, I hate plenty of adults too.

People keep warning me about you on here.
And they keep being proven right.
The more i read of you?
The sicker you seem.
And I mean REALLY sick.

Stop. You're such a fucking poseur. No one has "warned you" about me here...this is just you trying to convince people that it's not another one of your multitude of socks.

That's what you people always invent imaginary characters to make it look like more people support you than actually do.

Then you come on this board, lie your ass off, and expect everyone to believe you when you say you just happened to stumble across it in December 2021.

You're Arminius, aren't you? I recognize the posting style. Is the reason you created this sock because you caught too much shit under your other ones? HATE children, put words in others mouths like CRAZY AND you openly and STRONGLY wish for other people whom disagree with you politically to immediately meet with a violent and horrible death?

I put no words in anyone's mouths, but you've tried to do that to me on this thread.

Maybe I just get under your skin so much that you can't handle it.

Or maybe you're just a fucking moron?
IN ALL the years I have been in chat forums?
You might just be the most, mentally disturbed individual I have yet come across.
And that is saying something.
I sincerely hope your local police are aware of you.

No one is fooled Arminius, so you can drop the act.

"I think I'd rather have a cat"
-Freddie Mercury

Oh, I hate plenty of adults too.

Stop. You're such a fucking poseur. No one has "warned you" about me here...this is just you trying to convince people that it's not another one of your multitude of socks.

That's what you people always invent imaginary characters to make it look like more people support you than actually do.

Then you come on this board, lie your ass off, and expect everyone to believe you when you say you just happened to stumble across it in December 2021.

You're Arminius, aren't you? I recognize the posting style. Is the reason you created this sock because you caught too much shit under your other ones?

People warned me about you on this very thread...duh!!!

And you skipped the question (par for the course for you)...what kind of sick piece of excrement HATES ALL children?

Alright Insaneboy?

What EXACTLY do you HATE about children?
It did for your mother.

I don't think this is a apt comparison because AOC is objectively attractive and Trump is objectively...not. I don't believe there's a straight right wing man on this board who would kick her out of bed, but they will all claim they would. You would need an objectively conventionally attractive right wing male politician for a fair comparison. Are there any?

I'm a straight conservative man, and I probably wouldn't kick AOC out of bed, BUT, I'd have to insist on stuffing a large apple in her mouth beforehand (like they do with roast boars) so I wouldn't have to listen to the characteristic stream of verbal stupidity that gushes out of her pie - hole. (That would give me an instant "soft-on" !)


DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !
I'm a straight conservative man, and I probably wouldn't kick AOC out of bed, BUT I'd have to insist on stuffing a large apple in her mouth beforehand (like they do with roast boars) so I wouldn't have to listen to the characteristic stream of verbal stupidity that gushes out of her pie hole. (That would give me an instant "soft-on" !)


DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !

Please masturbate to your sex fantasies in normal people do.
People warned me about you on this very thread...duh!!!

No they didn't.

You're playing make-believe right now because you lost the argument.

But because you're so insecure, you need to get the last word in to try and convince everyone that I don't get under your skin, when I clearly do.

It was really easy to get under your skin too; barely a challenge.
You are the one whom is committing libel.

No, you're the one who is too lazy to read a comment thread.

BTW - this thread is getting close to 300 posts as well, yet you were able to pretend that someone "warned" you about me in it.

Again, you open your big, fat fucking mouth just to put your tiny, size-4 foot into it.
No they didn't.

You're playing make-believe right now because you lost the argument.

But because you're so insecure, you need to get the last word in to try and convince everyone that I don't get under your skin, when I clearly do.

It was really easy to get under your skin too; barely a challenge.

Fine...don't believe me.

See if I much care.

But you OBVIOUSLY do.

Bye now, Pol.
I'm a straight conservative man, and I probably wouldn't kick AOC out of bed, BUT, I'd have to insist on stuffing a large apple in her mouth beforehand (like they do with roast boars) so I wouldn't have to listen to the characteristic stream of verbal stupidity that gushes out of her pie - hole. (That would give me an instant "soft-on" !)


DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !

Wow, what a loser.
Fine...don't believe me.

See if I much care.

But you OBVIOUSLY do.

Bye now, Pol.

Isn't that how it always is?

You all say something ridiculous, then when it's met with skepticism you're like "fine, don't believe me anyway".

As if that somehow wins you the argument and doesn't make you look like a loser.