They're just upset they can't date me!

It sure is because most people hate kids, myself included, and the birth rate in this country is at an all-time low, which says young people here don't want kids either.

Who can blame them? Kids are annoying, disease-ridden, and boring as shit. Say...are you a kid? Because you are also annoying, disease-ridden, and boring as shit.

Choosing to not have kids and hating kids are two different things liar.

This is interesting:

Besides age (23%), the most popular reasons for not having children were the potential impact on lifestyles (10%), high costs of living and raising children (10%), human overpopulation (9%), dislike of children (8%), and lack of parental instincts (6%).[22]

Edit: I dont know why the link does not show.

It is WIKI

Voluntary childlessness
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Ignore her, there is nothing to be gained by engaging the loony.

After several hours dealing with him/her.
I think you are right.

And LV is a she?
And she 'HATES" kids?
What woman HATES children?

Holy fuck.
I hate to say it.
But she must be FUGLY to be THAT angry at the world.
After several hours dealing with him/her.
I think you are right.

And LV is a she?
And she 'HATES" kids?
What woman HATES children?

Holy fuck.
I hate to say it.
But she must be FUGLY to be THAT angry at the world.

Go check out my thread about all the republicans who signed fake elector documents
You must be crazy or a witch. As you think you know what a total stranger believes and thinks.

So you're a pussy who doesn't want to debate anything after claiming you've "destroyed" me.

How did you "destroy me"?

Because based on this thread, I owned you and your mother.

Your pitiful attempts at insult are proof that I have already destroyed you. :rofl2:
Nope...he is right.

All you do is troll.

Which proves you have limited/no debating skills.

All you (seem to) know is trolling and hatred.

Should be noted that you reached out to me via PM because you're that much of a troll.

That's right, everyone...

McRocket/Arminius/sock-of-the-day PM'd me because he wanted to start his shitty arguments over via private messages where no one could see him faceplant over and over and over again, as he did on every thread he's picked to butt into.
Choosing to not have kids and hating kids are two different things liar.

Gee, I wonder why so many people are choosing not to have kids?

Don't you wonder that?

Besides age (23%), the most popular reasons for not having children were the potential impact on lifestyles (10%), high costs of living and raising children (10%), human overpopulation (9%), dislike of children (8%), and lack of parental instincts (6%).[22]

So is that why you want to ban abortion? Because you want to force women to birth children they don't want?
Should be noted that you reached out to me via PM because you're that much of a troll.

That's right, everyone...

McRocket/Arminius/sock-of-the-day PM'd me because he wanted to start his shitty arguments over via private messages where no one could see him faceplant over and over and over again, as he did on every thread he's picked to butt into.

That's hilarious...and horrifying at the same time.
That's hilarious...and horrifying at the same time.

He sent me an unsolicited PM that was nothing more than the shit he had said repeatedly on the thread he lost control, I guess he didn't think I read his garbage, even though I respond to it.

I'm convinced he only did it because he wanted to have the debate all over again after losing it the first time.