They're just upset they can't date me!

Careful dear...PMs are private...and watch your font size... You're welcome!

No they're not...

You don't get to act one way on the board and then act a completely different way via PM's.

I'm going to spill the beans; you have no confidentiality or anonymity with me, and I will prod you into doxxing yourself.

Not my first rodeo.

But thanks for your fake don't want me exposing the game you and all your Nazi pals play which is; you say horrendous shit on JPP's boards, but then completely and totally change your tone in your private messages.

Fuckin' poseurs.
It's against the rules to repost a PM, it is not against the rules to say someone sent you a PM. At all. You're welcome.
I'm sure she appreciated the reminder...details were bound to appear...The XL font was a sure sign ...And that would totally be against the rules...As I'm sure you remember...You're very welcome;)
No they're not...

You don't get to act one way on the board and then act a completely different way via PM's.

I'm going to spill the beans; you have no confidentiality or anonymity with me, and I will prod you into doxxing yourself.

Not my first rodeo.

But thanks for your fake don't want me exposing the game you and all your Nazi pals play which is; you say horrendous shit on JPP's boards, but then completely and totally change your tone in your private messages.

Fuckin' poseurs.
Spill away then...and you're welcome...
Stop attempting to patronize me when you're the one who can't control yourself or follow the thread.
Are you trying to tell me you're following the thread? I'm in complete control and look forward to you answering my original question...I didn't send you a PM btw...
Are you trying to tell me you're following the thread?

Yeah, it's not that difficult for me...but it sure seems difficult for you.

I'm in complete control

Sure...because people in complete control would jump into a thread they had nothing to do with, talk shit, not quote anyone so that their posts won't get a response, and then troll.
Yeah, it's not that difficult for me...but it sure seems difficult for you.

Sure...because people in complete control would jump into a thread they had nothing to do with, talk shit, not quote anyone so that their posts won't get a response, and then troll.
I was here before you...Check your PMs...
Not on this thread, dipshit.

My first post on this thread was #5.

Check the thread indeed.
you were "here" first bad... But I understood the OP before you did...,;)It hilariously went right ever your head...And you're still lost...
Should be noted that you reached out to me via PM because you're that much of a troll.

That's right, everyone...

McRocket/Arminius/sock-of-the-day PM'd me because he wanted to start his shitty arguments over via private messages where no one could see him faceplant over and over and over again, as he did on every thread he's picked to butt into.

1) My goal yesterday was to set you off.
As you are an insane, disgusting troll.
I would call this *mission accomplished*



Have a nice day.

Note - for the record. I have never been 'Arminius' or any other person on here.
1) My goal yesterday was to set you off.
As you are an insane, disgusting troll.
I would call this *mission accomplished*

"My goal was to troll, but you're the troll" says the guy who PM'd me to have the exact same debate he lost on the public thread.
So you are admitting to being a troll, then.

I am admitting that I know how to get under your skin.

We are done here...for now.

Have a nice day.

Oh...I am not exactly sure what I PM'd to you.
But feel free to post the 2-3 PM's on here if you wish.
I give you official permission.

BTW - LV426?
What is the 426?
Your weight?
