Like your incel buddy? LOL
What Incels think will happen if they have sex with a woman NSFW
I don't know that guy.
Like your incel buddy? LOL
What Incels think will happen if they have sex with a woman NSFW
I don't know that guy.
Bingo. In addition it causes you to question *everything* they say. Which is the real you, when you say one thing in private and the opposite in public? You know that this is a dishonest person who can't be trusted, no matter how loudly they proclaim their sanity and honesty.
Sane and honest ppl have no need to bleat it repeatedly.
Not so brave once your incel buddies left you, eh? LOL
You think i'm brave?
I never knew.
Not without your friends standing in front of you, Fredo.
Im the tip of the spear. you know that.
^^^ You just proved you lied about being a pacifist, dipshit.
Go play with your suicide belt.
Nothing wrong with me except I finally stood up against what I see as wrong. I tired of reading the constant bullying here for years and I said something.Lig's behavior changed recently. I suspect she's experiencing stress at home for some reason.
it's a metaphor.
i abhor actual violence.
like going back to the dry well of 1/6 over and over?
Nothing wrong with me except I finally stood up against what I see as wrong. I tired of reading the constant bullying here for years and I said something.
Wrong is wrong. I will never buy someone deserves this crap for 10 years. Nope, I see who does the constant haranguing and baiting -- and it ain't TOP. You know it and I know it.
There you go. Now, call me some names or post some pictures. lol. I will not respond. I don't care.
Nothing wrong with me except I finally stood up against what I see as wrong. I tired of reading the constant bullying here for years and I said something.
Wrong is wrong. I will never buy someone deserves this crap for 10 years. Nope, I see who does the constant haranguing and baiting -- and it ain't TOP. You know it and I know it.
There you go. Now, call me some names or post some pictures. lol. I will not respond. I don't care.
Why is its dry well you fucking black pill boy?
Agreed wrong is wrong but you're the one doing the wrong here. You choose sides then bitch about people choosing sides. You complain about trolls, liars and harassers then you troll, lie and harass. It's irrational and, as noted previously, not your usual behavior.
There's no way for me to know for sure, but when a person's behavior changes and stays changed for a few days, it indicates change in their life.
There's an infinite number of metaphors, numbnuts, but you deliberately chose the violent one. You are lying.
Once a liar, always a liar, Fredo.
He's passing the lie that it was just a tourist visit, a peaceful protest that 140 whiny cops and all the Libruls are saying wasn't peaceful at all.
It's the Big Lie and Fredo is on the tip of the spear spreading it and all the hate and violence that goes with it.
We'll have to agree to disagree.
Im the tip of the spear. you know that.
Why is its dry well you fucking black pill boy?