Blackouts possible this summer due to heat and extreme weather, officials warn

Global Warming is real

  • Agreed. NASA details the evidence and causes

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Disagreed as proved by Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe - I'm still thinking about it

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters
Our nation has always benefitted from two sound opposing POV's. Pelosi was hammered by her own party for admitting that fact:
Nancy Pelosi: U.S. Needs Strong Republican Party, Not a Cult

She's absolutely right.

If the Civil Rights Act, Social Security, Medicare, or the EPA were up for consideration now, we'd be hosed. Not a single (R) with maybe the exceptions of Romney, Murkowski, and Snowe, would vote for them.
She's absolutely right.

If the Civil Rights Act, Social Security, Medicare, or the EPA were up for consideration now, we'd be hosed. Not a single (R) with maybe the exceptions of Romney, Murkowski, and Snowe, would vote for them.

Unfortunately most likely true. When Republican leaders are eroding our own election system and supporting a traitor who attempted a coup, then the Republican Party has most certainly changed from the days of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan.
:rolleyes: Looks to me like that ship done sailed.

13 Nobel Prize-winning economists endorse Biden
“While each of us has different views on the particulars of various economic policies, we believe that Biden’s overall economic agenda will improve our nation’s health, investment, sustainability, resilience, employment opportunities, and fairness and be vastly superior to the counterproductive economic policies of Donald Trump,” they wrote.

"On issue after issue, Biden’s economic agenda will do far more than Donald Trump’s to increase the economic strength and well-being of our nation and its people.”

And how much economic experience do you have Mr Dillon?

Biden has done an excellent job bringing this country back into the fold globally and bringing the world together in the Ukrainian war. Something the arrogant and ignorant asshole before him could never have done.

Putin was astonished how when talking to Trump he had to explain everything. Bolton, one of Trumps men said Trump sat down one day and seriously asked him if Finland was part of Russia? He said he didn't think Trump could point to the Ukraine on the map if asked. Biden is so much more intelligent, worldly and experienced at leading than Trump that the right today has to try and make the argument that Biden is losing it which could not be further from the truth. Today leaders of both Japan and South Korea are saying it's nice to have someone who can actually carry on an intelligent conversation once again leading the United States.
And how much economic experience do you have Mr Dillon?

13 Nobel Prize-winning economists endorse Biden
“While each of us has different views on the particulars of various economic policies, we believe that Biden’s overall economic agenda will improve our nation’s health, investment, sustainability, resilience, employment opportunities, and fairness and be vastly superior to the counterproductive economic policies of Donald Trump,” they wrote.

"On issue after issue, Biden’s economic agenda will do far more than Donald Trump’s to increase the economic strength and well-being of our nation and its people.”

Biden has done an excellent job bringing this country back into the fold globally and bringing the world together in the Ukrainian war. Something the arrogant and ignorant asshole before him could never have done.

Putin was astonished how when talking to Trump he had to explain everything. Bolton, one of Trumps men said Trump sat down one day and seriously asked him if Finland was part of Russia? He said he didn't think Trump could point to the Ukraine on the map if asked. Biden is so much more intelligent, worldly and experienced at leading than Trump that the right today has to try and make the argument that Biden is losing it which could not be further from the truth. Today leaders of both Japan and South Korea are saying it's nice to have someone who can actually carry on an intelligent conversation once again leading the United States.

^Argument from Authority fallacy.

"Appeal to authority

Definition: Often we add strength to our arguments by referring to respected sources or authorities and explaining their positions on the issues we’re discussing. If, however, we try to get readers to agree with us simply by impressing them with a famous name or by appealing to a supposed authority who really isn’t much of an expert, we commit the fallacy of appeal to authority.

Example: “We should abolish the death penalty. Many respected people, such as actor Guy Handsome, have publicly stated their opposition to it.” While Guy Handsome may be an authority on matters having to do with acting, there’s no particular reason why anyone should be moved by his political opinions—he is probably no more of an authority on the death penalty than the person writing the paper."

Your point is moot, shithead.

Either you're ignorant or a liar; Which is it?

I move it's the latter. You know damn well Trump fixed problems with the country's fuel supply and Biden undid all the fixing; yet you lie like a fucking rug about it because you're

a partisan shitbag that don't give a fuck about Americans at all.

You can't possibly "fix a countries fuel supply inside of 2-3 years". It takes 8 years of a constantly improving economy like we had with Obama to accomplish such a feat. He is the one who inherited an unemployment rate of 10 (from a republican) and turned it into below 5 in two terms, not Trump. Trump was handed an economy in excellent shape and did nothing but increase the debt and leave us today talking about a recession. That isn't Biden's doing, it takes a lot longer than 1 1/2 years to fix the fuck-ups Trump left him with. Nothing happens inside of 2 years that can be really attributed to the current president. Even if Trump let oil companies drill wherever they wanted to and paid them to do so they could not increase production in a year and a half! It takes damn near that long to set up the drill and start getting the oil to market to have any effect whatsoever. If we had record production under Trump it damn sure was not his doing.

We went through 2 years of a pandemic where our oil consumption dropped like a rock. What the fuck do you think oil companies were doing? Now it's nearly over and everyone is driving and demand goes through the roof and prices skyrocket and the right thinks it's Biden's fault? Only the fucking ignorant buy that bullshit.
You can't possibly "fix a countries fuel supply inside of 2-3 years". It takes 8 years of a constantly improving economy like we had with Obama to accomplish such a feat. He is the one who inherited an unemployment rate of 10 (from a republican) and turned it into below 5 in two terms, not Trump. Trump was handed an economy in excellent shape and did nothing but increase the debt and leave us today talking about a recession. That isn't Biden's doing, it takes a lot longer than 1 1/2 years to fix the fuck-ups Trump left him with. Nothing happens inside of 2 years that can be really attributed to the current president. Even if Trump let oil companies drill wherever they wanted to and paid them to do so they could not increase production in a year and a half! It takes damn near that long to set up the drill and start getting the oil to market to have any effect whatsoever. If we had record production under Trump it damn sure was not his doing.

We went through 2 years of a pandemic where our oil consumption dropped like a rock. What the fuck do you think oil companies were doing? Now it's nearly over and everyone is driving and demand goes through the roof and prices skyrocket and the right thinks it's Biden's fault? Only the fucking ignorant buy that bullshit.

Only the ignorant would buy your bullshit. Joe Biden constricted American fuel production on day 1 of his presidency, and now he's trying to buy from Venezuela due

to his own policies causing a shorfall in American fuel supply.

That's where we're at right now and you can fuck off with your bullshit.

Plain truth will always win over sophisticated lies.
^Argument from Authority fallacy.

"Appeal to authority

Definition: Often we add strength to our arguments by referring to respected sources or authorities and explaining their positions on the issues we’re discussing. If, however, we try to get readers to agree with us simply by impressing them with a famous name or by appealing to a supposed authority who really isn’t much of an expert, we commit the fallacy of appeal to authority.

Example: “We should abolish the death penalty. Many respected people, such as actor Guy Handsome, have publicly stated their opposition to it.” While Guy Handsome may be an authority on matters having to do with acting, there’s no particular reason why anyone should be moved by his political opinions—he is probably no more of an authority on the death penalty than the person writing the paper."

Your point is moot, shithead.

That's funny. That should be the right-wing motto, "Never appeal to authority" or "Never listen to those most knowledgeable on the subject of anything".

Do you go to a doctor when sick or appeal to your neighbor with the Fuck Biden flag in his front yard?
Only the ignorant would buy your bullshit. Joe Biden constricted American fuel production on day 1 of his presidency, and now he's trying to buy from Venezuela.

That's where we're at right now and you can fuck off with your bullshit.

Only an idiot thinks any President can wave a wand and fix everything that is wrong with America. I blame these assholes for most of our problems...and the people who voted for them:

That's funny. That should be the right-wing motto, "Never appeal to authority" or "Never listen to those most knowledgeable on the subject of anything".

Do you go to a doctor when sick or appeal to your neighbor with the Fuck Biden flag in his front yard?

Most of them are hypocrites; they bitch about handouts then take every handout offered. They bitch about doctors then ask for a doctor whenever they have a boo-boo. They scream "Make America Great Again" then spend all day bitching about our great nation and seeking to tear it down.
That's funny. That should be the right-wing motto, "Never appeal to authority" or "Never listen to those most knowledgeable on the subject of anything".

Do you go to a doctor when sick or appeal to your neighbor with the Fuck Biden flag in his front yard?

Hey fuckstick; How is those "13 Nobel prize economists" pick doing with the American economy?

Inflation highest in 40 years? Gas prices the highest ever? Food and commodity shortages?

Looks to me like they don't know about much. They picked a guy that has fucked up the economy so bad, it's hard to fathom it being worse.

But hold onto your ass, cupcake; Because it WILL get worse before summer's out.
Hey fuckstick; How is those "13 Nobel prize economists" pick doing with the American economy?

Inflation highest in 40 years? Gas prices the highest ever? Food and commodity shortages?

Looks to me like they don't know about much. They picked a guy that has fucked up the economy so bad, it's hard to fathom it being worse.

But hold onto your ass, cupcake; Because it WILL get worse before summer's out.

^^^ Believes all this began after January 20th, 2021.
Only an idiot thinks any President can wave a wand and fix everything that is wrong with America. I blame these assholes for most of our problems...and the people who voted for them:


Biden waved a pen and fucked the world economy. It shouldn't be even possible, but somehow it is.

two states with the biggest investment in wind energy are Iowa and Wyoming......I'm not aware of blackouts in either.....

what puzzles me is California, which has brown outs with a declining population base.......perhaps illegals use more electricity than legals because that seems to be the only demographic still growing in CA.......

naybe the term "biggest" explains the difference. Others may be less successful at gauging out output and thus come up short.
naybe the term "biggest" explains the difference. Others may be less successful at gauging out output and thus come up short.

California is the most populous state. Other variables are the coldness of winters and the hotness of summers.


Weather is a significant driver of residential electricity sales in the United States. During the summer, warm weather increases electricity consumption in homes as residents use air conditioners, fans, dehumidifiers, and other equipment to maintain comfortable temperatures. During the winter, colder temperatures increase consumption as residents turn on heating equipment to keep their homes warm.

The extent to which cold weather influences residential electricity demand during the winter depends on home heating fuel choices. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, about 39% of U.S. homes use electricity as their primary heating source.

Per capita U.S. residential electricity use varied widely across the states in 2020, from 2,018 kWh per person in Hawaii to 6,663 kWh per person in Louisiana. Nearly all of the states with the highest residential electricity sales per capita, such as Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi, are in the South census region, where air conditioning and electric space heating are most prevalent. About 64% of southern homes heat primarily with electricity, compared with about 25% of homes outside of the South.

The only state with relatively high per capita residential electricity use outside of the South is North Dakota, which has the coldest average annual temperature in the Lower 48 states. About 41% of homes in North Dakota heat with electricity.

In 2020, per capita residential electricity use decreased in many of the states where electricity is widely used for home heating, including many states in the South. In 2020, the District of Columbia’s per capita residential electricity use fell 4% compared with 2019, a larger decrease than for any of the states, followed by Arkansas (-4%) and North Dakota, Indiana, North Carolina, South Dakota, and Missouri (-3% each).

However, per capita residential electricity use rose significantly in the West census region; many states in this region experienced their warmest summers on record in 2020. Arizona’s per capita residential electricity use increased 10% compared with 2019, the largest increase of any state, followed by Nevada, Alaska, and California (9% each).
It's going to be a long hot summer. How many Global Warming converts will vote Democratic at the end of it? :cool:
Blackouts possible this summer due to heat and extreme weather, officials warn
By Tyler Mauldin, CNN | Posted - May 20, 2022 at 10:04 p.m.

All of them. The Church of Global Warming stems from the Church of Karl Marx.
You poll is left unanswered, since you did not provide the correct options.

It is not possible for any gas or vapor to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing.
It’s going to be hot with a chance of blackouts
After millions of Americans went without power due to cold, heat, wildfires and hurricanes last year, we wrote here about the need to pay attention to the power grid.

This year, blackouts will probably be back
CNN’s Tyler Mauldin, a meteorologist, wrote this week about a stark warning from NERC, the regulating authority that oversees the health of the nation’s electrical infrastructure.

In a reliability assessment for the coming summer, NERC predicted that excessive temperatures and ongoing drought could cause the power grid to buckle.

The high temperatures will increase demand for electricity.

Meanwhile, drought conditions will reduce the amount of power available.

Bottom line: The US power grid does not react well to extreme temperatures, either cold or heat, but more extreme temperatures are guaranteed because of the climate crisis.

There is no national power grid. The SDTC is not the U.S., and is has not been a State of the Union for many years now.
Apparently you don't seem to realize that temperatures in the northern hemisphere are warmer in the summer than the winter.

'Climate crisis' is a meaningless buzzword.
We are not to mention that the grid needs something like $2 trillion in investment, and that we dont have enough electric production capacity, nor that there is a big push for intermittent energy production.

Its global warmings fault, because it cant be our leaders fault.

Most places have sufficient power sources. One big exception is the SDTC.