Oh thank you I did the math and guess what? It's you. Nazi. The nazi party was all about white supremacy and authoritarian rule. That's what you are all about, not me!
Nice try whitey, didn't work in 2020 and not now
98% of the millions of people the Nazis killed were WHITE. The Nazis closest ally was Japan, they're ASIANS!
The Nazis created a mythological Aryan Race and history, just like the 1619 myth created by you DemSoc fascists.
It is the Dems who try to pack the SCOTUS, eliminate the electoral college, oppose States 10th rights, create Race hoaxes, use public schools for State indoctrination, buylly and threaten citizens to serve a one party rule Socialist State, try to take away the peoples right to firearms, create massive gov't, media and speech censorship, and a massive welfare State.
You can't have Authoritarianism without a Massive Gov't. Liberal used to mean small limited gov't. Now in socialist Orwellian fashion, it means exactly the opposite.![]()
Really? hitler the white christian supremacist didn't see Jews, Russian/Slavs as white or human
BD's trying to get my attention. I have her on ignore, poor bitch.
"New York Magazine
Sanders’s ‘Secret Weapon:’ Strong Latino Support
Sanders narrowly led Biden with Hispanics in a New York Times/Siena ... According to Morning Consult, Bernie is leading Joe Biden among ..."
"The Hill
Ocasio-Cortez to deliver keynote address in Spanish-language Sanders town hall | TheHill
Ocasio-Cortez will host the event, named “Unidos Con Bernie Reunión ... campaign for Congress is because Bernie Sanders proved you can run a ... a strong showing in Nevada, where his appeal to Hispanics and the state's"
The Hill
Buttigieg edges out Sanders, Warren to top new Iowa poll | TheHill
South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D) has a small lead in a new survey of Iowa, but Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) are close ...
Maybe blacks really are that cognitively inferior.
Trapped in Dem cities, families destroyed by dem policies, denied a real education by dems, inundated with leftist media race hoaxes, scared of what the white libs will do to them if they leave the dem plantation.
The scientists have not been allowed to study the conative differences between the established groups.....you can pretty much bet that this is because the truth is not what the VICTIM CULTURE CULT claims it is, has long claimed that it is.
I am a Truth Teller...I deal in truth....and I argue that the rest of you should as well.
FantasyLand is for Dopes!
I think Racial Jungles Joe got 43% of the White vote if exit polls are to be believed. And according to the white libs, they are the sophisticated, college educated Whites.![]()
There is a huge difference in cognitive ability in humans, there is zero reason to expect that there are no differences between the races, though of course the Victim Culture Cult assures us that there are none, that differences in result must be because of racism, as they prevent science from investigating the matter.
Yet, supposedly the smartest Whites voted for chain whippin' Biden.
Ashkenazi Jews score the highest average on IQ tests.
People can be book smart and totally lack wisdom and common sense.
Yet, supposedly the smartest Whites voted for chain whippin' Biden.
Ashkenazi Jews score the highest average on IQ tests.
People can be book smart and totally lack wisdom and common sense.