Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Yep, sounds familiar. Good summary.
Interesting. So he didn't drop dead of COVID or a heart attack. It still doesn't explain his sudden and complete departure.
Yep, sounds familiar. Good summary.
Interesting. So he didn't drop dead of COVID or a heart attack. It still doesn't explain his sudden and complete departure.
Bullies and frauds hate being exposed and mocked for what they are. Why do you think Minty hates me so much, for allegedly exposing her new squeeze?![]()
Some people don't like being told the obvious truth. I don't understand it but that's how they react.
Speaking of Lig, we touched upon an interesting disagreement in which I'd like your opinion: Do you believe you can learn and assess a person's personality online without any personal contact?
Lig believes no and I believe yes then gave the Turing Test as an example.
There was one here just last year. Remember Capt. Underpants aka Rev. Hellhound aka Big Mouth Dollar? lol
I don't either. It's very weird. The thing is, no one would probably question it except for when they use their made-up career or fictitious wealth or fabulous home in an affluent area or huge armory to denigrate and/or threaten other posters. It's simply delightful when one of the braggarts gets exposed as a complete fraud, isn't it?
And some are in their 60s and *still* pretending to be all that, while bitterly envying everyone else who really has the claimed life, career, family, education, credentials, etc. Remember BullshitBob?
That would be a realistic purpose but I believe it's secondary for most. Most, IMO, have self-esteem issues, primarily feeling less than others. They'd bolster themselves with a fictitious background as a means of defense but that could easily become an offensive weapon as you pointed out. It seems such people eventually go to far and implode.
Example: Great American/Terri4Trump.
On a side note, notice how many are RWers. Except for the sock Tigerred, I don't know of any (allegedly) LWers doing this. Rambos are almost always RW.
Agreed. What percentage of them are wackadoodles? I'm thinking it's pushing 100%.
In Bob's case, I think there's an element of truth there (i.e. he worked for NASA). Obviously something went sour in his life (e.g. mental illness/alcoholism) and he's sunk into the gutter. It's not an optimal solution for happiness.
Speaking of which, while a psycho can be happy harassing and trolling others, their life isn't happy. If we each rank other members on a happiness scale, would all the trolls and haters be grouped toward the bottom of that scale? Yes, IMO. I have no doubt the majority of those who regularly participate on The Nice Thread are generally happier and better-adjusted than on other competing threads in that category. Their posts prove it by their focus on positivity instead of negativity.
Given a long enough period of time, of course you can accurately assess them. Twelve years is plenty of time, is it not?
Minty's problem is that she suffers from terminal cognitive bias. Once she gets an idea in her pointy little head, that's it. No amount of evidence will ever chip a hole in that block of granite. It's what makes her the perfect mark for grifters like DeathSantis and #TRE45ON. She IS the perfect Trump Diva (one of her many former names).
Where would you rank me,Unc?
You can hide behind anonymity in any online platform. What perplexes people who basically troll here 24/7. Like Volsrock and Grokmaster.. where do they get the energy? There is no way they could ever exist in the real world like they behave here.
My brother's air force career involved sitting at a desk and managing contracts, but he never tried to pass himself off as a hero risking his life for the nation.
Without clinical psychological evaluations, I always assumed exaggerated and grandiose message board bluster was linked to a lack of self esteem.
Matt Dillon thought I was a "millennial"It was one of the rare times I thanked him!
HOLY SHIT! Rev Hellhound? He's here? Yah he got his ass banned from DP like over a year ago. He completely came unglued in a section of our forum called, "The Basement". He started quoting suspended people so they'd come back from their suspension and have to weed through his spam to catch up. Yah. That guy was a major tool! He bragged about how well off he was and talked about all the stuff he supposedly had.
Was he banned from here?
That's because he's basing his evaluation by your level of maturity as I do.
No, he just quit posting. The last screen name that he used was "Captain Underdog" which of course had to become Capt. Underpants. lol
He did the same things here, along with stalking various ppl. He even went so far to claim that he came up here where we live and wanted us to meet him at a bar so he could beat us up. He gave the name of the bar (one he randomly googled) and what time he would supposedly be there. Little did he know that one of my school friends is a server there. Predictably, he did not show. When exposed, he vanished shortly thereafter. He also had mods from another forum coming here to report on his trolling and doxing activities. He's a mess.
HOLY SHIT! Rev Hellhound? He's here? Yah he got his ass banned from DP like over a year ago. He completely came unglued in a section of our forum called, "The Basement". He started quoting suspended people so they'd come back from their suspension and have to weed through his spam to catch up. Yah. That guy was a major tool! He bragged about how well off he was and talked about all the stuff he supposedly had.
Was he banned from here?
So you consider your judgement on the same level as Matt's. I thought so too. Good that you're finally at peace with it.